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How did your adult son/daughter...


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My oldest daughter, 21, met her first boyfriend at 19 when she left home to live in another state.  He was at the church meeting she went to in the new state.  She broke up with him after 3 months, and her next boyfriend was a friend of the first one.  That's how they met, and then he supported her on the phone when she was upset about breaking up with the first one.  They have now been going out nearly 2 years.


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Oldest met her now husband when she was 16 -she was a cheerleader and he was a football player.  The only guy she dated.


Dd 2 met her first boyfriend as a 14 year old and they dated for 5 years then broke up.  She's had two more boyfriends but for the past year has been  single.  They met at school.


Dd 3 had a boyfriend for about a year when she was 16- met him at youth group-  and decided to ditch the boyfriend idea until she was ready to be married. At 21, she is focused on school and travel and not interested in a relationship.  I have mixed feelings about that. 


Ds is almost 20 and has had no 'real' girlfriend though he did date a nice little Russian girl for a while. Her mother was pushing for marriage and once he caught on to that, it was over.  He met her at school. 


My oldest's experience made me think this whole dating/finding a spouse thing was going to be smooth sailing. Boy was I wrong.   

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My oldest met his longtime girlfriend at his best friend's wedding (so cliche). My second son met his girlfriend at the local minor league's baseball park where he and his friends met my oldest and his friends for a night out. So both boys' girlfriends are childhood friends from another state which is really nice for them being so far from home.

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my oldest dd met her future husband in a history class at the local community college.  The funny thing is that I had been re-inquiring into the Orthodox church (she wasn't interested).  Turns out he is the son of an Orthodox priest (probably the only one in that school at that time - so what are the odds??).  Anyway, things changed, she became orthodox too, skip a few years and then they started dating, and were married.


next child (son) met his future wife at college, through InterVaristy Fellowship. 


3rd child met her long-time boyfriend via college school friends at her former college (she switched ). 

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My dd21 went out with some old high school friends she had reconnected with from high school. The guy she met had gone to school with her but she didn't know him very well. And of course, she homeschooled for two years so she lost touch with many of them. He asked her out on a casual date with another couple and they hit it off quickly. Her previous boyfriend of 2 years she met online through a role-playing game. I was glad to see the back of him. She and her current boyfriend are talking marriage. We'll see.

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My ds was riding through Europe on his bike the year after he graduated high school.  Marriage (or even a girlfriend) was not on his radar, at all.  During the winter months, I suggested he take it easy and try and get a job over there somewhere.  He ended up working on the maintenance team at an international school in Germany.  His future wife was a student there.  His first night there, he ate in the dining hall and the only available seat was next to her.


My dd was studying at a Bible school in Costa Rica, where she met her Costa Rican husband. 


That's all so far!  We are getting good at figuring out visas!

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Most of the homeschooled kids I know who are grown up and married/engaged met their spouse through church- youth group activities where young people from other cities within our denomination meet up, or through church conferences, or Christian college. My brother met his homeschooled wife at Pensacola Christian College, they now homeschool their 5 kids. :)

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My son met his girlfriend of almost two years at an archaeological field school in England in the summer of '12.  They somehow maintain their relationship via Skype (he attends college in the US, she attends uni in Britain).  When they were reunited at the archaeological dig last summer, I had wondered if Skype and a two week visit during the school year would be sufficient.  Apparently it was.


We went to England to meet her and her family last August; she spent two weeks with us after Christmas.  In fact, she sent me a sweet email this morning.


I love this girl! One never knows where life will take them, but it would not surprise me if marriage is their future.

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Friend of a friend introduced them. Since he lived in Penn and Dr was here, they began a long distance communication relationship, followed by flying or commuting back and forth at holidays and college breaks (I can't believe that some how my stupid tablet autocreect to "completeness" when I tried to type college breaks before - WHO DESIGNED AUTOCORRECT????)  to see each other. They married last June and went through the cancer scare with her three weeks before the wedding. He was so (Solomon? really autocorrect???) good to her, caring, devoted, steadfast. We didn't know him super well up to that point, but that trial by fire drew him close to our hearts very quickly.


I now tend to think of myself  as having four sons.

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Oldest met his wife at college.  She's a year ahead of him and had a totally different major, but it's a small school so there's a bit of student interaction.


It might be somewhat genetic.  I met hubby at college.  My parents met at college.  Of course, we're the only generations going to college so I've no idea how our other generations ever found each other.  ;)

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Dd met her husband during a play practice at community college. They got into an argument, and have been together ever since.


2nd dd met her boyfriend, and he looks like a keeper, because he is o,dest DS's best friend. Lol! Yeah, she stole him.


Oldest ds met his girlfriend through a mutual friend on one of his NYC walkabouts.


Ds2 met his girlfriend at the gym. They are casual, on again off again.....


Dd #3 met her boyfriend at the gym. She volunteers in the baby room and so did another girl who was friends with him. They started talking and CLICK! He's adorable! Otherwise, it would have been no way, too young!

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Oldest ds met his GF at college. Middle met his GF at summer camp-awwww. Youngest...thankfully nothing yet. He is only 12 after all.


One of eldest's earlier GFs was in a regional orchestra with him. When I asked him how they found each other, he said they were both rather awkward and knew right away that this was because they were both homeschooled, and struck up a conversation. LOL. FWIW, I didn't think either of them was awkward at all. But what do I know?

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My oldest met her dh through her then boyfriend. After she and boyfriend broke up, she reconnected with the friend.  They are now married with one child.


My second oldest met her boyfriend at work.  They've been dating for 2+ years and are engaged.

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