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By this time tomorrow, I could have a baby!

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The midwife has me trying castor oil tomorrow. Please pray that it works!!!


I am so excited!! Today I am 8 days late. Hopefully we can get things going. :auto:





Wooohooooo!!!!!! You (or your SIL) has to let us know what's going on!!!!


I'll be checking in and out all day! :lurk5:

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I used it to bring on my last birth and it worked like a charm without any negative side effects. I'm not sure what your midwife recommends but I shook it up with root beer and seriously I couldn't taste it at all through all the foam. I only took 1 tbsp and it did the trick (I also took another tbsp at 5 cm when my labor stalled. An hour and a half later active labor kick-started and I was holding my baby within the hour).

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Yea!! It worked for a friend of mine without any of the nasties!


How late were your others?


They were both late, 12 days and 8 days. Today is day 9 for this one or more depending on whether we go by the ultrasound date 7/31 or the LMP date 8/10. Either way he is pretty big and we don't want him to be any bigger. :willy_nilly:

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So far, I am 2 hours into the castor oil. After many trips to the bathroom, no labor yet.


How long does it take for this stuff to work? The midwife says it could take 8 hours. Is this right?


Thanks for the well wishes. Come on baby!!


Adrianne, when I did the c/o I can remember it taking right about 7-8 hours to really kick in. So I would usually take it before bed, crash, wake up about 4 hours later with cramps and the runs but no real contractions, then again 3 or so hours later in full-blown labor. Not sure how it would work completely awake. It seems like it's been about 2 more hours for you. Why don't you try having a nap to kill some time and rest up?


PS...take some Calcium/Magnesium supplements if you have them along with eating a little something salty, a little something sweet and drinking clear fluids. All that will balance your electrolytes and prevent symptoms of dehydration and depletion.



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