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When to Worry about Tubbiness in Babies


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My fattest baby is my skinniest kid. I wouldn't worry until 3 or 4 at the earliest.


It's very normal for some babies to gain heavily in their first 6 months, and then lengthen out during the second 6. My oldest 2 were both 20lbs by 4 months, and 23 and 22lbs at a year.

My fattest baby is also my skinniest kid.

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My eldest was like this was as a baby and even into toddlerhood.  At 2 he was eating more in a day than I was (for breakfast he would eat 2 bowls of oatmeal and 3-4 bananas and that was only breakfast) His gross motor skills did develop on the later end of things but his fine motor skills developed very early.  He is now 16.  He's 6 feet tall and weigh about 130.  It's very hard to find pants SKINNY enough to fit him.  It's a joke about how chubby he was as a baby because now there isn't an ounce of fat on him (and now he eats more than myself and my husband combined in a day and neither of us are small eaters).  I definitely wouldn't worry about a chubby EBF baby.

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All three of my exclusively breast fed babies were chunky kids. Middle dd was the one with the most rolls of fat. Her thighs had several creases, as did her arms. You might have thought she would grow to be an obese person - the thought crossed my mind. But, by the time she was two, she was so tiny that I worried in the other direction, she went from 95th percentile weight to 35th, in those two years. Our doc was never concerned as it was all within the normal range.


She is 11 now and very fit and healthy. A bit skinny, but not too skinny.

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Please don't worry.


If there was a problem your doctor would let you know. My babies were so skinny that I had to bring them in for weight checks every couple weeks. If they got sick and stopped eating I had to let the doctor know and more weight checks ensued. I had complete strangers stopping me on the streets asking me if my babies were sick and when I told them they were perfectly healthy I would get odd looks or get told to take them to a doctor or any number of horrible things.


So enjoy your chubby baby and the fact that people want to snuggle and cuddle him.


And FTR, both my boys are perfectly healthy, fit kids. They are both slender but not unusually so and they are rarely sick.



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If he is exclusively BF, then I wouldn't worry.  I had a rolypoly baby - he was HUGE.  He took a little longer to crawl (8 months) and walk (14 months), but was within normal ranges.  He didn't want to stand for the longest time.  He was a cerebral baby - interesting in learning about things close at hand rather than moving.  He is a cerebral super skinny 20 year old - 5'11" and 130 lbs sopping wet.  Once he decided he did want to be mobile, he slimmed down quite a bit.  The only thing I would worry about down the road is if you were constantly using BF as the SOLE comfort source rather than helping your child learn other coping methods (this is toddlerhood I am talking about - not babies.)

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When my son was 7 days old someone asked me how many months he was. I thought it was hysterical. 


He was born looking like an NFL linebacker. 


At 6 months he was wearing 18/24 month clothing. 


I never worried. He's still a really big boned kid (at 14), tall for his age and within the proper weight range. 

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All three of my boys were a bit over 20 lbs at their 4 month appointments and off the charts tall.  By 6 months they were wearing 18-24 month clothes.


The oldest rolled at 3 months and walked at 9 months.  The second rolled at 9 months and walked at 16 months.  I trust the youngest will meet those milestones on his own unique time table.



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"That's not chub, that's insurance!"



Sounds like my grandmother, who said "A fat baby is a healthy baby".   My father weighed 30lb at six months!  She claimed they needed the extra in case they got sick (this was not too many years after the influenza epidemic).


He was so scrawny when he was drafted that he GAINED 20 pounds in basic training.

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"That's not chub, that's insurance!"



Sounds like my grandmother, who said "A fat baby is a healthy baby".   My father weighed 30lb at six months!  She claimed they needed the extra in case they got sick (this was not too many years after the influenza epidemic).


He was so scrawny when he was drafted that he GAINED 20 pounds in basic training.

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Baby's brain grows on fat.  You are giving him fantastic milk.  Keep it up!



I agree that a Fat baby is a Healthy baby.  I think it's easy with a first baby to keep him always in your lap.  The 2nd child wants to chase the 1st.  Sit down on the floor in a V-shape and put him just in front of you (Be a human Bobby-Pillow.), and from that position read to him, entice him with toys, etc...  That gives him some support, but encourages him to move around, and it won't be too long before he's crawling away from you.  You can also use receiving blankets to prop him up for tummy time.



I've seen some seriously FAT babies grow into slender, strong children and adults. 

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Lol, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose kid is a tubby little bucket of laughs!

I will continue to encourage floor time and tummy time. I'm glad that Jr. isn't alone or abnormal either.

Thank you all for the reassurance, and whoever it was that posted that picture of their baby--he is gorgeous! His eyes are so bright and he is practically glowing with happiness! I hope he grows up to be as happy and alert as he appears in that picture! Just tooo cute!

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My dd was so fat she couldn't smile properly. She had rolls upon rolls. She more than quintupled her birth weight in the first year. My sister was the same way when she was a baby and she seemed to eat constantly. Both were exclusively bf, both are slim girls now. My sister (now an adult) wears something like a size 3 and eats whatever she wants. My dd is at a below average weight for her age. They have great metabolisms because when they hit those growth spurts, their bodies never felt short of fat to utilize for extra energy. I love seeing a fat baby.

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I wouldn't worry, especially since he's EBF. My now 6 year old was a very roly-poly baby who had no ambition to move around. She hit all of her milestones late, but I really wasn't worried b/c she had a very mellow personality (and she was my third baby). Now, she's a very active, strong, and super petite 6 year old. It seems as though her baby sister may be following in her footsteps.

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Guest misboots86

ODD was a teeny tiny skinny thing. YDD however. She is a FAT baby. And I loved it. She gained a pound a week from the time she was born until she was around 3 months. It was insane. She just had rolls upon rolls. Which was unpleasant because they got rashy, but so cute. She's 16 months now and getting skinny on me and it makes me sad. She started crawling around 8 months and walking at 11 months and slowed WAY down on the weight gain. 

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ALL my babies (5 of them) got FAT EBF - even sleeping through the night. All jumped up to 90 + percentile and were 7-8 lbs. babies. (farmer hubby calls be the high-fat milk cow, yeah thanks...) Anyway, the olders are all normal size now. DH and I are normal weight. If you feed them healthy options when they start on solids and give them plenty of time to play (little tv time), he'll be fine. I think babies are meant to be fat ebf. All bottle fed skinny babies I know grew up to be overweight when paired with a junk-food toddler diet and lots of TV.

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My impossibly big baby (top of the charts for weight and height) is now closing in on 11 years old and nothing if not long and lean. I don't recall what he was at 5-6 months off hand but it was north of 20 pounds. He was 15 pounds within weeks of birth (born at 9 pounds). I have had a few people try to tell me that if a baby is over 7 or 8 pounds at birth then mom had gestational diabetes and it's a weight problem. That's crazy talk. Uh, I've never had a wonky blood sugar reading in my life and I am the absolute shortest woman in my maternal side of family at 5'9". My mom was 6 feet barefoot and I was 10 pounds at birth. We just have big babies. My son was nearly 23 inches long at birth. He would have been way too small at under 7 pounds. My second son was about 7 pounds at birth but he was near term- born around the 35 week mark.

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More big babies here! DS went from 7 lbs., 10 oz. at birth to 22 lbs at 4 mo. His pediatrician called me a Jersey cow. We called him "Jingle Jowls" his first Christmas because they would wobble everywhere when he rode in a shopping cart in a rough parking lot. He rolled over at 5 mo., crawled at 10, and walked at 15. At 18 mo. he was eating 2 eggs, a banana, a tangerine, broccoli, milk, cheese, and toast every day for breakfast. It was insane! My friends' kids were eating a bite here and there and he ate like a teenage boy! He was off the charts for height/weight until age 3 or so. At 4 1/2 he gets mistaken for a 1st grader in his size 5/6 clothing. He is not chubby now, just tall and dense.


DD is 20 lbs at 7 mo. and rolls over but is nowhere close to crawling. I don't think we ever make it through an outing without someone commenting on her chubby cheeks.

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A couple of my babies were very chubby, and didn't walk until they were 15 months old!  Lots of eating and sitting-on-a-blanket time.  They are both slim now and WISH they could bulk up even just a little!  My son is 6'3" and my chubbiest-of-all daughter (as a baby) is 5'7" and slim.  Are you and your husband tall?  Even if you aren't, I would definitely not worry about it.



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For a longer term comparison ... I was that EBF super fat baby.  Up until I hit thirty I was always very slender.  Now it's a different story but I don't think being round as a baby had anything to do with it.  

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It's really common for babies to gain a ton up to about 6 or 7 months and then slow WAAAY down till a year.  And it is a very rare 5 month old that sits alone.  I'd do some baby yoga (because it's fun), take him swimming, practice rolling him (you hold his arms and roll him over), touch his toes to his nose, just play physical games with him.  And rock and love him.  He sounds perfect!!!!


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