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what is reporting all about?


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I've only ever reported someone once.  She misunderstood something I posted and then went to my blog, came back and insulted my kids.  It was really weird.  But I sort of regret bothering.  I was just so shocked.  In retrospect it was ridiculous I shouldn't have bothered.  But like I said, I'm glad that other people report.  I think the mods do a pretty amazing job, even when I sort of disagree.


That is creepy and disturbing.  And depending on your blog (haven't seen it), it could be somewhat threatening.  I'm sorry someone did that.


I've never reported anyone.  Something like the above would be worth reporting though.   

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One of my top 5 absolute regrets that I can never "do over" involves being unkind and even cruel to a poster here. Once, in one thread. I had an agenda and absolutely no heart or kindness.


The poster did not "leave". I hope I was reported; I did off ran apology.


In general, though, for as many posters, posts and topics we have, I think we have few problems. But I tend to have a very relaxed response to forums and high comfort level with discussion and conflict.




I have a pretty thick skin online and probably don't take things personally that others would see as an attack. There was a poster here who made a general statement in a beliefs thread a few years ago disparaging the morality of atheists. While I did respond, I didn't take it personally since she didn't name me specifically. A few days later I received a PM apology from her. I think she apologized to all who responded to her post. We all say things we regret and unfortunately when we type them, they're "out there" forever. I hope your person accepted your apology. 


The bolded is true. If you read comments on other forums you know that people can get very nasty when they are hiding behind a screen. No matter how much I disagree with someone, I try to remember that there's a real human with feelings on the other side of my screen.


I've only ever reported someone once.  She misunderstood something I posted and then went to my blog, came back and insulted my kids.  It was really weird.  But I sort of regret bothering.  I was just so shocked.  In retrospect it was ridiculous I shouldn't have bothered.  But like I said, I'm glad that other people report.  I think the mods do a pretty amazing job, even when I sort of disagree.


That is creepy. I had someone send me a nasty private email from a discussion on a local homeschool list. The odd thing is that she wasn't even participating in the conversation that set her off. Those of us who were involved were respectfully disagreeing. There were no hard feelings between the participants. This person and I crossed paths in person only a few times and never had any issues as far as I knew. She simply didn't like my political beliefs. She sent me an email saying how people like me are the reason this country is being ruined and said she's glad I could only have one child so that I can't pass on my awful beliefs to more than one innocent young thing. That hit really hard because as much as I love my only, we desperately wanted more. 


I forwarded that email to the entire list. The moderator emailed me back saying she wished I had sent it to her to deal with but I knew if I had that no one else would ever know what that poster did. After I sent it to the list I received a bunch of supportive private emails, even from people who often disagreed with me. 


That's the only time I ever took something personally, and that's because it absolutely was personal.

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That is creepy and disturbing.  And depending on your blog (haven't seen it), it could be somewhat threatening.  I'm sorry someone did that.


I've never reported anyone.  Something like the above would be worth reporting though.   


I didn't think it was a threat at all.  It was more like a juvenile name calling thing.  That's why I was kind of like, you know, she misunderstood me and was clearly just way overwrought.  It made her look bad was all.  But I am still glad that I can report that.  Or anyone else can.

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You know it's funny to see so many say they would only report for spam or trolls etc but there was a period of time just over a year ago that every single I posted was reported.  I had multiple bannings and warning points.  Heck 1 set of warning points still sits under my name, apparently they never go away.  And yet I can only think of 1 time it was actually warranted, where I got snarky but it wasn't a personal attack imo.  But if I wrote something like "smart people do xyz" in a thread, not quoting anyone mind you, it was reported as calling a poster stupid and classified as a personal attack.  I was very frustrated for a long time and nearly left the board as a result.  I don't understand the ins and outs of how it is decided what is deleted, what is kept, what is locked, who gets points, who gets banned.  Even after all of that it still seems more arbitrary than anything, based on the mood of the person getting the report.  But I do think the report button is used an awful lot in a tattling, I don't like you kind of way.  Not because of an actual offense kwim.  I think the mods have a tough job trying to keep a balance of stepping in and holding back especially when they get reports in for stupid crap.  But even with the community guidelines being available it still feels rather arbitrary at times.

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I've only ever reported someone once.  She misunderstood something I posted and then went to my blog, came back and insulted my kids.  It was really weird.  But I sort of regret bothering.  I was just so shocked.  In retrospect it was ridiculous I shouldn't have bothered.  But like I said, I'm glad that other people report.  I think the mods do a pretty amazing job, even when I sort of disagree.



I had a poster here who was also on another board I frequented. She seemed to take hostages; people she zeroed in on. She chose me. :) She once followed me to a completely unrelated board (it was about running a home daycare, which I was doing at the time) because she didn't like an internet acronym I used. Weird.


I hope she's well and thriving.





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I saw this and thought "Miriam Rothschild" -- and thought, oh my goodness, who's using  her name?




And why would they dishonor the good name of a world renowned flea expert?


I reported my own post the first time I found her here to make sure I'd handled it okay! I was so angry I was literally shaking but I didn't want to get SWB in any trouble by sharing too much information or too much emotion.


I still don't want to post any links, but you can google "Mimi Rothschild scam" to find out the whole sordid story. Some of her aliases are Jubilee Academy and Learning By Grace and she's in Philadelphia and very easy to identify if you do a whois search of a website that looks "too good to be true".


I still post a "whois" link to identify the spam/scam website and her name to warn any newbies who see it before the mods take it down.


Miriam "Mimi" Rothschild is not the spammer/scammer's real name and I am so sorry for the real Miriam Rothschild, who may well be a lovely and honest person and certainly does NOT deserve to have her name dishonored this way.

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So, thinking that someone else shouldn't be attacked is being "thin-skinned"?  I don't understand the thinking of "it's ok for someone to attack someone else" and be allowed to get away with is.  My brother-in-law attacks my daughter verbally for no reason.  He's done this for 15 years now.  I suppose you think my daughter and I are just "thin-skinned" and should tolerate his rude and inappropriate behavior then?  My sister's response is "oh, he always does that." I guess to her and you all, that makes his rude behavior ok.

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I have never reported anyone (and especially not you, Cat :lol: ) .  I have gotten unhappy with the turn of a thread, not because I disagreed with the posters (obvoiusly we are not all going to agree), but because people started slinging mud at each other.   But I can always just stop following that thread.  When someone is getting jumped all over mercilessly then I have stepped in on a couple of occasions to try to defend them, but that has, on the few times I have tried, ended up making the situation worse.  


I am very, very grateful that this forum has rules and moderators and we CAN report if things get bad, even if I don't always agree on what is being reported or on what the decision of the moderators is.  Their job is not an easy one.  This is a HUGE and very active forum.  I commend SWB for continuing to support this forum and keeping it running in a civilized way and I am grateful for all the work of the moderators.  

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So, thinking that someone else shouldn't be attacked is being "thin-skinned"?  I don't understand the thinking of "it's ok for someone to attack someone else" and be allowed to get away with is.  My brother-in-law attacks my daughter verbally for no reason.  He's done this for 15 years now.  I suppose you think my daughter and I are just "thin-skinned" and should tolerate his rude and inappropriate behavior then?  My sister's response is "oh, he always does that." I guess to her and you all, that makes his rude behavior ok.


No one said anything of the kind. But yes, I do think you are a little thin skinned if you can take this conversation here to mean some or all of us think your B******In Law beating up on your daughter is fine and dandy.


I only report people when I'm the fifth person to politely suggest a poster plays a little nicer here and they still don't.

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I will admit that there was a poster many moons ago who just seemed to not get her own story of her own life straight and it made me go to her blog to figure out what in the world she was talking about.


Turns out, her blog had a yet 3rd story.  I did call her out on it, but I don't think I was rude about it.  Maybe I was.  


She said she homeschooled but several other things made me guess she really didn't.





I've only ever reported someone once.  She misunderstood something I posted and then went to my blog, came back and insulted my kids.  It was really weird.  But I sort of regret bothering.  I was just so shocked.  In retrospect it was ridiculous I shouldn't have bothered.  But like I said, I'm glad that other people report.  I think the mods do a pretty amazing job, even when I sort of disagree.


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I will admit that there was a poster many moons ago who just seemed to not get her own story of her own life straight and it made me go to her blog to figure out what in the world she was talking about.


Turns out, her blog had a yet 3rd story. I did call her out on it, but I don't think I was rude about it. Maybe I was.


She said she homeschooled but several other things made me guess she really didn't.



She wouldn't have needed her pastor's permission to turn her car into a taxi by any chance?


Or have had 25 kids mostly born on holidays?


*chuckles quietly to self*

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She wouldn't have needed her pastor's permission to turn her car into a taxi by any chance?


Or have had 25 kids mostly born on holidays?


*chuckles quietly to self*

It wasn't a car. It was a MINIVAN. :D (At least I think it was!)


She used to tell some real whoppers. I actually kind of missed her when she left, because she came up with some very creative threads -- and even when they were tragic, you knew she was making it all up, so you didn't worry. :)

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Rest assured, Cat, I also haven't reported you. You'll be down to 49,000 suspects before you know it. ;)


I use the Ignore feature for a very few people who seem determined to derail any meaningful conversation, and Report just for those stupid movie spammers. I'd love a Mute Thread feature for those topics that are obviously already a train wreck, but IDK how hard it is to do new things like that, as I leave all the computer wizardry to Mr. Whitehawk.

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I didn't miss her.  She called me a mean fat girl.



It wasn't a car. It was a MINIVAN. :D (At least I think it was!)

She used to tell some real whoppers. I actually kind of missed her when she left, because she came up with some very creative threads -- and even when they were tragic, you knew she was making it all up, so you didn't worry. :)


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Actually, it was another, but I better keep my mouth shut.  It is hard for me!  :lol:



She wouldn't have needed her pastor's permission to turn her car into a taxi by any chance?

Or have had 25 kids mostly born on holidays?

*chuckles quietly to self*


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I don't report.  Except for spam.  It would have to be really over the top for me to report.  I will defend myself or others.


FTR the moderating on this board is incredible.  I am on several other boards where people are banned for having an opinion.  SWB lets us discuss nearly everything and I am grateful to her for these boards.


and sometimes they will just delete the offensive bits (and anything referring to them), instead of taking the easier route and deleting the whole thread.  (which they have also done.)

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So, thinking that someone else shouldn't be attacked is being "thin-skinned"? I don't understand the thinking of "it's ok for someone to attack someone else" and be allowed to get away with is. My brother-in-law attacks my daughter verbally for no reason. He's done this for 15 years now. I suppose you think my daughter and I are just "thin-skinned" and should tolerate his rude and inappropriate behavior then? My sister's response is "oh, he always does that." I guess to her and you all, that makes his rude behavior ok.

You know, I hadn't thought about it that way before, because when it's online it seems different, but if anyone started a thread about how she went to lunch with a group of friends and she disagreed with what they were saying, so they all got incredibly rude and told her she was stupid and uninformed, we would all be posting to tell her how rotten they'd been and how she needed to find some new friends.


That's an interesting perspective.

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Well, I've never reported you Cat but IIRC I've reported namecalling and insults on 2 occasions, not even in threads I was involved in but ones where I thought people were being over the top mean and hateful to someone else. I've seen many that I thought weren't very nice but have only reported the very worst offenders.

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Well, I will never forget it!  It was about CPAP machines, you know, a highly controversial topic and all.


It was after she had announced she had left her kids in IL and moved to the East Coast to be a cocktail waitress.


Crap, I thought i had let this all go.......I need therapy.



Seriously?????? :eek:

After hearing that, I don't miss her any more! :angry:

She didn't like me, either, but she I don't think she called me any names.


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Well, I will never forget it! It was about CPAP machines, you know, a highly controversial topic and all.


It was after she had announced she had left her kids in IL and moved to the East Coast to be a cocktail waitress.


Crap, I thought i had let this all go.......I need therapy.

We will be your support group.


We can dish about how mean the inter webs are and, depending on our mood, do some yoga or finish the cookie dough we've been hiding from the kids.


You all know you've got a stash.


Don't judge.

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Okay Cat, I confess.


I follow you around the board reporting you.


I am a dog person who only befriended you to keep you from suspecting when I reported you and your feline avatar.


What shall we do now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag?

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I got reported once and the post was deleted, but I seriously never understood why.  It was a thread about jeans or something totally random.  And the mods kept coming in and deleting posts.  It was really baffling.  I assume there was something I missed that got deleted before I posted what jeans I liked.  But I didn't get any warning points from it though.

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Well, I will never forget it!  It was about CPAP machines, you know, a highly controversial topic and all.


It was after she had announced she had left her kids in IL and moved to the East Coast to be a cocktail waitress.


Crap, I thought i had let this all go.......I need therapy.

I'm baking cookies.  You can come over and winge about her all you want.  About the best I can do for therapy but ....  :)  Everyone else is invited too.

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Got any wine?  If not, can I bring some?



I'm baking cookies.  You can come over and winge about her all you want.  About the best I can do for therapy but ....   :)  Everyone else is invited too.


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I got reported once and the post was deleted, but I seriously never understood why.  It was a thread about jeans or something totally random.  And the mods kept coming in and deleting posts.  It was really baffling.  I assume there was something I missed that got deleted before I posted what jeans I liked.  But I didn't get any warning points from it though.

I can't believe you would risk posting about something as controversial as jeans!  You were seriously just asking for it.  :)

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*grabs microphone*


Excuuuuuuuse me.


My medication is now kicking in.


Please do not be surprised if I seem to lack a filter.


*whispers to Cat*


You'll tell me if I do something stupid like try to wear the lampshade, right?

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I might not.  I might grab my camera......be forewarned.



*grabs microphone*

Excuuuuuuuse me.

My medication is now kicking in.

Please do not be surprised if I seem to lack a filter.

*whispers to Cat*

You'll tell me if I do something stupid like try to wear the lampshade, right?


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Okay Cat, I confess.

I follow you around the board reporting you.

I am a dog person who only befriended you to keep you from suspecting when I reported you and your feline avatar.

What shall we do now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag?

Does this mean I have to use a photo of my dog as my avatar now?


And if I do, will I have to change my username to Dogwoman?


I don't really like Dogwoman. It would never make people think I might look like Julie Newmar. ;)



*grabs microphone*

Excuuuuuuuse me.

My medication is now kicking in.

Please do not be surprised if I seem to lack a filter.

*whispers to Cat*

You'll tell me if I do something stupid like try to wear the lampshade, right?

Don't worry. I'm here for you.


Dawn! Put down the camera!!!

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Well, the main batch is.  Really large chocolate chip and some smaller oatmeal raisin.  Still working on Soror's....


A little hot, though.  Better wait a minute, Dawn....

OH good, did I mention no chocolate either? Some kind of ginger snaps would be tasty :)

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