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Joan Rivers has passed...


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I'm sad for her daughter and grandson.  Her death was quite sudden as she had seemed so healthy and vibrant up until that point.


Really made me realize that even though my Dad is the one with cancer, my Mom also could go anytime.  She's the same age as Joan.


Rest in Peace.

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I am so sad to hear this.  I am sad for her family.  Whenever I was in a bad mood and in need of some snark, I would turn on "Fashion Police" and just laugh (and be embarrassed at the same time.)  She was a pioneer in many ways and lived a full and vibrant life. 


Me, too! There was nothing she wouldn't say on that show, and she was always hilarious (even when I felt guilty for laughing.) There was also no one she wouldn't make fun of, including herself, which is why her mocking of other people worked so well.

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I just saw her in concert literally two months ago. She was tearing across the stage for 2 whole hours by herself talking a mile-a-minute and she was AMAZING. So full of energy and life and, I know many people don't think so, but beautiful. I love a woman who dresses in old Hollywood feathers, sequins, and diamonds, but has the mouth of a sailor.


We had to stretch our budget for those tickets. I'm so glad we did.


The photos of her and Cooper's vacation this summer were just so much fun. I'm so glad he'll have those fantastic memories of time spent with his grandma. Poor baby.


She will really be missed.

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She was one of my favorites. I love smart, cranky, bossy women. I know some people thought of her as an insult comic, but I saw her more as deflating some very overinflated egos. As she got older and a bit less...inhibited? that changed a bit, especially in the last year or two. But, for the most part, I did not see her pick on anyone who didn't have 20 people around them filling their heads with hot air. You don't get very far in the entertainment industry without having a cast iron ego.


I always appreciated her work ethic and how she never let anything stop her from doing the work she felt called to do.


I agreed with Patton Oswald though, she deserved a better death. She should have gone out raging and loud.


But she was performing right up until the last, and that is something.

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