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We're ready for the big game here in Mexico.  In addition to all our Mexican neighbors (obviously), the man who lives behind us is Dutch, so I just have to keep track of where the yelling is coming from to know what's happening. :)

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Bumping this thread up ~ yes, I'm still watching each game & already suffering withdrawal on off days.  I'll go into mourning on July 14.  


Very disappointed in the lackluster game between France & Germany.  My team won, but they haven't shown what they're capable of in a long while.  The French started the tournament with a bang and went out with a fizzle.  Brazil had a good first half ~  attack after attack at the start of the game ~ but they simply don't look like a team capable of winning it all.  Set pieces can't get you all the way (or they shouldn't, anyway!).   Hope both Germany & Brazil kick into gear for their semifinal so we can see a great match!


Diego Forlan is back! He's not as good a player as he was, but he's still just as nice to look at.


He sure is! So is Cavani. 


Forlan & Cavani were two big reasons I was an Uruguay fanatic during the 2010 cup. ;-D


I love Colombia's little dance.


They didn't do it when James scored today!  They were running themselves ragged at the end there, playing catch up, but their inexperience overcame them.  Sorry to see them go, though.  Colombia & their fans were a lot of fun at this tournament.  I started to think they might go farther ~ actually expected them to beat Brazil today, in fact.  Just the fact that was nearly 20 years ago to the day that Escobar was killed…sort of felt like destiny.  Alas, it was not to be.


Bummed Mexico lost. I didn't watch the game (church trumps the soccer game) but I heard Mexico played well.


Omigosh, I would have been on cloud nine had Mexico had beaten Holland.  Hahaha!!!!  That would have been absolutely classic. That game just about did me in because Mexico was once again their own worst enemy.  Will they NEVER learn that going up by a goal does not mean the match is over?!!!  They completely let up and it was seriously frustrating to watch.  So no, I wouldn't really say they played well.  Ochoa played well, absolutely.  But as with the USA game, if your goalie is your primary defender, somethin' ain't right!

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I really thought that Colombia might win today. I am bummed that they are out. The Germany France game was blah. Both Germany and Brazil need to step up their games.


My mom is pretty immobile right now. I don't know what she will do when the World Cup is over. She is really into it. And her soccer loving grandkids are loving texting with her about games.


I still love Tim Howard.


I just finished Hope Solo's autobiography.


I might be a keeper junkie.

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Was out shopping courtesy of the frumpy thread :lol: and had to go near Starbucks for free wifi to check results. Happy Germany won since we have german friends so we are bias towards Germany winning France.


My favorite goalkeeper of all time might be Peter Shilton (UK)

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There are no words.  The German team's behavior at the end of the game says it all:  Any self-respecting fan or athlete was plain embarrassed for Brazil.  Klose, Mueller ~ all of them ~ honestly felt for the Brazilians.  Because seriously, how does that happen?  How does a team just not show up?  Yes, the German's are disciplined & organized & will take advantage of any weakness.  But this wasn't just weakness.  It was a complete and utter train wreck.  I don't even know how Brazil is going to summon the emotional wherewithal to play for 3rd ~ but if they play against Argentina, they sure as hell better show up or heads will roll.

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There are no words. The German team's behavior at the end of the game says it all: Any self-respecting fan or athlete was plain embarrassed for Brazil. Klose, Mueller ~ all of them ~ honestly felt for the Brazilians. Because seriously, how does that happen? How does a team just not show up? Yes, the German's are disciplined & organized & will take advantage of any weakness. But this wasn't just weakness. It was a complete and utter train wreck. I don't even know how Brazil is going to summon the emotional wherewithal to play for 3rd ~ but if they play against Argentina, they sure as hell better show up or heads will roll.

My gf and I were texting during the game and she made the comment, "Germany wasn't even trying to stomp them! It was just happening." And it was true. Germany is a good team to be sure but this was just embarrassing for Brasil!
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Of course they had to behave nicely at the end, some of them from both teams play together on a German team the rest of the year. :D



Well, there's that, but they also just trounced the home team and chest-thumping and whooping it up would have been likely to incite some kind of riot. 

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How does a team just not show up?

Well, Neymar fractured a vertebra and Thiago Silva got his second yellow card (which was totally justified!!!) and had to sit out the match. The rest of the team just couldn't get their act together. I feel bad for the Brazilians because that was painful to watch. I hope there aren't any riots tonight.

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Well, there's that, but they also just trounced the home team and chest-thumping and whooping it up would have been likely to incite some kind of riot. 


Just read a comment in a response to a NY Times article, wherein the writer complained the German team was "showboating" to their fans after the game.  Couldn't disagree more!  I thought their relative lack of self-congratulation was notable ~ again, perhaps in part because they genuinely felt bad for the Brazilians.  Then, too, they were a bit annoyed with their own finish.  Oezel should have had a goal at the end there, and the defense let Neuer down when Oscar scored. 

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Well, Neymar fractured a vertebra and Thiago Silva got his second yellow card (which was totally justified!!!) and had to sit out the match. The rest of the team just couldn't get their act together. I feel bad for the Brazilians because that was painful to watch. I hope there aren't any riots tonight.


Even Neymar couldn't have salvaged that game.  Silva's absence was far more significant as the defense was…well, there wasn't a defense, let's put it that way.  They went in completely riding on emotion, no plan whatsoever.  Must be said, too, that Scolari's line up was more than questionable.  Great coach, but he made some odd choices given the situation.   I actually think the public will direct most of their anger at Scolari and the bigger political machine.  The players ~ with the exception of poor Fred ~ may well be forgiven. 

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I was VERY sad for the Brazillian team. While I suspected that it would be a tough, tough job to overcome Germany, I had hoped for a good show from them. It's bad enough to lose so spectacularly, but even worse on home ground. OUCH!


I also felt that given Germany was heading to the final, they were demure in their celebration...respectful of how hard this had to be for the other team. I like them for that...excellent sportsmanship! I think if they wanted to showboat and disregard the situation, it would have been HUGELY obvious.


I think that if it comes down to Germany and the Netherlands, it could be an epic match. I think I am in secret love with the Netherland's goalie! LOL He had some serious moves in the last match. Bad me, bad bad me!

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I also felt that given Germany was heading to the final, they were demure in their celebration...respectful of how hard this had to be for the other team. I like them for that...excellent sportsmanship! 

The Germans lost in the semis when the World Cup was held in Germany in 2006, so quite a few of those guys have literally btdt.

I think I am in secret love with the Netherland's goalie! LOL 


Do you mean fresh-faced Cillesen?  He looks like half the young guys in my Dutch Reformed town.  Or are you talking about Krul, who subbed in during the shoot-out?  Absolutely could.not.stand his trash talking before players took their kicks.  Totally goes against fair play rules, imo, and made me dislike the Dutch team all the more!

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I've had a "thing" for some of the goalies, too. Mexico's and Brazil's are pretty cute!


Julio Cesar ~ is it even fair that someone should look like that AND be a professional goalie?  Seems to be the tradition in that position.  Jens Lehmann, anyone? ;-) 

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Hope Germany stays humble for the finals and make it an exciting Finals. Wondering who would win tomorrow's semifinals.


From FIFA website

"But Low said the Germans must stay humble despite inflicting Brazil's record international defeat on the hosts. "A bit of humility would also be very good and we need to be careful that we stay concentrated on Sunday," said the 54-year-old."

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Even Neymar couldn't have salvaged that game.  Silva's absence was far more significant as the defense was…well, there wasn't a defense, let's put it that way.  They went in completely riding on emotion, no plan whatsoever.  Must be said, too, that Scolari's line up was more than questionable.  Great coach, but he made some odd choices given the situation.   I actually think the public will direct most of their anger at Scolari and the bigger political machine.  The players ~ with the exception of poor Fred ~ may well be forgiven. 


I do think if they weren't missing Neymar, not so much as the striker but as the captain of the team, they would have played better. And yes definitely the loss of Silva which destroyed their defense....so sad. I think the game would have been very very different if those 2 had been there; I also think you are very correct in your assessment of the situation. Already, the things I'm reading on Brazilian friend's emails, FB pages, etc., are all things directed at the coach, the politics, etc. Brazil's loss here, at this stage, gives way to the political frustrations now.....once everyone recovers from mourning the loss, I imagine the protests will start up again. Already I am seeing those sorts of comments in people's FB pages. 


And a question for you, Colleen --- why the animosity towards Fred?  Not from you, but from Brazilians? I don't understand/follow soccer enough to get it, but a friend of ours posted something in the 2nd half, about the (rather illogical) substitutions, and said basically "but not because Fred is Scolari's trusted man, no? No, never...." (note the dripping sarcasm).  From your comment here, I'm guessing you understand this......? 

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My kids are all excited and staring at my iPod for the game. They want to know which team is going to the Finals.


Anyone know what odds the UK Bookies are placing on the game?



I guess about even

"Paddy Power has odds of 11-10 for the Netherlands to advance at Argentina’s expense in Thursday’s semifinal to play Germany in the 13 July final. "



0-0 so far :P

extra time now. Kids are hyper excited now

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Woo hoo!  Bring on the final I predicted ~ Argentina vs. Germany!  (Granted, I also predicted Spain would take 3rd…!)  What an evenly played match ~ very tactical and, of course, entirely different than the other semi.


Poor Mick Jagger! He must feel like Typhoid Mary.


Ha ha!  


I do think if they weren't missing Neymar, not so much as the striker but as the captain of the team, they would have played better.


Agreed.   Among other things, they would have been thinking about, say, PLAYING THE GAME as opposed to thinking about someone who isn't there to PLAY THE GAME.  Seriously, holding up Neymar's jersey during the anthem?  Hey, I'm as sentimental as the next gal, but that right there was the first sign that they were counting on emotions as a trump card.


And a question for you, Colleen --- why the animosity towards Fred?  Not from you, but from Brazilians? 


Guys like Fred and Jo represent Brazil's current conundrum.  Aside from Neymar, they don't have genuinely athletic, innovative strikers.  But yesterday, Fred was basically a scapegoat more than anything.  I can imagine how frustrated and shocked the fans were, but quite honestly, their behavior was in poor form.  Should be VERY interesting to see how things play out (no pun intended) in Saturday's third place game.


FIFA's guidelines:

"Any athlete with a suspected concussion should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY, and should not be returned to activity until they are assessed 
medically."  (caps theirs)


Well, it can be argued that he was removed (for a moment, anyway) and medically assessed.  It's difficult to determine immediately if a concussion has occurred ~ and his play for the remainder of the game seemed to be evidence to the contrary.  It's a hard call.

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Woo hoo!  Bring on the final I predicted ~ Argentina vs. Germany!  (Granted, I also predicted Spain would take 3rd…!)  What an evenly played match ~ very tactical and, of course, entirely different than the other semi.



Ha ha!  



Guys like Fred and Jo represent Brazil's current conundrum.  Aside from Neymar, they don't have genuinely athletic, innovative strikers.  But yesterday, Fred was basically a scapegoat more than anything.  I can imagine how frustrated and shocked the fans were, but quite honestly, their behavior was in poor form.  Should be VERY interesting to see how things play out (no pun intended) in Saturday's third place game.



Well, it can be argued that he was removed (for a moment, anyway) and medically assessed.  It's difficult to determine immediately if a concussion has occurred ~ and his play for the remainder of the game seemed to be evidence to the contrary.  It's a hard call.


meh. the Brazilian fans are behaving perfectly in character for Brazilians. Also keep in mind -- Brazil made alcohol at games illegal for a reason; the temporary legalization so that FIFA could appease their sponsors likely plays a role in fan behavior, if I had to guess.


From what DH says, no one in Brazil cares anymore about the 3rd place match, other than perhaps wishing it were Argentina they'd be up against; having Argentina in the finals instead of them is a bit of salt in the wound. (ha; more than just a bit). Although personally --- I'm glad Brazil is not facing Argentina, as I cannot imagine the fan reaction if the two teams played each other in equal form to how they played in these last games. That Brazilian team vs. today's Argentina team........a loss to Argentina after that loss to Germany......that would have been absolutely horrid. (not that any self respecting Brazilian would ever voice outloud the opinion that they even possibly could lose to Argentina, but still....)


(and I agree with the bit you replied inside my quote, which doesn't show here -- yes, they were relying on emotion and, "Hey, we are BRAZIL, for crying out loud, no one can possibly beat us, not here at home....")


I can't decide who I hope wins. If Germany at least beats Argentina, that will go over much better in Brazil, I think, than Argentina winning. 


I fear I'm rambling and showing my utter lack of knowledge about all things soccer, so I'll stop there :) 

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