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Well-Trained Fitbits


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I get the feeling we're attracting non Well Trained Minds.  Would it be an idea to do a closed group?  Is it even possible?  OTOH, it's making me work harder.  LOL.


Just had a look. We can have a public, public by invitation only, or private group but I guess it has to be set that way on creation?

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I don't really care about who is on top of the leader board.  There are runners, there are walkers, there are people half my age and others 1.5x my age (no one is 2x my age!!) ... but I have to admit to being a little challenged to step it up a level to gain a place or two.  Heh heh. 


Good for you! I don't care as long as they are all WTMers :)

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I'm competitive, but not THAT competitive.  :svengo: I'm happy to be mid to low in the pack for now. I know I'll be picking up the pace soon enough.


I'd prefer WTMers only because I have to admit I get a little deflated seeing those step number counts and thinking they are homeschoolers as well. Do you all walk and school at the same time?! :nopity:  I'm limited to after dark and at sunrise otherwise I burst into flames this time of year. 


I'm a little competitive, and am finding being part of this group motivating, but I would prefer a realistic group of us homeschooler, or members of the forum. We are all in similar positions, I would imagine, so if they're outliers they must be extra special or working extra hard.


I am lucky, here in Australia the weather is pretty good now, so I bring my kids out for a walk during the day, and I make up the balance of my 10,000-step goal when my husband comes home. I am dreading the summer, where I will need to walk at 5am to avoid bursting into flames also :)

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Ok, I've made the group private. I'm not thrilled about having to invite everyone, but I totally get that it's less motivating with random people with too much spare time on their hands joining in. Send me a PM with your email address if you want an invite, and be aware that I work 12 hour shifts several days a week and probably won't respond or add anyone on those days.


If anyone knows a way to add more group leaders, please let me know!


Top 10 people, if you did not participate in August, please identify yourselves (it can be via PM if you'd rather not do so publicly). I'll kick out the Poorly Trained Impostors in a few days. 



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Thanks for making the group private!  It is more motivating when you know you have so much in common with the group.  :)


Speaking of motivation...Yikes!  :(  I know I've been very, very bad about walking, but dropping from #7 to #25 in little over 2 weeks sucks. :(  Wish I could shake this mental funk and get moving again.  But here I sit typing instead of walking.

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Thanks for making the group private!  It is more motivating when you know you have so much in common with the group.   :)


Speaking of motivation...Yikes!   :(  I know I've been very, very bad about walking, but dropping from #7 to #25 in little over 2 weeks sucks. :(  Wish I could shake this mental funk and get moving again.  But here I sit typing instead of walking.


aggie96, get off your arse :)

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Ooops.  I sent you a pm too.  While I'm glad the impostors will be gone, they likely thought we were a compulsively training group.  LOL.  And it looks like they're more into training than most of us. :rofl:


ETA:  Would it make sense to post a public service announcement on the leader board mentioning who we are and what the recent changes are.

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Speaking of motivation...Yikes!   :(  I know I've been very, very bad about walking, but dropping from #7 to #25 in little over 2 weeks sucks. :(  Wish I could shake this mental funk and get moving again.  But here I sit typing instead of walking.


I just decreased my goal. 10,000 was so far above my baseline that I was ignoring it. But I should be able to push a little extra and get 5000.


ETA:  Would it make sense to post a public service announcement on the leader board mentioning who we are and what the recent changes are.


I don't know. It would help if someone was legitimate but not following this thread, but it might just encourage the high steppers to seek us out and post over here. Though I can't quite imagine they're so attached to their standing in a random group that they'd want to.

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I don't know. It would help if someone was legitimate but not following this thread, but it might just encourage the high steppers to seek us out and post over here. Though I can't quite imagine they're so attached to their standing in a random group that they'd want to.

I doubt anyone legitimate wouldn't be following the thread, or at least have used it to find the group.  

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Ok, I've made the group private. I'm not thrilled about having to invite everyone, but I totally get that it's less motivating with random people with too much spare time on their hands joining in. Send me a PM with your email address if you want an invite, and be aware that I work 12 hour shifts several days a week and probably won't respond or add anyone on those days.


If anyone knows a way to add more group leaders, please let me know!


Top 10 people, if you did not participate in August, please identify yourselves (it can be via PM if you'd rather not do so publicly). I'll kick out the Poorly Trained Impostors in a few days. 


"Poorly Trained Imposters" - snort.  That's funny.

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Is there a way to message them through the fitbit page?


I posted a message on the message board, which should go out to all members unless they've disabled notifications. Which someone joining groups randomly may well have done, but in that case they're unlikely to care much anyways.

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Man, I found that my FitBit had run out of battery on the way to a night shift at work. I missed out on most of my steps for two days because of this! I'd expect to get about 3000 before midnight, and another 3000 after. With a goal of 5000/day, that's most of them. And I'm missing even more today, because I forgot to plug it in when I got home.

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Man, I found that my FitBit had run out of battery on the way to a night shift at work. I missed out on most of my steps for two days because of this! I'd expect to get about 3000 before midnight, and another 3000 after. With a goal of 5000/day, that's most of them. And I'm missing even more today, because I forgot to plug it in when I got home.

Just manually add them in. :)
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What is the staying power of these? By that I mean after the initial thrill and novelty of getting in your 10,000 has worn off do you all find yourselves still adhering to your step plans? Do they continue to provide motivation?


I think the social aspect helps a lot. I suspect mine would have fallen by the wayside by now if not for that.


I think it's more continually motivating if you adjust your goals to be a bit of a stretch, but not too much. 10,000 steps wasn't motivating to me. 5,000 is.


I've been using mine for about 2 months, and I think many of the people in our group have been using theirs for longer.

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I've had mine since January 1.  I LOVE it!  My goal is 10,000 a day.  I generally get 3500 in the morning before breakfast between the treadmill and 30 minutes of strength training/yoga.  Then I seem to easily get the rest in naturally through the day.  Occasionally I have to hop on the treadmill at night for a little while.  I've just kind of told myself I can't go to bed/relax for the evening till I've hit 10,000.  It works for me.

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What is the staying power of these? By that I mean after the initial thrill and novelty of getting in your 10,000 has worn off do you all find yourselves still adhering to your step plans? Do they continue to provide motivation?

I think it depends on the person.  I've had mine since spring of 2013.  I'm closing in on 2,000 miles.  For a while I could have cared less, but it became a conscious choice to do more.  Now I have the opposite problem, actually sitting down for rest days now that I'm training to run 5K.   :willy_nilly:

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I lowered my goal to 5000 steps too. I was feeling a bit bummed not getting the, "Whoo Hoo!" dance daily when I had it set to 10,000. 


The weather has turned here and with the end to gardening and such I need to head indoors for my steps. Anyone else starting a winter gym routine? I usually do the treadmill or elliptical for a couple miles. 


Ahhh, winter, bring it on! 


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We got a Wii a while ago. I'm not a video game person at all, but it's a fun way to get some steps in when outdoors isn't a good option, and much smaller than any sort of exercise machine if space is an issue. Exercise videos are another option, especially if you have amazon prime or netflix or something to give a good assortment (youtube has a bunch, too). 

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I did it!  All that work these past couple of weeks at the huge consignment sale FINALLY got me the #1 spot on our fitbit group.  Of course it didn't last long, but I got a screenshot of the page while I was there  :party:


The sale is over, so I'll be back to my normal count, which is between 8k and 10k steps, depending on the day.

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I am so frustrated--has anyone else had this problem? My fitbit One started crashing my computer (Mac) every time I plugged it in. I have been in email contact with the company but they keep suggesting I charge it on my computer (??) instead of a brick, then suggest cleaning the metal bits that charge and plug it into my computer, not a brick (??), etc. They are just not understanding what I'm saying and it is driving me up the wall!

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I did it! All that work these past couple of weeks at the huge consignment sale FINALLY got me the #1 spot on our fitbit group. Of course it didn't last long, but I got a screenshot of the page while I was there :party:


The sale is over, so I'll be back to my normal count, which is between 8k and 10k steps, depending on the day.

I saw it :) Congratulations!

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I did it!  All that work these past couple of weeks at the huge consignment sale FINALLY got me the #1 spot on our fitbit group.  Of course it didn't last long, but I got a screenshot of the page while I was there  :party:


The sale is over, so I'll be back to my normal count, which is between 8k and 10k steps, depending on the day.


You did amazingly!!

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Deb, could your little chargy cable thing be the problem? Do you have any friends w a One?


I haven't has that problem and use a Mac.


I think the chargy cable is the problem but the company keeps sending me stock replies that won't work. It worked in my husband's laptop so I guess I will just use that.

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  • 2 weeks later...



New fitbits coming out. What do you all think?


The Charge now has a watch, step climbing, and, in the HR version, heart rate monitoring. If the watchface includes seconds (and one of the pictures looks like it does), I'm seriously thinking about getting one. The Surge is too ugly and expensive, though.


(The medical potential of these devices absolutely fascinates me and if we ever have the spare money I have plans to develop a wearable biophysical tracker hobby.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time, me no walk, WTFitbitters!     :seeya:


Yes, I took off 2 months walking!   :leaving:     2 MONTHS!!!!  I even *gasp* didn't wear my One for 10 days in October.  I hang my head in shame.        BUT...


I'm baaaaaack!  And I am determined to hit that #1 spot at least for a moment sometime in November.  What is that old saying?  "Shoot for the moon so if you miss you'll land among the stars." 


Keep steppin' Fitbitters!  Great to see y'all again!

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  • 1 month later...

Happy December, Fitbitters!


Just wanted you to know, I'm still checking my steps against what you guys post. That resource helps me stay motivated to keep moving because I don't want to fall down the standings. :)


I got almost 12,000 steps yesterday putting up outdoor Christmas décor. WooHoo!

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