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I'm really upset here

Night Elf

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Dd16 is going to Costa RIca with the teen leadership group at the YMCA. She's been preparing for months. It's two days away and they have only told her the flight is leaving at 6:30am. We don't know what airline, which airport (domestic side or international side), what time to meet or exactly where to meet. It's crazy! She's sent two emails and hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm thinking of sending them a mad mama bear email. Dd is afraid for me to do that because she'll get the information when it's sent out. That just doesn't seem right.


They've also told her how to pack. They are being ridiculous. They gave an enormous list and told her to fit it all into a carry on. Her checked bag is supposed to be a sleeping bag and donations but the only thing they've told us about donations is art supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, etc. That's not going to take half a checked bag, unless they're expecting a whole lot of donations but they've never specified exactly how much to buy.


I'm just thinking they are being kind of unprofessional here. That worries me alot.


UPDATE: She's not leaving until July 5th, confirmed. So we're mostly good. We still don't know if we have enough donations but we're not going to worry about it.

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Don't be mad, just call.  "Hey y'all, this is Wilma.  I'm Pebbles' mom.  We're wanting to figure out a few things before she leaves for Costa Rica.  When and where are they meeting?  What are you looking for in terms of donations?  We're eager to get this stuff organized, because really it isn't long before they go."

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Another vote for calling. At T minus two days, this is ridiculous. Who are the adult leaders? If they can't supply details like flight number, airline, terminal, how can they keep track of teenagers? I'm assuming they have strong adult leadership who have passed background checks...

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Dd16 is going to Costa RIca with the teen leadership group at the YMCA. She's been preparing for months. It's two days away and they have only told her the flight is leaving at 6:30am. We don't know what airline, which airport (domestic side or international side), what time to meet or exactly where to meet. It's crazy! She's sent two emails and hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm thinking of sending them a mad mama bear email. Dd is afraid for me to do that because she'll get the information when it's sent out. That just doesn't seem right.


They've also told her how to pack. They are being ridiculous. They gave an enormous list and told her to fit it all into a carry on. Her checked bag is supposed to be a sleeping bag and donations but the only thing they've told us about donations is art supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, etc. That's not going to take half a checked bag, unless they're expecting a whole lot of donations but they've never specified exactly how much to buy.


I'm just thinking they are being kind of unprofessional here. That worries me alot.



Sounds like they are preparing her for what life is like in Costa Rica.  :D


I kid, I kid. I loved it there but the culture is definitely more...fluid.

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Okay, new information. I sent an email to the guy in charge and an hour later we got an email from one of the adult leaders giving all of the information. It's a week later than she thought. There are two groups going and she was sure she was told the 28th. Now, it looks like she was mistaken and is leaving July 6th. So she is calling the guy to verify that she was mistaken and was thinking she was in the wrong group. I still think they should have given this information out before even a week away. We'll see what the guy tells her. I'm not happy that she was so mistaken, but she feels that someone else told her this.

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I added an update to my OP. She's confirmed to leave July 5th. I'll feel better when she's home. I wasn't thrilled with her doing this, but DH thought it was a good idea so I deferred to his judgement. These leaders have done this trip before in previous years so it's not new to them. That makes me feel somewhat better.

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Trip abroad, didn't they have a face to face meeting with parents/kids regarding details?


If some issue came up while they were there, you'd have very little to go on.


My teen is getting ready to stay at a week-long work camp about 90 minutes from where we live.  There have been monthly meetings for the kids since last fall, and 2 meetings for parents already (preliminary details; detailed details) and this Sunday one FINAL meeting for kids/parents to make sure everything is squared away.


Can't imagine sending kids abroad with minimal information!


Anyway, it sounds like things are at least coalescing  little bit more, make sure you get the info you need, we don't want Night Elf to have Sleepless Nights!

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My kid would be staying home if a week out I didn't have the following:


Who to contact stateside and Costa Rica side

Flight itinerary

Ground itinerary (outline if some sort at least)


I'm fairly hands off with my teens, but geez. Um no, you total strangers cannot just have my kid at the last minute to take on an unknown international flight. Yikes.


That's nuts. Even Costa Rica isn't that fluid.


They should be giving LOTS of basic info in person and on paper.

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Dd16 is going to Costa RIca with the teen leadership group at the YMCA. She's been preparing for months. It's two days away and they have only told her the flight is leaving at 6:30am. We don't know what airline, which airport (domestic side or international side), what time to meet or exactly where to meet. It's crazy! She's sent two emails and hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm thinking of sending them a mad mama bear email. Dd is afraid for me to do that because she'll get the information when it's sent out. That just doesn't seem right.


They've also told her how to pack. They are being ridiculous. They gave an enormous list and told her to fit it all into a carry on. Her checked bag is supposed to be a sleeping bag and donations but the only thing they've told us about donations is art supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, etc. That's not going to take half a checked bag, unless they're expecting a whole lot of donations but they've never specified exactly how much to buy.


I'm just thinking they are being kind of unprofessional here. That worries me alot.


UPDATE: She's not leaving until July 5th, confirmed. So we're mostly good. We still don't know if we have enough donations but we're not going to worry about it.

Where are you? I have some school supplies I could give. But I don't want to mail them anywhere.

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Her checked bag is supposed to be a sleeping bag and donations but the only thing they've told us about donations is art supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, etc. 


Find out what the rules are about taking scissors on board an international flight.  I believe scissors of certain sizes are prohibited in carry on luggage.




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There have been monthly meetings. There are two groups going with different leaders. I don't know how well the other group leaders communicate with the teens. After I sent an email, I did get a call that answered all of my questions. She was very apologetic that the information seemed not to have gotten to my dd because they did send it out. DD had to miss the last meeting because we were out of town, but they were supposed to email her all the notes from the meeting. I'm thinking the leader just didn't email her and is now saying he did. We have the itinerary with all contact numbers. If I understand correctly, they'll have a facebook page that is updated daily as well. The lady in charge of even the group leaders said she would be in contact with the team every day and she is available to get messages to anyone quickly as well.


All art/school supplies will be in dd's checked baggage. I hope the kid sized scissors won't be a problem. We got glue sticks instead of liquid glue.


One thing I did love was that the team, including leaders, had a week long mission trip locally. They got to know one another and learned how to work with kids, what kind of days to plan for them, etc. Dd clicked with all the girls on her team. There are no guys on this trip for some reason, but there is a mixed group going before her.


This organization has more teens apply than there are spots available. Dd's application was chosen for a personal interview and then she was invited to go on the Costa Rica trip. There are two groups going to Costa Rica, and one group going to The Republic of Georgia. I don't know if any of these chosen teens have gone on these trips before since so many people apply. The lady in charge told me she specifically remembers my dd's personal interview. She was impressed with how she answered questions and her feelings about this trip, incuding the fact that she was nervous about working with kids. But they felt they made a good choice because dd won the award for leadership on the local mission trip. I'm very proud of dd.

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Where are you? I have some school supplies I could give. But I don't want to mail them anywhere.


I appreciate the thought. I live in north Georgia. She'll be leaving in a week though. And her suitcase is full. I was thinking of buying some more construction paper. I'm thinking we should have purchased more but she has plenty of other things.

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