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Political threads

Should we make this a politics-free space?  

  1. 1. Should we make this a politics-free space?

    • Yes, let's ban political talk until after the election.
    • Keep the politics (and I promise to be nice)

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OK, folks, I'm taking a poll. I'm not promising I'll abide by the results. :001_smile:


Do you want this message board to be a politics-free space until after the election? (Before you tell me that you want a separate politics board, that's not gonna happen. We have an agenda here, and influencing presidential elections/moderating political debates is NOT on it.)


I may as well tell you that I'm leaning towards banning political threads, but I'm interested in what you think.



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Could one argue that political debate can be a valid part of training one's mind well? And that freely exchanging political ideas can be every bit as educational as the free exchange of ideas on mini-van models, vacuum cleaners, and whether to purchase pre-ground or whole berry wheat? ;)


Seriously, it's your decision and I don't have a super strong opinion about it, I tend to stay out of those threads But it wouldn't be really any more off topic than most of the chatter that takes place on the General Board. :001_smile:

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I like the idea of discussing candidates and politics. I think it is important in fact. I just wish everyone would discuss in a civilized manner. Yesterday's thread were, for the most part, well behaved. Well, at least, what I saw of it. Maybe that changed.


This is a challenging election. I welcome thoughts and input concerning the candidates.

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I'm guessing that these political threads take up more time for you and the mods and they are especially off-topic so I voted no politics.


I would like a sub forum but I understand where you are coming from. :cheers2:


BTW, thanks for the books and the boards! I can't think of another resource that has helped me so much in parenting and homeschooling. :)

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I would prefer that this remain a site dedicated mostly to the topic of homeschooling. There are thousands upon thousands of political websites out there where people can go to rant anywhere they want on the 'net. There's only this board for Well Trained Minders.



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With a major election coming up I think it would be very odd to NOT expect discussion to crop up about it here. This is where many of us get our sole adult "conversation" of the day!


I agree with this...this is where I come for adult conversation. I don't normally converse in political threads, but I enjoy reading them.


Maybe somebody here might have a POV that I haven't considered.

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I voted not to ban, but I have to admit that I'm disappointed by some of the inflammatory things I've read here in the last couple of days. Such extreme language is incompatible with civilized discourse, as are arguments constructed to elicit an emotional response. This is especially true when we're dealing with hot button issues.


I'd ask though that you please let us try to play nice.

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I don't know how to vote (anyone surprised??)


I think we should be mature enough to parent ourselves as far as which thread topics we should open and which ones we should avoid like the plague.


On the other hand, it is your board, Susan, and you are the one who needs to moderate these threads to be sure everybody is behaving themselves. You have the right to decide whether you have the time and energy to do this.

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OK, folks, I'm taking a poll. I'm not promising I'll abide by the results. :001_smile:


Do you want this message board to be a politics-free space until after the election? (Before you tell me that you want a separate politics board, that's not gonna happen. We have an agenda here, and influencing presidential elections/moderating political debates is NOT on it.)


I may as well tell you that I'm leaning towards banning political threads, but I'm interested in what you think.




I voted yes, BUT if it means that when I express my opinion people are allowed to tell me privately and permanently that I'm a moron or worse and not because I'm rude but because they disagree with me, or if posts are allowed to stay up that "argue" for either side with inflammatory post-and-run low blows, then no.

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Judging by the recent deleted posts and locked threads, I've wondered if a "no politics" ban might be put in place. It's a real shame if that comes to fruition. Of all places, a community that encourages logical thinking and discourse should welcome challenging, thought-provoking conversations. There are a plethora of discussions here that are completely unrelated to the "agenda", so that's a weak justification.


Political threads, along with other potentially "hot topics" such as religion, certainly do offer more opportunity to devolve into less-than-polite disagreement. That's not been the case here; incivility is the exception, not the rule. Disallowing discussion about one of the most significant issues of the day isn't appropriate or necessary, imo.


On the other hand, I see a difference between genuinely discussing politics and merely entering into a game of he said/she said. I'm not fond of posts that merely provide "expose" links/videos in an effort to prove or disprove a particular candidate's worthiness or lack thereof. When beginning a political thread, we should initiate the conversation in such a manner that it encourages thoughtful discourse.


Thank you, Susan, for asking.

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I don't have to participate and I don't have to click and read,

:iagree: I haven't responded to any political threads but I don't mind them being there to read. It is nice to get others' views on it. And if we don't want to partake in them then it is easy to bi-pass them and simply not click on the thread.

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These are great points.


All of you should understand that our motivation for banning topics is generally because we've run out of time and energy to delete the TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE ad hominem attacks that a few posters are devoted to...and to delete the ANNOYING negative reps that get left SOLELY on account of political persuasion. Hey. We just plain get tired. :sleep:


A few bad apples often ruin the whole bushel. It's a cliche because it's true.



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It is so much easier on the new boards to skip threads we don't want to be involved with.


I do know that much goes on behind the scenes with message boards, though. I imagine that they cause the staff much anguish in deleting negative reps and answering numerous emails.


I say we keep it if people behave and don't email the staff every time someone says something they don't like.:glare:

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I posted ban politics.


I really don't want to get involved in the political threads, but I feel compelled too! :tongue_smilie:


It is extremely time-consuming and I would much prefer to not do it......though I am trying to incorporate it into our homeschooling. Today the kids learned that the gov't offices are extremely helpful, how committees and bills work to get legislation passed.


But, I would much rather get back to our previously scheduled program.....what we have in our lesson planners.

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These are great points.


All of you should understand that our motivation for banning topics is generally because we've run out of time and energy to delete the TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE ad hominem attacks that a few posters are devoted to...and to delete the ANNOYING negative reps that get left SOLELY on account of political persuasion. Hey. We just plain get tired. :sleep:


A few bad apples often ruin the whole bushel. It's a cliche because it's true.




How about a few more mods?

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I would prefer that this remain a site dedicated mostly to the topic of homeschooling. There are thousands upon thousands of political websites out there where people can go to rant anywhere they want on the 'net. There's only this board for Well Trained Minders.




I guess my issue is that I don't *want* to rant or be ranted at. Here there are many people who can and will discuss issues in a civilized fashion. So there's really not any place for me to go. Plus I'd have to be all new somewhere else -- here at least I'm among (mostly) friends. You know?

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:iagree: I haven't responded to any political threads but I don't mind them being there to read. It is nice to get others' views on it. And if we don't want to partake in them then it is easy to bi-pass them and simply not click on the thread.


Dayle and Lindsey,


If only everyone could understand this simple principle. :rolleyes:



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(whenever a thread that I've participated in gets closed, I immediately panic that it's all my fault and I'm a big jerk). I've enjoyed the political discussion threads here, and I don't know that I've ever seen things stay as civil and generous (for the most part, of course) in a politically diverse internet community as they have here. I was saying to someone the other day that I appreciate these boards not just because of the homeschooling information but because it's where I come to find smart people who disagree with me. I suspect people on all sides of the more controversial subjects have found the same thing here, and that's never a bad thing. It's too easy to stay in our like-minded bubbles in real life.


All of that said, I certainly understand the argument (especially from mod and admin perspective, having been a mod and admin on another board) for not allowing political threads. I'd be a bit sad to see them go, but it certainly would have freed up a lot of time for me these past couple of days ;).

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I guess my issue is that I don't *want* to rant or be ranted at. Here there are many people who can and will discuss issues in a civilized fashion. So there's really not any place for me to go. Plus I'd have to be all new somewhere else -- here at least I'm among (mostly) friends. You know?


At the end of the day we still like each other :001_smile:


Another concern I have is that the political threads do seem to be dominating the board right now and are burying other topics.

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I voted to allow the political discussions. I am not personally that interested in them and in fact would prefer that the board have more homeschooling related discussions. But I would hate to see a topic "banned" and would hope that the people on this board could regulate themselves and avoid the hugely offensive and incindiary topics of the past couple of days.


Either way though I support whatever decision you would make.

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I felt very uncomfortable on the boards yesterday. There seemed to be a negative under current.


I love politics. I mean I really really love politics, but don't think I like it here. The discussion seems to be on the edge of a cliff. As you well know, there are two camps here and each seem to swarm in to defend their positions with words and rep.


I like coming here to be free of that stress, to help a cyber friend release some stress, and to get help or to help. I like reading others joys and trying to give a leg up when their down. Sometimes, I just like to be silly. It makes me feel young again.;)


Maybe, we need to have a political free zone until after the election. This is just my 2 cents. 2c.gif

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All of you should understand that our motivation for banning topics is generally because we've run out of time and energy to delete the TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE ad hominem attacks that a few posters are devoted to...and to delete the ANNOYING negative reps that get left SOLELY on account of political persuasion. Hey. We just plain get tired. :sleep:



I totally understand that.

But don't you think it would help if you required a minimum number of posts, and turned off rep and post count for those threads?


Or maybe just turn off rep altogether until maybe Thanksgiving. :svengo:


And maybe a few more secret mods? ;)

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I see how the political threads can make more work for your mods and I can understand if you make your decision to ban them on that preface alone.


In regards to it being applicable to the forum I feel that it isn't any different than the other discussions that are non-HS topics. The general forum is full of those threads.


I have been watching the political threads. From what I have seen everyone has worked hard to understand and respect other points of view. There have been some misunderstandings but the parties involved have worked to try to "get" each other.

I think it is HEALTHY to discuss these things. In this day and age it is so EASY to surround yourself with only YOUR own point of view, to never even hear the other side.

I am grateful for the opportunity to talk to people (or watch others discussing it) who totally lean a different direction than me. It makes me stretch and broaden my own POV. This forum is a much safer place for some to discuss these things because it isn't as personal. It isn't like disagreeing with your in-laws or neighbors and so I feel it is less inflammatory because it is "less personal" in the RL way of things.

.....and much safer than discussing it with someone with a picket sign in their hand:D.

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I would prefer that this remain a site dedicated mostly to the topic of homeschooling. There are thousands upon thousands of political websites out there where people can go to rant anywhere they want on the 'net. There's only this board for Well Trained Minders.



I hear you, Jennifer, but Pam's point is well-taken in that many of us want to engage in meaninful discussion with people we "know". This board is that place. It's why so many conversations originate here that have virtually nothing whatsoever to do with homeschooling.:)

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I voted to keep them, though I don't participate in them and when they get too long, I don't read them anymore, either. So I guess the "I promise to be nice" part was a lie, since it assumes participation. :D


If it's a matter of server space or bandwidth, I could understand intervention. If it's a matter of people not being able to "behave" themselves, that's another matter altogether. To me, that's a free speech issue. I'd like to think we're all adults here, with just a *bit* more self-control than our kids, but apparently that's not the case if threads are being locked and posts are being deleted.


It would be nice if a group of (mostly) like-minded individuals could gather to discuss what I thought was the intended topic of these forums, i.e., homeschooling. More and more, I find more noise and less content. However, that said, it's ultimately my decision to read those threads or not.

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I totally understand that.

But don't you think it would help if you required a minimum number of posts, and turned off rep and post count for those threads?


Or maybe just turn off rep altogether until maybe Thanksgiving. :svengo:


And maybe a few more secret mods? ;)

Or just rid of negative rep altogether?
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I totally understand that.

But don't you think it would help if you required a minimum number of posts, and turned off rep and post count for those threads?


Or maybe just turn off rep altogether until maybe Thanksgiving. :svengo:


And maybe a few more secret mods? ;)


:iagree: ahem, as you know! :lol:


As the board grows, a few more mods might be a good idea anyway :)


They don't even have to be secret (you're a mod right ang? ;) ) I did once read a reason why the mods here are secret but I think that's weird. It should be an honor to be a mod where it really is not the easiest volunteer position.


Seriously, maybe a few mods who are online all the time can help clean up or lock threads and make life easier for Susan and the staff at Peace Hill.

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I cringe at the thought of banning anything. Although I rarely participate in political threads, I certainly don't mind them being there. I usually just scroll on by.


Of course, if all this political back-and-forth is going to cause issues behind the scenes for the moderators, I can certainly understand why you're leaning that way.


I will support your decision either way. :001_smile:

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I rather come here focused on homeschooling and related homeschool issues. I do know that the General board is general which can cover a wide variety of topics. However politics touch a lot of nerve and can cause anger, upset and whatever emotions among us. I rather come here and not have to sort through threads that are political in nature. Because of the political threads I have avoided the general board. I do not have the time to sort it through. I rather this to be a political free board. :001_smile:



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I would prefer that this remain a site dedicated mostly to the topic of homeschooling. There are thousands upon thousands of political websites out there where people can go to rant anywhere they want on the 'net. There's only this board for Well Trained Minders.




I guess my issue is that I don't *want* to rant or be ranted at. Here there are many people who can and will discuss issues in a civilized fashion. So there's really not any place for me to go. Plus I'd have to be all new somewhere else -- here at least I'm among (mostly) friends. You know?


:iagree: I agree with Pam... because this isn't a political forum it is safer. One is definitely less likely to be ranted at.

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I am not on board with asking others to be quiet altogether simply because I don't want the conversation to take place. I do understand how heated discussions might make some people uncomfortable, but the solution, imo, is as simple as either not reading those threads or, if you find them irresistible, taking a break from the board for a day or an hour.:)

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I voted yes because somedays I wake up looking for a good argument and I don't want to get banned from the boards.:lol: Not really, I think it gets people all to spooled up. I love to come here for encouragement, advice, some great recipes, politics is a class of it's own and it's hard for people to play nice.

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Keep It Simple, uh...






You know that your moderators will be working overtime until Nov. 4 running around putting out fires all over the board and, uh, maybe getting "burned out" in the process. IMO it's better to avoid them, even if only temporarily, and we can get our political fixes on the plethora of political blogs instead. Things will be so much simpler for your peeps.


How about yet another suggestion: In the spirit of a classical board, political posts could be allowed if posted (and answered) in an ancient language: Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Sanscrit. ;) Translation will undoubtedly take a lot of the heat out of those posts. :D

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OK, folks, I'm taking a poll. I'm not promising I'll abide by the results. :001_smile:


Do you want this message board to be a politics-free space until after the election? (Before you tell me that you want a separate politics board, that's not gonna happen. We have an agenda here, and influencing presidential elections/moderating political debates is NOT on it.)


I may as well tell you that I'm leaning towards banning political threads, but I'm interested in what you think.




Yes, politics free, please. There are other places that politics can be discussed. I wish the General Board was used more for its stated purpose, 80% of which is homeschool related. I hardly ever ask homeschooling questions here because those types of threads tend to drop down the pages quickly. So I end up using the curriculum board even for non-curriculum related, but homeschooling related questions. Which then makes me think I'm breaking the rules for the curriculum board, but I don't know what else to do. This is the website I come to, to get homeschooling support.


Thank you for asking for our opinions.

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I rather come here focused on homeschooling and related homeschool issues. I do know that the General board is general which can cover a wide variety of topics. However politics touch a lot of nerve and can cause anger, upset and whatever emotions among us. I rather come here and not have to sort through threads that are political in nature. Because of the political threads I have avoided the general board. I do not have the time to sort it through. I rather this to be a political free board. :001_smile:




I guess that would also mean to take the religion out of it as well as environmental too because those are on here as well and those can be hot button as well. ;)

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All of you should understand that our motivation for banning topics is generally because we've run out of time and energy to delete the TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE ad hominem attacks that a few posters are devoted to...and to delete the ANNOYING negative reps that get left SOLELY on account of political persuasion.


I understand, Susan ~ although I've not noticed the deletion of annoying negative reps left solely on account of political persuasion;). I would suggest that allowing discussion of the "deep" subjects is a genuinely worthy goal. It holds more merit, imo, than providing a forum for us to chat ad nauseam about frivolous matters. Not that I don't enjoy frivolity. But I gain the most from the truly thought-provoking conversations, whether they center around politics, religion, or any number of other topics. That level of discourse is what I often miss in my daily life. It is what broadens my horizons, stimulates my brain, and allows me to be a better teacher to my children. If the goal, ultimately, is to enhance our minds, and our students' minds, this must be a place where challenging discussion can take place and iron can sharpen iron.


Best to you, (((Susan))). You are appreciated.

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I guess that would also mean to take the religion out of it as well as environmental too because those are on here as well and those can be hot button as well. ;)


More than that, there's parenting advice, money, health issues. There have been a number of threads that have become heated over subjects one would think innocuous. I think if we just discussed homeschool related issues, we still would find topics that would bring about debate.

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I am not on board with asking others to be quiet altogether simply because I don't want the conversation to take place. I do understand how heated discussions might make some people uncomfortable, but the solution, imo, is as simple as either not reading those threads or, if you find them irresistible, taking a break from the board for a day or an hour.:)


:iagree: While yes, they can get people heated up, shouldn't we all know our "hot-button" issues and recognize in ourselves when enough is enough and not put the responsibility on others to keep us from spending too much time on particular threads? I think it's irresponsible and selfish to say, "get rid of them because I spent too much of my time on that thread."


I'll support whatever decision you make Susan but I would hate to see you ban the political threads.

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