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Bacon and tomato sandwiches.


Mmm. Open faced, with cheese.


If you have shrimp you could do bacon wrapped shrimp. Or really you could wrap anything in bacon. You could wrap large veggie chunks in bacon and cook them as kebabs, which would actually be a fairly healthy meal.

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Oooh! You could use the bacon to make taco shells (google how, I read about it somewhere but don't remember where now, a lchf site maybe?) and fill with regular taco fillings.


This is an amazing idea, especially since we have the best taco fillings ever here.

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My favorite bacon recipe: bacon-wrapped chicken! You can use any chicken pieces, though my favorite for this is skinless, boneless thighs. Sprinkle with a little of your favorite spice blend. Then wrap each piece of chicken with 2-4 pieces of bacon (depending on how big the chicken is and how much bacon/chicken you have). Sprinkle with a little more of the spice blend. Bake at 350F/175C for 30-45 minutes until done (depending on the size/type/bone or no bone chicken variables).


For sides: roasted any kind of vegetable. Just drizzle with a little melted coconut oil (my favorite) or olive oil or melted butter, then bake at the temperature and for the time that's apprpriate for the vegetable. For extra yumminess, chop up a little bacon and throw in there with it. My two favorites: candied carrots (chopped carrots + chopped dates + melted coconut oil or butter, add bacon if desired) and roasted cauliflower (chopped cauliflower + minced garlic + coconut oil + dash of lemon juice or vinegar--my husband prefers it without lemon juice or vinegar).


Or bacon braised brussels sprouts: http://www.thepaleomom.com/2011/11/recipe-bacon-braised-brussel-sprouts.html


Or one I haven't tried yet but keep meaning to, bacon basil zucchini "pasta": www.thepaleomom.com/2012/04/recipe-bacon-basil-zucchini-pasta.html


Mmm, I'm getting hungry--and I just ate dinner!

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I would probably make some kind of soup, maybe potato soup or corn chowder, with bacon in it and add rolls or biscuits with bacon (ETA: meaning diced bacon in the rolls or biscuits) on the side. Then lots of green salad and a green veggie (chard or spinach sautéed in bacon grease with bacon bits on top-yum!) on the side to balance all of that bacon-y goodness.


Chicken quesadillas with bacon, or chicken salad with bacon served on a bed of lettuce or in a tortilla. Spinach salad with bacon and bacon dressing.


I'd probably also save a few strips of bacon in the fridge and dice the bacon the next morning for breakfast burritos or scrambled eggs with bacon.



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Bacon wrapped hamburger patties on the grill. One around each patty. Take the rest and chop it up and cook it on the stove, remove, drain some of the grease, then sauté onions, yellow squash, and zucchini in the grease, add bacon back in when done. :D

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All of these sounded really good, but I went with the roasted veggie idea since I had cabbage in the fridge. I just chopped it into wedges, dumped it on a baking sheet, drizzled it with a little olive oil, laid strips of bacon across the top, and baked till it was brown and delicious. Best cabbage ever.

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All of these sounded really good, but I went with the roasted veggie idea since I had cabbage in the fridge. I just chopped it into wedges, dumped it on a baking sheet, drizzled it with a little olive oil, laid strips of bacon across the top, and baked till it was brown and delicious. Best cabbage ever.


That sounds fabulous. I recently discovered I love cabbage when it isn't boiled or sauerkraut (that was the only way I had it as a kid). I will definitely have to try cooking it with bacon.

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I like to dice bacon, then cook it up (drain most of the fat), add in some garlic, thinly sliced onion, peas (either shelled or snap peas), asparagus cut into about 1 inch pieces, salt, pepper and some chili (either fresh or dried).  Cook up some pasta at the same time, toss the pasta with the veggies and some fresh chopped basil and/or oregano and/or parsley. Sprinkle with parmesan and enjoy.

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