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Need tips for how to peel very fresh hard-boiled eggs, please!


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Are they so fresh because you're getting them from a farm or from your own chickens?


I know this won't help with the hardboiled eggs you've got now, but the best remedy I found was to get my eggs into a rotation so that I had a couple dozen eggs that I could set aside for long enough that they'd peel easily when hardboiled. To do this, I had to purchase a couple dozen extra eggs. 


I'd mark the carton with the date and set them in the back of the fridge. When I boiled a dozen, I'd replace that dozen with a fresh carton at the bottom of the stack. By the time it got to the top of the stack, it had usually been about 2-3 weeks.



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Shoot-I was hoping there would be a way. These are from a farm. The ones I tried to do today *were* two wks old, and still didn't work.


Maybe I have to poach-I've never had luck with that either, but haven't tried it with these eggs. Any tips for poaching?


Feel free to still chime in if you have a hard-boiling tip that works on fresh eggs!

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 The ones I tried to do today *were* two wks old, and still didn't work.


I was just talking to my sister. I bought my eggs from her when her chickens were laying loads and loads of eggs. She reminded me that I asked for eggs to hardboil, so she gave me eggs that were already about 2 weeks old, maybe 3, so by the time I boiled them they were probably 4-6 weeks old. :)



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I keep eggs for about a month before I can peel them. I even went out and bought Eggies for times when I don't have older eggs. I have tried every trick in the book and yet I still wind up with nasty looking eggs. The only thing that works for me is using older eggs.

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I steam mine in an egg cooker (I looovvveeee looovvvve lovvveee eggs in every form).  They are about $10.  Even with fresh eggs they are always easy to peel.  I think the steam gets under the shell. 

If you get an egg cooker, I'd get one that turns itself off. 

ETA:  Mine is really old.  But the new ones poach too. 

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This is how I boil my eggs. They peel easily every time.


I do use store bought eggs, but I often boil them on the day I buy them.


If you buy them from the store they are already weeks old. Fresh eggs right out of the chicken are nearly impossible to peel.

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I put them in cold (icy) water after boiling, and I after about 1 min, I tap them and crack the shell-- (all over the egg) then as they cool more, the water get in between the shell and the egg.  I guess this method gets me about 90% of the eggs perfectly peeled.


Exactly what I do, except I just use cold water, not too icy. It gets me to a success rate similar to when I boil store eggs. I also boil my eggs until they are barely done all the way through, not a whole 15 minutes. I don't know if it helps, but since it's a possible factor, I thought I'd mention it.

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