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Watched the last Harry Potter movie again


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I do too.  alan rickman was so well cast for the part.




I recently finished reading/watching the entire series with dudeling.  (and realized, I didn't have the very last movie on dvd.  dd was living with us when it came out and she bought a copy.  it's not like we needed two . . . then she took it with her when she moved out.)

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I love this thread. :-)

Dd9 is reading the series for the first time. I'm rereading it for the... 10th time? I love Snape in the book. I found his appearances in the movie to be ... choppy. But I do think he was well cast.

Dd simply cannot understand why I like Snape given that he is so mean to Harry. the more I read the series, the more I see how complex he is. And he is such a complex character for a Childs book. He really challenges everything you think you know (but of course, not until you finish book seven).

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I love Snape so much. I'm a sucker for the tortured soul. I do think Alan Rickman is well cast. I've never liked him much in anything else, but Snape he carries off well. DD is halfway through book 7 & I'm desperate for her to finish so we can watch the final movies (then rewatch them all in a marathon ;) ).

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I love Snape so much. I'm a sucker for the tortured soul. I do think Alan Rickman is well cast. I've never liked him much in anything else, but Snape he carries off well. DD is halfway through book 7 & I'm desperate for her to finish so we can watch the final movies (then rewatch them all in a marathon ;) ).

Oh I loved Alan Rickman in Sense and Sensibility!

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Oh I loved Alan Rickman in Sense and Sensibility!

Does anyone remember the Kevin Costner version of Robin Hood? Rickman was a very good bad guy. I'd love to watch that again but DH would seriously laugh at me.

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I love Alan Rickman! Sense and Sensibility is the only work of his I can think of in which he was a nice guy. 


I really don't get the Snape love though. He was not a nice person at all. While he is certainly a complex character, he did the right thing for the wrong reasons and he was obsessed with Lily. Obsession is not love. I think had she lived, he'd have become her stalker.



I discover more in them on each re-read, I treasure them so very much.



Ds and I spent a lot of time in the car during his earlier homeschool years, and we'd listen to all of the audio cd's  over and over. One of us (usually him) would discover something or question something each time we listened.




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We listened to the audio books this year. The girls read the books continually it seems, and we've seen the movies a few times. What struck me about Snape this time through is how far short he fell from what he could have been. During The Half Blood Prince, I was thinking about how much Harry learned from him (unknowlingly) by reading his old potions book. This is probably thinking too much like a teacher, but I was just struck by how useless he was as a classroom teacher--he could have taught his students so much, but instead he was a bully, played favorites, and misused his power.

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 I really struggle with James Potter.


I do too, and with Sirius as well. Out of that whole group though, James is the one who led a charmed life and had the least excuses. I like that Harry never really accepted the "He was young/We were young." excuse. As he pointed out, they were the same age he and his friends were at the time.

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I love Alan Rickman! Sense and Sensibility is the only work of his I can think of in which he was a nice guy. 


I really don't get the Snape love though. He was not a nice person at all. While he is certainly a complex character, he did the right thing for the wrong reasons and he was obsessed with Lily. Obsession is not love. I think had she lived, he'd have become her stalker.




Ds and I spent a lot of time in the car during his earlier homeschool years, and we'd listen to all of the audio cd's  over and over. One of us (usually him) would discover something or question something each time we listened.


I thought he was great in galaxy quest and hitchhikers guide.


it's not that snape is nice (he most certainly is not) - it's that he is very complex, and that makes him more interesting. he's almost a conundrum.  (and of course, dumbledore isn't as saintly as he first appears.)


his obsessions with lily when they were children is sad (especially as he did much to scare petunia) - and left me with the impression he was in a seriously dysfunctional home and he saw lily as an anchor where he could fantasize about normality.  but as he grew up, he made poor choices that built upon each other as he veered further and further from someone lily could like.  I agree, he could well have ended up stalking her.  (or even killing james to get to her.)


I felt his immediate and extreme hatred of harry was because harry looked like james - and it was the tortured boy in him taking his revenge on his dead tormentor. certainly not a sign of healthy maturity.


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So happy to read this thread. I have a nasty cold and will not contribute because my thougths are fuzzy. But love, love, love thinking about the brilliance of J. K. Rowling in creating such a complex character - you hate, you love, you do not understand him at all, but you totally get him in the end. How many people in real life do we meet that we never get to know thier whole story. I love reading great stories with outstanding characters. 

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