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At what age do you teach your kids to type?


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With my older two, I think they were in 4th grade?  But then younger wanted to do it too, and she was only about 6yo at the time.  They all ended up learning together.  I sometimes wonder if learning so very young hampered my younger dd's penmanship, as she didn't get the muscles built up from repeated practice (just the handwriting book isn't quite enough)...  her handwriting is finally getting a bit more legible... at 13yo.  She can type like a whiz, though!


I think there's no harm and some benefit till waiting till after their hand penmanship has been developed.  But it can be hard to make the younger ones wait!

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I waited too late and my son was already typing quite fast when I started.  He hated slowing down to learn properly so I dropped it.  He types about 50 wpm using his own - all fingers - method.


Well, I guess there's the harm in waiting!  How old was he by the time you started?


When my kids were little I strictly limited their free computer time, and started loosening up right about the time I had them learn typing, so they didn't have much reason to type quickly before then.


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We started the kids with typing last year (10 & 8).  They are both using the computer a bit now and I didn't want them to gain bad habits, so we started with Typing Instructor.  I don't think typing is difficult to learn as an older student - in fact, it's probably easier, as your hands are larger and better able to reach the keys from the home row.  We are not really strict about doing typing every single day at this point, it's more of just an intro for us to get them started on the basics.

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