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Anyone choose not to test?

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Hi all! Im so happy to find such an active community of homeschoolers! I am curious if any of you choose not to do standardized tests. In the state of CO if you are a CHEC member the parent can give an in depth evaluation and that satisfies the requirement. I am thinking of going this route since year before last the tests created so much stress. Any input you have is greatly appreciated!!



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We are not required to test.  So we don't test.  When the kids are in High School I will help them prepare for the SAT/ACT in whatever way seems appropriate at that time.  Otherwise, nope, no standardized testing.  I agree, it can cause tremendous stress and I honestly think it does very little to actually determine how well a child is doing in their educational journey, especially in the younger grades.  Others disagree, and that's fine.  I just don't see any benefit for my kids.  


Best wishes. :)

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I test to prevent text anxiety. Our tests have no consequences except that school "gets out" earlier each day we test and we celebrate a finished test with ice cream. If your children already have test anxiety, I would work to help them get over that.


Ditto. We plan to test for familiarization with test taking/procedure, to reduce anxiety, and for entrance to special programs (e.g. talent search). 

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Wow thanks for all the responses! The year we did test it just didnt feel right to me. Half the results got lost in the mail so we had to retake the math portion in the middle of the summer which pretty much made the math results invalid. Im going to try the evaluations and see how it goes.



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I wouldn't test if it weren't required in certain grades in my state. I only find them of extremely limited use, because I don't feel that they reflect what my children have actually learned.


However, taking tests to be used as practice for future important tests -- that does make some sense to me. The silver lining.

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Nope.  No plan for testing until we start getting ready for the ACT in high school.  Even then, I'm not 100% sure all of my kids will even take that.  We are right down the highway from a great community college and we plan to do that for a couple of years first.  


My kids aren't learning the same things/at the same rate as they learn in public school, so I'm not sure a standardized test is going to tell me anything I don't already know.


If they are interested in taking the ACT, I do plan to do serious test prep, though.  

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We are required to test in 3rd, 6th and 9th, though I can opt out. We do test through our umbrella school, just to get used to the process and not have it be stressful later when it can have important effects. Dd thinks it is fun. She gets to take a lunch, sees lots of friends and has a change of pace day.


It is inexpensive and no hassle for me. The results come only to me and are interesting.

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We don't usually test, but we don't have to.


In states with two options, the test us usually the much easier option. I would think about testing more to head off the anxiety rather than trying to work around it. Though I can't say I've been great about doing that myself.

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I test to prevent text anxiety. Our tests have no consequences except that school "gets out" earlier each day we test and we celebrate a finished test with ice cream. If your children already have test anxiety, I would work to help them get over that.




Our state requires yearly testing, but we have used the requirement as an opportunity to have positive, low-pressure experiences with testing.


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No testing requirement here.  The first test my older two ever took in their lives as the community college placement test (everyone who want to enroll has to take it no matter what.) We didn't do any test prep at all because I wasn't interested in getting their scores as high as possible, I was interested in what they actually knew or didn't know.  They did really well.

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We have an "evaluation" requirement.  I have to test, get an outside evaluator to write a letter, or provide external grades.  


For me, testing is the easiest and least expensive option.  An outside evaluator would be more expensive, and because I teach them math and English, external grades are out.


I've never found standardized testing to be a big deal, but mine test well.  I used the shorter tests (CAT-E and then PASS) when they were little.  Once they started taking the college tests, we use that.

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No testing requirements here. I tested my oldest last year at the end of 4th grade for the first time. Gave him the SAT10. It was really no big deal. I gave it myself. My son doesn't have test anxiety, since he's never learned that tests should be scary. If I lived in a state that required test or evaluation, I'd totally go with testing for this child. I will probably wait until 3rd or 4th grade to test kid #2 for the first time... he's a late bloomer in the LA department. I don't plan to do testing every year, as the testing isn't really useful at all. It's more practice taking tests and understanding that they're not a big deal. I didn't have any real surprises from my oldest's test last year. He tested very well. We don't have to turn in scores to anyone, so even if he hadn't done well, no one but me and his dad would have known.

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