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Along with meeting dd's birth father, we allowed eldest ds to visit youngest ds, who we haven't seen for a year, for two days.

Rose in BC

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Our week away was exhausting. As we were driving to our location, which was about 4 hours from where my youngest ds lives, my eldest ds declared he wanted to visit his brother.


Eldest ds has some special needs which requires us to provide more guidance than regular kids his age but we didn't want to deny him a visit. Given the craziness of meeting dd's birth father, we decided we would try and arrange a visit. So I phoned my niece (remember the one that took in my youngest ds) to ask if eldest ds could spend two nights with her for the purpose of the brothers visiting. She agreed. So we had to put our ds on a two hour ferry to get to destination. We were a bit nervous but all went well.


Visit went well. Apparently our youngest ds was very depressed according to eldest ds. He was also very sleepy which makes me wonder if he's being medicated. I've asked social worker for an update but they aren't great at responding. He did confess to some mental health problems.


But I got a couple of photos. :). I barely recognized him. :(. The change in a year is great.


The report made me sad, but happy the boys connected. I was a bit worried eldest would be convinced to stay with youngest (eldest has a mild intellectual disability) but that didn't happen.

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I am thankful the two have a connection. It might be the only real bond my youngest boy has with anyone. I'm also fortunate eldest ds is super connected to us.


I appreciate people's comments about my parenting...honestly it's baptism by fire. We've been through a lot with both boys and their special needs. It has made us very flexible and thinking out of the box type of people. Because we have to. FASD is such a crazy thing to live with.

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