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Tell me your experience with progesterone suppositories? UPDATE post #15


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After multiple miscarriages, seeing fertility docs and geneticist, we are pregnant. Newly so, too soon even to announce to anyone in the RW...so I am appealing here:)

Everything I have read seems to fail to link a successful pregnancy to the use of them. It is obviously very difficult to analyze cause and effect here. If a woman has multiple miscarriages without the supplements, then successfully carries to term a child with them, it is still not so simple, right? At this point it may even be a placebo effect for me as I am relieved to be doing SOMETHING that seems proactive.


So. Anecdotal evidence it is for now! Anybody want to chime in?

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I will give you two anecdotal experiences I've had.


My eldest was conceived via injectables and IUI 11 years ago.  My REs were at a top academic medical center, and at that time prescribed crinone prophylactically for the first 10 weeks or so for me.  I don't think there was fantastic evidence, but they preferred having that progesterone supplementation.  I am not certain if this was with all IUI cases or because I have PCOS and had an IUI.  I think they did it as standard protocol for all of their IUIs. 


My 2nd child was conceived without fertility meds very unexpectedly.  I had a very early positive pregnancy test.  I had recently moved, wasn't established with an ob/gyn or midwife yet, and basically called around and begged for a progesterone test just in case.  My p4 was very low.  If I remember correctly it was 6.  I was RX'd oral progesterone over the phone, but made an executive decision to use it vaginally.  I think I then got someone to call in crinone for me.  My DD is currently 7.  I am not sure if progesterone support helped her stick, but with a level of 6, it may have helped, who knows?  I know someone else in my life who had levels of like 5 and 7 with her sons and was supplemented and went on to have those two pregnancies stick. She also has PCOS.


With my 3rd, we sort of knew we'd be ttc, and I talked with my mws.  They suggested progesterone support from ovulation through my period arriving, but I had longer and somewhat irregular cycles (better now), and it wasn't always easy to know.  I think by the time I got a positive I had my progesterone checked and it was nice and high. 


I know the evidence isn't great at all, and my anecdotes are pretty meaningless, but I thought I'd share.  Best of luck to you.

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For my last pregnancy (#4) I had been seeing one of the best fertility docs in the U.S. He has amazing success & so I trusted his process completely. I started out at 5 weeks going in weekly for progesterone & hcg tests as well as ultrasounds. My progesterone was on the low end & even with high supplementation it took about a month to hit levels the dr. Was happy with. I was on 800 mg vaginally each day. I stayed on that supplement until around 15 weeks gestation & then weened off.


I ended up loosing the pregnancy around 16 weeks & we delivered him at 18 weeks. I had read a study that concluded an increase in miscarriage upon going off of the progesterone. Although, I spoke with 3 OB's & none agreed it was a concern.


This only happened two weeks ago so it's still fresh. I have wondered about the timing of stopping the progesterone but of course it could have been a coincidence. I've also wondered if the progesterone sustaned a pregnancy that wasn't ultimately viable resulting in a later miscarriage and complications for my health.


On the flip side I know others who have used progesterone after earlier miscarriages & have gone on to have healthy babies!


Sorry, I'm not much help with my experience with the progesterone. And I am so very sorry for your losses & I pray this pregnancy goes well for you!

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I miscarried first, then had a healthy baby (which was a miracle because I had MAJOR placenta issues that they didn't know about until she was born), then miscarried twins, then two more pregnancies that resulted in healthy babies.  After miscarrying the twins, fertility docs did a TON of genetic testing, etc to try to see if there was a reason I was miscarrying.  They did find that my progesterone was low, along with a couple of other minor things.  I had a high dose of vaginal progesterone with the last two pregnancies and a low dose of aspirin and something else that I can't remember for other issues that they found.  In my mind, the progesterone helped.  My first three pregnancies resulted in three lost babies and one healthy baby that shouldn't have been healthy according to what the docs told me.  My last two pregnancies, I had vaginal progesterone and two very healthy pregnancies and babies.  My experience says progesterone helps, although I realize that isn't always the case.  Praying you have a successful pregnancy!


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I had three miscarriages in a row. Then I had three healthy babies in a row, all with progesterone suppositories. I was a basketcase after all those miscarriages. Frankly, even if the progesterone did nothing physically, emotionally I needed first of all to know that I was doing everything I possibly could and second of all, yes, I believe I would have benefited from the potential placebo effect. I do not actually think it was a placebo effect for me, but it was calming just the same. 


Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy! 


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I had one loss and immediately used the suppositories when we found out we were expecting again.  That would be Liam. 


From what I understand, if it is not meant to be you can't reverse the inevitable. But, if the pregnancy just needs a little push, the hormones will help.  We did blood tests right away (before my first missed cycle) and I was monitored carefully with weekly blood draws for several weeks.  As PP mentioned, I wanted to do everything I could if only for the mental comfort. 

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I have PCOS, conceived twice with only metformin, but my progesterone was low both times. I supplemented vaginally for the first trimester and went on to have healthy pregnancies. In my anecdotal experience, it can only help. 

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I had three miscarriages in a row. Then I had three healthy babies in a row, all with progesterone suppositories. I was a basketcase after all those miscarriages. Frankly, even if the progesterone did nothing physically, emotionally I needed first of all to know that I was doing everything I possibly could and second of all, yes, I believe I would have benefited from the potential placebo effect. I do not actually think it was a placebo effect for me, but it was calming just the same.


Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

Thanks for this. It is exactly how I feel right now. After so many roller-coaster emotions and the eventual losses, I am just relieved to be doing everything I can. The wait is a nightmare. Every trip to the bathroom, KWIM? At least this time I will know that we have done everything humanly possible.

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Thanks for this. It is exactly how I feel right now. After so many roller-coaster emotions and the eventual losses, I am just relieved to be doing everything I can. The wait is a nightmare. Every trip to the bathroom, KWIM? At least this time I will know that we have done everything humanly possible.


I know exactly what you mean. :grouphug: 

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  • 1 month later...

Updating this thread because we are thrilled to say that it seems the progesterone was quite possibly the key for us.


Today is 14 weeks, all testing reveals a strong healthy baby...and it's a boy! I have no earthly idea what to do with one of those, lol. I grew up in a house of 4 girls with all girl cousins. My dd has decorated the house in pink frills, despite our pre-child assertion that we would not do that☺


I just had to share:)

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Updating this thread because we are thrilled to say that it seems the progesterone was quite possibly the key for us.


Today is 14 weeks, all testing reveals a strong healthy baby...and it's a boy! I have no earthly idea what to do with one of those, lol. I grew up in a house of 4 girls with all girl cousins. My dd has decorated the house in pink frills, despite our pre-child assertion that we would not do that☺


I just had to share:)


:hurray: :party: Congratulations!!!!!!!

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Congratulations!! Progesterone helped sustain my twin pregnancy (that and lots of prayers).

I delivered at 38 weeks, both healthy and beautiful. I had two previous miscarriages that had emotionally exhausted me. The OB started the meds as soon as we got the positive test result. I felt immensely relieved that now I could do something to help keep them. I hope this makes sense and is helpful.

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For DD1, before getting pregnant my luteal phase was only 9 days long.  I used over the counter progesterone cream and that first cycle I got my LP to 11 or 12 days and then the next cycle I got pregnant.  I used it through my first trimester and slowly weaned off.


For #2, I was 6-7 years older and this did not work.  I was only able to increase my LP via taking progesterone and estrogen that was prescribed by my fertility doctor.  (and once she normalized my cycle I got pregnant in 4 cycles)

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I had 8 m/c and was put on progesterone. The pregnancy was fine and I had a lovely planned home birth. It was so nice to be discharged from the specialist at 12 weeks, and into the care of my midwife!


And I come from a family of girls and I had two boys. It will be just fine!

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