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What is Your Favorite Part of the "Whose Going to Tackle ----Day" threads? *Renamed* :)


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I'm just curious if anyone finds the threads particularly helpful and if so, why do they help you more than say...writing your goals on the board wall? Or in a notepad document and scratching them off?


Is it the real time accountability? The comraderie of being in 'it' together? The act of simply writing them down? The rush of coming back to post what you accomplished? or something more?


I've noticed that they are a fairly regular feature and I wonder if there is something more to them...


Edited to add some Background.

Background: I ask, not to in any way, shape or form to 'nitpick' or 'tear down' the threads. Nor to challenge their value. The tackle threads are neat, in my opinion! I am really sorry if I offended anyone because they thought I was questioning the value/or ragging on Jeans thread. I am not, I didn't mean it that way at all.


In the Fall each student has to design and build a program/app and I have been banging my head for ideas for weeks now. I saw Todays Tackle thread and it sparked an idea in my mind. A sort of communal To Do App or something...It was just a quick blip in my mind and I liked it but I am NOT familiar with apps. Like...at all. So I made this thread as a sort of survey and then I went to the AppStore and GooglePlay to try and learn more about whats out there currently to see if it is, in deed, a 'niche'...


This course in the Fall is kind of a BIG Deal--it can make or break your college career as a CS major, so I have been a wreck even just thinking about it, but its time to get serious. Again, this thread is not about questioning the validity/value of the "Whose Going to Tackle." threads at all.



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I haven't been able to keep up with them, and my posts tend to be kind of silly anyway because I just have the K'er and an adult child, but it helps me to be more accountable to myself: nobody actually has to read what I write, it's enough to know that they CAN!


It also helps to known that there are other people dealing with the same issues I am, and some others who have much more on their plates than I do.


That's really why I keep coming back to the chat board---after all, how much does anyone really have to say about phonics and arithmetic curricula?

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We have a core group of regulars who post everyday and often post updates.  We have occasional posters who post when there is a special occasion (like visitors) that they need some extra accountability to get ready for.  We enjoy being part of each other's lives even if we don't always comment on each other's posts.  I've been prayed for and encouraged by my peeps on my tackle threads.  Anyone is welcome to try it.  If it encourages you, great!  If it stresses you out or is one more thing to do, then don't!


I started the posts because there are days when pain makes it difficult to do anything.  Posting my goal of getting five minutes done in the kitchen on those days is motivational for me because I feel like I need to follow through.  After all, I told my tackle friends that I would do it!  On better days I could probably do just as well with a paper to-do list but I would miss my tackle friends and the camaraderie and accountability that they give me.  

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I love them. They provide me with a bit of accountability, but mostly it's a little community within the greater Hive community. I know the regulars a little better. What they go through, what their days are like. I'm thankful for Jean who gets these going every day!

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I really like them,although I don't post everyday because I usually dont go on the computer till late afternoon. But I find I get more done on the days I post. If I just write a list down for only me to see I usually forget about it midday.if other people see it too I'm more likely to continue to cross things off it.

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I like them because the I always misread the subject line, "Who's going to tackle Monday FOR me?" and for a few seconds, I have hope.  :0)


Jean, I love your faithfulness in doing this.  :0)

Wouldn't that be nice. . . .!  I've had a couple of very kind and generous ladies on this board who have offered to come and help me with stuff in my house.  So far health and other logistical issues have made it impossible for me to take them up on it, but I am very touched by their offers.  

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I usually only post on them when I'm bogged down with an impending move. It's nice to have someone cheer me on a bit. But it's always nice to know that I can pop in on those threads if I need a little motivation.

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When I was posting to them, they sure did.  Life got so busy for a bit I didn't even have time to post.  Hoping as things wide down in the next 2 weeks I can resume posting.  Along with the camaraderie it helped keep me accountable to what I wanted to accomplish in a day, I got so much more done when I was posting to those threads

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I have never once opened one, but, I really can't imagine creating a post questioning someone else's posts value.  That's not very nice.  Someone mentioned in the UO thread too, which I thought was so weird.  Unless it's offensive or trying to lead people in a wrong direction, why not just ignore threads that aren't your bag?

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I tried it once. It was okay, I was able to keep track of where I was in the day...normally I keep my plans in my head, but writing them out helped.

I am on this board more and more often because I don't really talk to many other parents in the Real World and certainly no other parents in my situation. By joining this community, I get feedback on everything from parenting, homeschool and future ideas.


I think its neat how those threads appear (almost) everyday.

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I have never once opened one, but, I really can't imagine creating a post questioning someone else's posts value.  That's not very nice.  Someone mentioned in the UO thread too, which I thought was so weird.  Unless it's offensive or trying to lead people in a wrong direction, why not just ignore threads that aren't your bag?

Oh, I did NOT mean to question the value of the threads at all! I am so sorry if it was taken that way. I should have explained a little more why I asked in the OP.

I don't have any problem with the Tackle threads at all! But I wanted to understand the purpose/value in them a little bit more because

1) I noticed they are a popular tradition here

2) I have to develop an app/software for a big project in my degree and I was toying with the idea of a Social To Do, type app.


This was just a sort of survey, it was not meant, in any way, shape or form to deride or tear down such a long standing and honorable tradition.

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I love Jean's tackle threads :) I fact if I don't see one and know she hasn't been feeling well, I start to worry.

I like the accountability, besides I get distracted (the whole ADD thing) come to to boards and get reminded about what I'm supposed to be doing :)

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Oh, I did NOT mean to question the value of the threads at all! I am so sorry if it was taken that way. I should have explained a little more why I asked in the OP.

I don't have any problem with the Tackle threads at all! But I wanted to understand the purpose/value in them a little bit more because

1) I noticed they are a popular tradition here

2) I have to develop an app/software for a big project in my degree and I was toying with the idea of a Social To Do, type app.


This was just a sort of survey, it was not meant, in any way, shape or form to deride or tear down such a long standing and honorable tradition.


HaHa! That is why I chose IT instead of CS, those project-classes can be really hard core and I have enough going on in my life right now without that special sort of stress. The IT projects are bad enough, the CS projects, well some of them look like they are designed for you to fail. Have you done the intro. to design class yet? I did it this Spring and it was a b!tch but my group did well.

Is this a Jr. Project or a Sr. Project in your program?


I didn't know that there were other college students on this board!

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We have a core group of regulars who post everyday and often post updates.  We have occasional posters who post when there is a special occasion (like visitors) that they need some extra accountability to get ready for.  We enjoy being part of each other's lives even if we don't always comment on each other's posts.  I've been prayed for and encouraged by my peeps on my tackle threads.  Anyone is welcome to try it.  If it encourages you, great!  If it stresses you out or is one more thing to do, then don't!


I started the posts because there are days when pain makes it difficult to do anything.  Posting my goal of getting five minutes done in the kitchen on those days is motivational for me because I feel like I need to follow through.  After all, I told my tackle friends that I would do it!  On better days I could probably do just as well with a paper to-do list but I would miss my tackle friends and the camaraderie and accountability that they give me.  

I am an occasional poster to the tackle threads.  I use them for motivation.  Sometimes I feel like I'm bragging about what I've accomplished when i post updates (which is a laugh b/c I don't get done nearly as much as other posters).  


This has been an interesting thread.  I was going to post the same question just the other day.  I haven't used the 'tackle' thread for a while and was wondering if I should.  Then I started wondering why others post and if it really helps them, or if they just like to be social, etc.  I might be back soon b/c I have been a bit on the unproductive side lately.

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I love them, because when they go up, my 'whatever day' is almost done, with lots of things ticked off. So I feel all accomplished :)


Time zone makes them practically not much use for me.

If I have been messing around on the boards and not getting things done and see Jean's thread I sometimes feel like I got caught.  :laugh:  When I've decided, at various times, that I'm goofing off for a while, I've sometimes posted a slacker thread for those of us who are taking down time.  But, I'm glad there isn't a slacker thread daily b/c I don't need encouragement in that area!  There are days when I really need a 'Who needs a kick in the pants?" thread!

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