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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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You know that saying about inviting people over if you want to get your house clean? Yeah, that's us. Our weekend has consisted of doing the stuff we don't get to enough like cleaning carpets and washing walls and windows.


DS, who has some social problems, has 2 new kids over today! He met them at a birthday party for his best friend yesterday. This morning, even though his jealous best friend told him the new kids wouldn't want to play with him, he wandered the neighborhood, found their house, and invited them to play. They all went to the park and then came over for board games. DH hurried to the store to get snacks! Jealous friend came over and tried to lure the kids to his house but they said no. If you knew what we've been through, this is a big victory for us. Between the only friend treating him badly, him having the confidence to track these kids down on his own despite thinking the'd be mean, and having a get together, we're so excited! I know it may not seem like a big deal, but for him it is.  :thumbup:

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I don't think I've done one of these in a while. . . .  or am I getting senile on top of everything else?


What are you up to this weekend?


What music have you listened to lately?


And today's totally random question:  What instruments have you played, if any?  


Well, it is not the weekend, it is Monday morning. I'm in a snit because I haven't any water to the house. The pump pushed water right up the hill, but not into the tank for some reason I can't even imagine because it seems to be none of the usual things I've finally learned to identify and fix. I've let the water out of the pipe, but won't be able to start the pump again for hours and hours because it takes that long for the petrol to unflood, or whatever that's called in "people who know stuff about small engines" parlance.  :angry:


I haven't really listened to much music lately. Only a youtube clip that sounds like Arabic/English worship music and my kids thumping the piano. They're cute.  :001_wub: 


I tried to learn clarinet in high school but the teacher used to demonstrate on *our* instruments. Ugh! I wouldn't have even wanted to share a sandwich with that guy, let alone a clarinet mouthpiece. So I quit fairly soon after. Of course now we have a piano, I can thump it nearly as well as my small kids. :D

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Hi Jean! Does anyone every call you Jeannie? Or has it always been Jean? Or some other nickname?


We are not up to much this weekend. Just got the garden in, and that's about it.


Music - don't listen to much music. I guess lately I've listened to the Hits of the 80's station on my iPad. Takes me back to my high school days!


Instruments - Piano and flute in my past. I still can play the piano, flute I am a bit rusty. I also played handbells from 6th grade through college. And I'm playing again now for our church.

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Krissi, I went by Jeannie until I went to college and introduced myself to everyone by Jean!


Music - today I was on a "listen to music that makes me laugh" kick.  So I listened to Pharrell Williams singing "Happy" (you might know it from Despicable Me) and the Bangles singing "Walk like an Egyptian".  I have eclectic tastes.


Instruments - voice (yes, that is an instrument - I was a voice major at one time and even studied opera with a local opera diva), recorder (not the tape recorder but the instrument - playing Baroque music).  I've tried multiple times to learn to play the piano but I'm piano challenged.  



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Birthday for me today so flowers, cards and dh gave me the best give ever, mama-time to do as I please which I've filled with reading, surfing, more reading, tea, chocolate and listening to music. To answer your question these days I'm listening to a lot of Azam Ali/Vas. Gorgeous voice, stunning percussion. Great to move to or listen to.


Instruments I've played :: recorder, cello, flute and some percussion.



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I don't think I've done one of these in a while. . . .  or am I getting senile on top of everything else?


What are you up to this weekend?


What music have you listened to lately?


And today's totally random question:  What instruments have you played, if any?  


Nothing much at all happening here this weekend. The highlight of the day was the boys friend came over and we walked to Harvey's.


Lately I have been listening to Baker's cat. 


The kids have been playing it again, and again, and again, ...


I have in theory played the sax. In reality I occasionaly made sounds like a dieing animal come out of it. I have taken piano lessons. 

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This weekend consisted mainly of going to the SC convention, which included seeing dh's 100 year old grandfather! Today was Sunday School and church, eating out lunch, relaxing at home, then cleaning the pediatrician's office, which is our family part-time job. Tonight has been planning school for this week and making deviled eggs and egg salad. 


I haven't listened to much music lately. I mostly listen in the car and to contemporary Christian. 


I played piano for 4 years, and then I learned to play flute. I was in the high school band from 7th-11th, then I dropped out. My mother was so mad at me. I wanted to have a fun senior year at the football games. I did play a little in college. I don't even own a flute now and doubt I could play many notes at all. I would like to pick up piano again, and I would love to learn to play violin. Maybe I'll have time for those some day! 

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I don't think I've done one of these in a while. . . .  or am I getting senile on top of everything else?


What are you up to this weekend?


What music have you listened to lately?


And today's totally random question:  What instruments have you played, if any?  

What I'm up to:  I'm cleaning like crazy in advance of leaving for two months for my son's cancer treatments.


Music: whatever the kids are playing around the house--mostly guitar and piano. My daughter started putzing around on an acoustic this weekend.


Instruments: started on double bass, went to french horn, and late in college added euphonium.

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Forgot to throw in music I've been listening to.


Mostly it's been kd lang's Hyms of the 49th Parallel, which has a couple of wonderful Neil Young covers on it, plus Hallelujah. I just love her voice and control and could listen to it all day long.


Also Simon and Garfunkel.

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I am trying to stay calm this weekend.  Big black clouds looming on the horizon and I'm not sleeping at all.  Right now dd is making brownies and I'm reading her chemistry book for fun.  I never took chem in high school or college.  I always felt like I missed out on something.


I have been listening to the relaxation station on Pandora.  Nice light piano/classical genre. 


I have played organ, piano, violin, trumpet, and all percussion instruments.  I was in marching band throughout high school and college.  Music was one of my true loves.  :001_wub:


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I spent most of the weekend in the car, just for a change (ha). The big sci-fi convention was in town, and each of my kids went Friday afternoon and then part of Saturday. Of course, they couldn't go or leave at the same time on either day, which meant I was elected to make the round-trip three or four times each day. A drive that would normally take me less than half an hour was about double that each way, each time because of traffic trying to get to or away from the con. So, that was fun.


Today, I drove my daughter to work for her 7:00 am breakfast shift, then came home and took a nap.


We did get out for some actual fun today, though. The Puerto Rican Festival parade came within a couple of blocks of our house. So, we wandered out and watched. And this afternoon, we hit the farmers' market and browsed a Turkish food and music fest at a local park.


We ended the day with a snack-ish dinner and the Catching Fire DVD.


Music: Left to my own devices, I listen mostly to podcasts and audiobooks. So, most of my music listening is prompted by time in the car with my son. He has recently staked out "his" radio station in the car, and he favors pop with a strong, interesting beat so he can mentally choreograph tap routines in his head while listening. So, it's been a lot of Maroon 5 and Imagine Dragons and Bruno Mars and OneRepublic and such. When it's not the radio, we mostly listen to soundtracks. Current favorites are Legally Blonde and Newsies, although Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson makes the playlist on a semi-regular basis, too.


Instruments: I took piano lessons for a few months as a kid, and I go through phases every now and then when I decide to pick it up again. I learn to play a song or two, then stop. I also played the ukulele a little bit during my teen years. That's about it, though.

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Birthday for me today so flowers, cards and dh gave me the best give ever, mama-time to do as I please which I've filled with reading, surfing, more reading, tea, chocolate and listening to music. To answer your question these days I'm listening to a lot of Azam Ali/Vas. Gorgeous voice, stunning percussion. Great to move to or listen to.


Instruments I've played :: recorder, cello, flute and some percussion.

Happy Birthday! Mine today, too. My DH is working out of town, so DD made me gluten-free brownies for breakfast and the kids and I went out for supper.


We had recorder and ukelele lessons in elementary school, I played clarinet in Jr. High band.


Thanks to my DD, I get to listen to lots of tween pop-rock every time we're in the car - specifically whatever is on Radio Disney.


I spent the day being lazy. I do need to switch out a load of laundry before it starts to stink. Kids and I will snuggle up to watch an episode of Dr. Who and go to bed. They promises me a birthday neck rub, so I'll try to collect on that while Dr. Who is on. :)

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Happy Birthday! Mine today, too. My DH is working out of town, so DD made me gluten-free brownies for breakfast and the kids and I went out for supper.


We had recorder and ukelele lessons in elementary school, I played clarinet in Jr. High band.


Thanks to my DD, I get to listen to lots of tween pop-rock every time we're in the car - specifically whatever is on Radio Disney.


I spent the day being lazy. I do need to switch out a load of laundry before it starts to stink. Kids and I will snuggle up to watch an episode of Dr. Who and go to bed. They promises me a birthday neck rub, so I'll try to collect on that while Dr. Who is on. :)


Happy Birthday, fraidycat :D


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