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What sweet act have you witnessed recently?

Laura Corin

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I was at Aldi yesterday, and vaguely noticed a young woman going round with a young baby in a front carrier.  When I came to the check out, she was two people ahead of me.  I was staring into the distance when I heard her say, 'I was wondering how I was going to do that up.'  She had her foot propped up, and the elderly man in front of me was doing up her shoelace.  I heard him say, 'I wouldn't want you to trip over.'  He must have just noticed her predicament, and offered to do up her shoe.


What have you seen?



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My gymnast daughter is the de facto leader of her team. She is one of the oldest, she is kind to the younger girls, and they and their parents adore her. When a little girl is injured, the girls and their parents often look to her for advice and commiseration because, regardless of the injury, she has probably had it. So when she hyperextended a knee in practice this week and was icing it, three of the littles came over to sit with her and tell her their stories of hyperextended knees. I thought that was adorable, that they were sort of paying it forward.

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My dad is very frail right now and unable to drive. He is starting to get a little confused. The other day I reminded him about mom's birthday. He immediately pulled out his cell phone to get the florist shop number. He than asked me what kind of flowers it was he likes to get mom for her birthday. I reminded him it was Daisy's. I was supposed to take him to the florist shop on Saturday to pick them up. Well I went somewhere Saturday and totally forgot.  I remembered about a half hour before they closed.  I called and reminded him hoping maybe he could find someone to go pick them up for him. Well, I got home and dad had WALKED  to the florist shop to pick up the flowers. While there he found a few other things he thought mom would like. When he checked out he realized he would not be able to carry it all home.  So the lady at the florist shop stopped what she was doing to give dad a ride home. It was so sweet to come home and see how happy dad was at being able to do something special for mom for her birthday. I was so grateful to the florist for helping dad home. 

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Last Sunday our church had the kids in sunday school make bags to give out to people who are asking for money or food at stoplights. (Fairly common occurrence around here.) The bags have water, and food items that can easily be eaten without a stove or utensils. I went to Costco to buy all the supplies. At the checkout I was loading it all onto the belt and the woman in the next line began commenting on all the boxes of Vienna Sausages I had. She finally asked me if it was for a big party (I think she thought pigs in a blanket). I told her about the project. Then the older woman in line behind me asked me if she had heard right and that the food was for the homeless. I said yes. She insisted on giving me $20 to help out and said she isn't able to do much but she wanted to do something.


I was really touched by that gesture as she didn't outwardly look like someone who it would be easy to give $20 away. (I'm not judging her, just saying that she didn't appear to be wealthy. She may have been but it was even more touching to me that if she wasn't that she was willing to give to a stranger.) 



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I was actually in Aldi with my 4 youngest kids on Thursday. We were standing in line and Ds10 was talking with the lady ahead of us, telling her how excited he was because tomorrow was his dad's birthday and he had brought $1 to buy Dad a birthday gift. Then dd8 showed the lady the 5 quarters ($1.25) that she had found in the van and was going to buy a birthday gift with that, etc., etc. (They aren't shy :) )


So I was paying for the groceries when the lady was walking out and out of the corner of my eye I saw her come up to ds10 and put something in his hand and then hurry off. When I got to ds, he showed me that the lady had given him $15 cash to "buy something extra nice" for dad.


I nearly broke down right there.

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Not what I saw, but what I did, this is not really like me to do this either.

Last Friday, I took my children to the dentist office that we go to, it's at a Community Health Clinic as well and there was an older gentleman that was there for an appointment, but he was at the wrong location, it was about six blocks away where he needed to be, it was 2:00 and his appointment was at 2:45, they told him if he walked fast, he could make it, he said he could hop on a bus and they said that would be about an hour and then he was going to reschedule and wanted to get in Monday and they told him it wouldn't be that soon, I was waiting to check my children in at the Dental Clinic window and I decided that I would offer to give the man a ride over to the building that he was to be at.  So I walked up and told him that I had kids I was checking in (their all old enough to wait on their own) and that in just a few minutes I would give him a ride and that he would be there by 2:45.  He was very grateful and went outside to wait and the ladies were like, oh that was so kind of you and so were the other patients waiting.  I just felt it was what I was supposed to do.  He looked pretty harmless and I took my 15 year old son with me. 



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Punk, who is my oldest with ASD, was having a major bout of anxiety beyond what is normal for him. Sister, who normally fights with him over the fact that he is breathing, cuddled up with him on the chaise and rubbed his head for over an hour while watching a movie with him.

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I just took in an emergency foster placement last night. We don't usually have babies, so I was totally unprepared for an infant. I wrote a quick post to a local mom's group on Facebook asking if anyone had any extra baby stuff and within 10 minutes a bunch of strangers offered up clothes, bottles, diapers, baby gate, pack-and-play and stroller.

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A friend going from person to person after church shaking a paper cup for us to put money in. She never says a word, and she never judges.   She's one of those people who just knows who is in need in our parish, and we just dump money in her cup and let her take to where it is needed. No one is embarrassed.  I LOVE her.  


I have a reason for knowing where a lot of this has gone and it is multiple thousands of dollars and it is NEVER ever wasted.  



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I work one day a week at a little grocery down the street from my house. A few weeks ago an elderly man was buying a few groceries, just basic things like eggs and bread. He had a bag of cat food too, but when I totaled everything up he said he had to put the cat food back. It was clear he didn't have quite enough money. As he was taking his groceries out the people in line behind him bought the bag of cat food and took it out to him before they came back in to pay for their own groceries.

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