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Medical/End of Life/Cancer frustrations rant... Update #46


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Agreeing with others... I can't believe the drs. are hounding her about this.  It is her choice.   This makes me mad.  The doctor is bordering on being cruel.


I know it is too soon as things are raw...but I highly, highly recommend that everyone read "How We Die".  The author (a doctor) discusses his own personal epiphany (after some horrible experiences) that doctors often do more harm than good at the end of life.   This is in part because they themselves are hounded by the hospital admins. if they lose a patient.  Anyway, I can't emphasize it enough.. it's a very helpful book as we all face these issues with our loved ones.


Be your mom's advocate... and love her.  It can't be easy to say no in the face of such promises.  :grouphug:


edited to add the book link.


Forgot to say thank you for the book recommendation. I am ordering for me and one for each sister. It looks very helpful.



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I'm sorry that you are losing your mom, and also glad that her end-of-life wishes are going to be respected.


I know it's a difficult time, but if you can manage it, I would definitely consider writing letters to the state medical board, the hospital, and his practice (assuming he's in a group and not solo). It may prevent him from treating other patients this way in the future.



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  • 2 months later...

Well here we are in the Hospice House. She has had some issues at home but managed to bounce back each time.


She was up and about yesterday but took a turn for the worse last night. We are probably looking at the end or close to it. I just wanted to thank you ladies for the reassurances, especially about Hospice.


They have been the most amazing organization. Her three months since diagnosis have been good and this has been due mostly to the Hospice staff.


What a blessing they have been.



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