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Dating Advice from c1938

Mom in High Heels

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That was ...interesting. So much for Gramma's chaste modest behavior.


I know right???  "Back when I was a girl..."  apparently you were all drunk and went around braless or pulling up your girdles, while chatting up the waiter about the last time you were at his restaurant with another guy AND talking while dancing.  What the heck?  Sluts.


On a similar vein, my  mom tried to convince me the other day that no one in her town when she was growing up ever, EVER, did drugs, because that kind of stuff "just wasn't around" back then.  Um, yeah.  

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I know right??? "Back when I was a girl..." apparently you were all drunk and went around braless or pulling up your girdles, while chatting up the waiter about the last time you were at his restaurant with another guy AND talking while dancing. What the heck? Sluts.


On a similar vein, my mom tried to convince me the other day that no one in her town when she was growing up ever, EVER, did drugs, because that kind of stuff "just wasn't around" back then. Um, yeah.

Where the heck did she grow up? My mother's favorite drug story is how my grandma asked her to get some mj so she and her husband could try it. Grandma assumed that being 20 and living on her own in the SF Bay Area meant mom must know where to get it.
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Scoff all you want, but I followed those rules, and I found a husband.  I never once smudged his handkerchief with lipstick or ran my hands through the hair of the guy in the next booth or flirted with the head waiter.  And I most certainly have never tugged at my girdle in front of him.  So, frankly, you so-called modern women could take note, and perhaps you, too, could land husbands.


Happily Married in Atl

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Where the heck did she grow up? My mother's favorite drug story is how my grandma asked her to get some my so she and her husband could try it. Grandma assumed that being 20 and living on her own in the SF Bay Area meant mom must know where to get it.


She grew up in the deep south, and I refuse to believe that there were no drugs there.  REFUSE.  I think she's nuts (to be honest, I think that anyway, but still).  She swears no one she knew ever saw or even knew what drugs were.  Uh-huh.  She personally might not have, but I would be willing to place money on other people seeing, knowing and even using drugs.


Scoff all you want, but I followed those rules, and I found a husband.  I never once smudged his handkerchief with lipstick or ran my hands through the hair of the guy in the next booth or flirted with the head waiter.  And I most certainly have never tugged at my girdle in front of him.  So, frankly, you so-called modern women could take note, and perhaps you, too, could land husbands.


Happily Married in Atl


I bow down to your superior knowledge.  Clearly you are the best of women.  I *may* have flirted with a head waiter or two, tugged my girdle and quite possibly ruffled the hair of the man in the next booth (though I should probably blame it on the alcohol), and yet I still managed to snag James Bond.  He could just have low standards though.  ;)

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I bow down to your superior knowledge.  Clearly you are the best of women.  I *may* have flirted with a head waiter or two, tugged my girdle and quite possibly ruffled the hair of the man in the next booth (though I should probably blame it on the alcohol), and yet I still managed to snag James Bond.  He could just have low standards though.   ;)



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She grew up in the deep south, and I refuse to believe that there were no drugs there. REFUSE. I think she's nuts (to be honest, I think that anyway, but still). She swears no one she knew ever saw or even knew what drugs were. Uh-huh. She personally might not have, but I would be willing to place money on other people seeing, knowing and even using drugs.



I bow down to your superior knowledge. Clearly you are the best of women. I *may* have flirted with a head waiter or two, tugged my girdle and quite possibly ruffled the hair of the man in the next booth (though I should probably blame it on the alcohol), and yet I still managed to snag James Bond. He could just have low standards though. ;)

I was just thinking how fortunate I am to be married. What with all the drunken sobbing at dinner, girdle adjustment, forgetting my brassiere all.the.damn.time (probably they were the ones cashiers were keeping), hair ruffling, hanky sullying... Worst.date.ever.


I should wake my husband and thank him.

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Sticking your finger into your friend's ear, leaning over the back of the booth and talking up strangers, tugging at uncomfortable clothes, crying for no apparent reason, leaving the house missing important bits of clothing, talking about only yourself all the time,indulging in so much food and drink that you pass out (fall asleep).


Are we talking about teenagers or toddlers here?

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Makes me want to go to an all-night diner & sit in a booth just so I can ruffle the hair of the guy in the next booth. :lol:


Hey, my grandma, always, always, always told me there were plenty of fish in the sea & that a girl should keep her options open & keep looking. So, perhaps these tips are helpful for getting rid of a stinky fish type date. I don't know if she ruffled other men's hair, but she did like to dance. And to talk.

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Be sure my stockings aren't wrinkled?! Men notice stocking wrinkles? Really! My husband wouldn't know whether I had on stockings, what they were or if I was getting crows feet right on my face! Stocking wrinkles . . . pshaw!


I remember watching something on TV where they filmed couples on a blind date at a restaurant and then the woman went to the bathroom and came back completely different in some way.  The men never noticed!  They started out with small changes, like oh, a black dress becoming a red dress.  Then they swapped out the women of the same general type.  Then it was women of different types.  Like the tall brunette came back from the bathroom a short blonde.  Then they asked the guys how the date went, and the guys said it was fine and she seemed nice.  Then they would say, "Didn't you notice it was two different women"  Then they would say, "I thought something was odd..."

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My grandparents were married in the early 50's and based on the pictures I've seen I think while dating they did a considerable amount of drinking, talking while dancing, and ...  I don't think I'd like to imagine anything additional.  This all happened when they were in college so I can't imagine they were much different than any of the other people at the time.  



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That was when my parents were actually dating.  I have heard lots of stories.  No drugs ever mentioned.  Cigarettes were a topic of much peer pressure for my mom-- she thought they were gross, figures that's why she is still here to talk about it! :lol:  She grew up in a small Midwest town. The scandal was the class president had to get married after graduation.  The baby arrived over the summer.

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That was funny, particularly when she runs her fingers through the hair of the guy in the next booth.  


Was that such a rampant problem in the 30's that the editor of the article wanted to make sure it was mentioned?  Were young ladies back then just all over flirting with the guy in the booth one over?  

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If anybody is curious about the source, it is from the February 1938 issue of a magazine called CLICK. This was their first issue. The official title of the article was "Washouts: The Kind of Girls Men Won't Date".


According to this pulp magazine collector (who also has some more scans from the issue), CLICK was sort of a tabloid journalism competitor to LIFE that went after more sensational subjects, things like "Peeping Toms: What Makes Them Peep?", "White Slavery: Details of the Suppressed League of Nations Report", "Civilized Savagery: Nazi Youths Revel in Blood", or their photo tour of a kosher beef slaughterhouse.



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