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Anyone blog today? anything you want to share?

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I know what you mean. For a while there I was only posting for Wordless Wednesday, if that. I've gotten a little more wordy lately. :001_smile: No new post today, but I put three up yesterday--my week in review says Friday because that is when I started it, but I actually posted it yesterday. Maybe I can keep the momentum somewhat...maybe.

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I have been so lazy with my blog, I'm completely ignoring it now. :tongue_smilie: I think I need to make some sort of plan. Like...maybe I could share a recipe on Monday, a craft on Tuesday, do Wordless Wednesday, etc. Something like that. We're starting school back up tomorrow so I'll try to settle in and make a plan I can stick to.

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I just blogged for the first time in almost 2 weeks!!!! geez! time flies when you're having fun huh?


I blogged about our first day tomorrow and our tentative schedule.


How about you? blogged lately? I'd love to check it out!


I blogged yesterday. Your scrapbook pages are very cute!

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This afternoon, I blogged about being irritated with my children and the state of their bathroom.


Friday, I blogged about my son and his newest moneymaking scheme.


(My blog is private, but if you want to take a look around, send me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll be happy to let you -- or anyone else -- in.):001_smile:

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I just blogged for the first time in almost 2 weeks!!!! geez! time flies when you're having fun huh?


I blogged about our first day tomorrow and our tentative schedule.


How about you? blogged lately? I'd love to check it out!


I blogged about Christmas today. I've been blogging regularly again after a refreshing month away from the computer in July. Unfortunately (but maybe fortunately??) I'm beginning to rethink the whole blogging thing again. There are days when I think that blogging is less time consuming than visiting forums and there are days when I think I should just delete my blog, stick with the forums and call it done. And there are days when I think I should just toss the computer out the window to regain some self control. Seems every time I think I've tamed the Internet Beast these feelings still creep back in. More than you wanted to know, I'm sure.;)

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I have been so lazy with my blog, I'm completely ignoring it now. :tongue_smilie: I think I need to make some sort of plan. Like...maybe I could share a recipe on Monday, a craft on Tuesday, do Wordless Wednesday, etc. Something like that. We're starting school back up tomorrow so I'll try to settle in and make a plan I can stick to.


I love that idea!!

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Thanks! where in VA are you? you scrap too right? I noticed some gorgeous cards on your blog and I think I've seen you at 2ps before.:001_smile:


I'm in Virginia Beach. Yes, I do scrap too, though I really need to get some pictures printed, so I've just been making cards lately. I really need to take a hard look at what I want to scrapbook and just "photo-album" the rest, or I'll burden my kids with way too many albums! LOL


Thank you about the cards, too. Yes, I was very active at 2peas for a while, not really now. I go in spurts with things. There is a link on my blog to my 2peas gallery with layouts.

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I'm game. I've pretty much bared my soul around here, so I may as well let you guys see my blog. I've opened it up so anyone can view it. It's nothing special. Just a way of keeping the folks back in the US in touch. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and if you'd like to begin your day with a laugh, scroll down to the post of me doing Wii Fit!

Semper Fidelis Academy

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I just changed the look of my blog. I had a blue and white toile background that I loved, but I felt my blog looked too busy. I found a site with beautiful and FREE backgrounds, so I changed! Check it out!


I JUST came from that site!!! I saw it on someone else's blog, which came up while I was googling for something. How funny! I just overhauled my blog too, so I'm still nosing around free template sites :lol: Your new one is very pretty

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I just changed the look of my blog. I had a blue and white toile background that I loved, but I felt my blog looked too busy. I found a site with beautiful and FREE backgrounds, so I changed! Check it out!


That is pretty. I've been contemplating my background too, but just feel like with as many pictures and slide shows I use, solid is best. What do you think?

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