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Liberians fill churches to pray for deliverance from Ebola


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This was the headline I read. Anyone else read this and wonder why librarians were filling churches and praying for deliverance? Are they the only ones participating in this, or are they just organizing it? And why, again, librarians? The Ebola outbreak is serious, so certainly they have just as much cause for concern as anyone else, I'm just surprised that there are that many librarians in one place and that this is the cause they've chosen to take up.... :svengo:  :leaving:



I'm such an idiot.  :blushing:  Please tell me I'm not the only one who did this. 




In case anyone wants to read the actual article, here's the link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/10/us-health-ebola-africa-idUSKBN0GA0QS20140810 (This thread isn't meant to make light of the Ebola outbreak or those involved, btw. It's only making light of my reading abilities and other silly mistakes like it.)

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This was the headline I read. Anyone else read this and wonder why librarians were filling churches and praying for deliverance? Are they the only ones participating in this, or are they just organizing it? And why, again, librarians? The Ebola outbreak is serious, so certainly they have just as much cause for concern as anyone else, I'm just surprised that there are that many librarians in one place and that this is the cause they've chosen to take up.... :svengo: :leaving:



I'm such an idiot. :blushing: Please tell me I'm not the only one who did this.



Great minds think alike! ;)

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Unlikely based on how ebola is spread.


I know how ebola is spread and how it is not spread.  But it still doesn't seem like a great idea to gather in large groups. You don't know if everyone has washed their hands or if they have been tending to sick people in their homes and could be coming down with the illness etc.


Given a variety of options of how I could spend my time, that isn't something I would chose to do under the circumstances.

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I read Liberians, but, like Dawn, I have a reason to. I have a former student who is stuck in Liberia as part of one of her college classes. She is over there with a group from Tuskegee. They are not allowed to return right now. This trip was so important to her, to see where her ancestors were from and work there. Now she is stuck.

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