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You can't make this up...if you're squeamish, you might not want to read.

Halftime Hope

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You've been warned.  :sad:







This afternoon, I saw a sprinkler head center still popped up, so when I ran the sprinkler tonight, I went outside to check it, a bit after dark.

When I got near the the front door, I knew there would be water on the driveway, so I took off my socks and stepped out onto the coir doormat just outside the door.  As I stepped through the door and down several inches, I stepped on something squishy that squeaked.  I jumped out the door and through the sprinkler spray, looking back at what appeared to be a frog about three inches long.  I went out to the front lawn rubbed my foot off on the wet grass, tried in vain to activate the motion sensor light and then finally braved going back through the door to turn on the porch light.  Whatever was there was gone, but there was frog sitting behind the wide open glass storm door.



Gahhhh!  Why do these things happen to me?   What are the odds?   I've washed my feet several times and they still feel dirty.  Worse yet, I'm afraid I'll find a dead frog behind the door in the morning. :bored:  Poor frog:  why did he think my coir mat was a desirable place to be?










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I stepped barefoot on a decomposed mouse.  There was a lively population of maggots.


My husband, rather than commiserating, ran to get the camera.  I guess he always wanted a good picture of maggots on a corpse.


Thanks to him, I also stepped on some kind of dead fish (catfish?) that was about a foot long.  It had died in one of his tanks and he had (thankfully) decided not to flush it down the toilet.  He'd dumped it in the yard instead.  To "decompose".  Problem is, it had some kind of horny skin that was not going to break down any time soon.  I hurt my foot on that one.


He didn't flush it because he'd learned his lesson when he tried to flush a rather large, somewhat rotten tomato.  We didn't have a garbage disposal at the time, and somehow he thought this would be a better choice.


As a result, we now own a plunger.

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We always get out of bed carefully because if our cat catches a mouse while we're sleeping, she shoves its little corpse under our bedroom door. I guess she assumes we want it. We do not.


I did step on a slug once, and it squirted and oozed rather extravagantly, but i was, at least, wearing shoes.

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I've stepped on a frog barefoot too. .as well as a slug.. both are gross and I'm not sure which was worse.


I used to own a pool. The stuff I had to pull out of the returns, after falling in and spending the better part of winter slowly bloating and rotting, will make your stomach curl. Fun stuff.

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Ugh you poor country folk.  Actually we had a summer house in the country for many years and I will NEVER forget the barefoot slug squish I experienced one wet night.  I still skeeve whenever I think if it.  And I did a barefoot frog squish once when I was about 4 as I chased a frog all around my country backyard - he stopped, I didn't.  That was bad.  I remember getting my foot hosed off.    :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2:

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