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Spring Cleaning


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Anyone starting their spring clean this week? The weather is finally starting to warm up more often than not (though we have 1 random cooler day this week) so I figured it was a good week to toss open some windows and get the seasonal jobs finished.

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I spread the yearly and quarterly cleaning type things out throughout the year. I hate doing a whole bunch of cleaning all at once. Once our maple trees are bigger I'll just use the same reason as Melissa, it sounds better (and tastier). :D

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Coal or no coal my house gets a distinct shut up feeling and smell during the winter. I love setting aside a week to open everything up and air it out, swap out winter and spring clothes, dusting and some chores that I generally do bi-annually (grout cleaning and carpets). Just call me archaic ;)

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Coal or no coal my house gets a distinct shut up feeling and smell during the winter. I love setting aside a week to open everything up and air it out, swap out winter and spring clothes, dusting and some chores that I generally do bi-annually (grout cleaning and carpets). Just call me archaic ;)

I'm with you on throwing open the windows and getting the winter muck out of the way. We're not out of the winter woods yet, but I'm taking most of this beautiful week to get some outside chores done. Most of what I used to do as spring cleaning I now spread out over the year. Happy cleaning!

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it's much more fun on this pretty day to be outside digging around in the dirt...


That's the problem with spring cleaning for me...when it's spring I just want to abandon all inside chores. When it's cold and icky out I just want to curl up under a blanket and stay warm. Either way, it's tough to get the house spic and span...

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I spring clean after syrup season, otherwise it's a waste if time :)


You need to get a outdoor burner aka a turkey fryer.  It works great for syrup no matter the temp outside. Then you can use it during canning season during the summer.  


I really hate to spring clean when late march-april is mud season.  No matter how often you mop the floor, how many doormats you have it can not compete with mud season.  Spring cleaning will take place after mud season here.

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I'd love to start during this beautiful week, but I have to refuse to, for my own sanity.  We're having guests this weekend and if I start now I'll drive myself crazy stressing about everything that should get done (and my kids are really little, so I really don't have the flexibility to clean on a deadline).


On a more practical note, I like to keep my windows open in the spring, and the pollen that gets inside makes an unholy mess.  Better to wait a little while to do a really thorough cleaning.

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I spent Saturday deep cleaning my kitchen with the air flowing through the screen door.   And then my husband and kids came home and tracked mud from all the melted snow onto my nice clean floor.


I'm working through one room at a time and hoping I finally get good at maintaining. 

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winter is not done here yet, it is Alberta after all, but this week with its warm spring like temps it is in fact time to throw open the windows and air out the house.  We may not heat with coal but winter brings its own closed up stuffiness to a house.  I love having the windows open and that brisk breeze blowing in circulating the air again.  As for cleaning, that is always a work in progress.  I do declutter more during spring and fall cleaning, I try to declutter all year but those 2 times really get me itching to be rid of more stuff and open the space up.  I also do the deeper cleaning during those times (pulling appliances out to clean under them, change furnance filters, light fixtures etc).  The one thing I MUST work on asap is the basement.  The younger kids destroyed it dumping boxes of stuff everywhere etc and we still get basement flooding from the melt even with the sump pump, it's just not as bad as it used to be.  Which means everything needs to be up off the floor if it is not in a rubber maid tote.  The actual declutter down there will be a different process done this summer when my kids are all away, but the pick up and stuff into a box/tote must get done in the next 2 weeks, only I am so busy between work and the kid schooling I am not sure when I am supposed to get that done,.

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I'm done with my spring cleaning except for mucking out 2 closets. Now I'm on to painting. Nothing like a new coat of paint to make a room feel fresh and clean.


home renos and painting are a summer time task around here, the air isn't warm enough for proper drying until then, especially since I prefer to paint with open windows :)

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