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Can I just say that I am soo over Ashley Wagner?

dirty ethel rackham

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After watching the endless commercials with her smug smile and listen to her "me, me, me, I deserve this" interviews, I am really done.  I think including her was all about the money they had already spent on promoting her, not about her talent or potential at the games.  That little Russian girl wiped the floor with her with just lovely skating and no attitude.  The lovely Italian woman was a joy to watch.   

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The Italian girl was lovely and they said it was her birthday today, and how great to skate a great performance on your birthday! Ashley Wagner, to me, gives off a Tonya Harding vibe. :thumbdown:

I also really enjoyed that cute little gal from Canada, she did great!


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I just saw the interview with her, and her program. She is talented.... But boy, she thinks highly of herself, doesn't she? I don't really care for her style... Not the skating as much as the "look at me, aren't I fabulous" expressions. I'm glad she did well for the team's sake, but I can't say I'm rooting for her.


Yes, some of those young women, and some of the couples, are just adorable!

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I mostly only watch figure skating during the Olympics, so I am no expert. I liked the Italian and Russian programs more - partly because I didn't care for Wagner's music.


Nevertheless, I think she is absolutely stunning. I can't judge the technical aspects, but she is an amazing skater, and she skated well under tremendous pressure. I understand the controversy about her going, but whatever people think of the decision, she was there and took the heat. I think she gave a confident, powerful skating response to all the naysayers and the hate tweet bullies. I guess there were problems with some of her elements that lowered her score. But I thought she did a great job for her team and her country and I can't wait for the individual woman's events.

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I thought Wagner's skating was very good, but that little Russian girl was truly amazing! My dd and I were just slack jawed at that last twirly thing she did. As far as Wagner's attitude.... at least pretend to be modest and humble. Good grief!


I'm crushing on the snowboarders myself!

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Interesting. I had no idea I had such company in disliking her. I do not like her skating style; it's too harsh. I like ballet-type skating. I remember loving the Russian orphan, Oksana, many moons ago when Nancy Kerigan was the USA favorite. Her choreography was breath-taking. I knew she trumped Kerigan, though I'm no expert.

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I thought Wagner's skating was very good, but that little Russian girl was truly amazing! My dd and I were just slack jawed at that last twirly thing she did. As far as Wagner's attitude.... at least pretend to be modest and humble. Good grief!


I'm crushing on the snowboarders myself!

I told my dh that we need some snowboarders in our life. We had a good laugh pretending to introduce them to all the quiet, intense, driven folks we are surrounded by (and can be, ourselves).
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Interesting. I had no idea I had such company in disliking her. I do not like her skating style; it's too harsh. I like ballet-type skating. I remember loving the Russian orphan, Oksana, many moons ago when Nancy Kerigan was the USA favorite. Her choreography was breath-taking. I knew she trumped Kerigan, though I'm no expert.


I agree about Ashley's skating style.  Put a male skater out there doing the exact same choreography and you would not know it was done for a woman.  Plus, she did not have nearly the extension or flow the other skaters had.  If she is supposed to have a "powerful" skating style, she should at least back it up with powerful jumps.  She two footed the landing on her combination and didn't look all that confident in her other jumps. 


But, putting all that aside, her attitude of entitlement (even her poor attitude about her score despite the replays showing the flaws and her coaches should have been able to tell her that) really put me off.  She was given a gift in getting that Olympic bid.  She is treating it like she deserved it. 


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But, putting all that aside, her attitude of entitlement (even her poor attitude about her score despite the replays showing the flaws and her coaches should have been able to tell her that) really put me off. She was given a gift in getting that Olympic bid. She is treating it like she deserved it.


I was wondering what that was all about. When they played that clip when they announced the team and that lady kept having to defend their choice..... I kept thinking, if she's that controversial, why are they taking her? Are there some politics or money involved? There's gotta be other skaters just as good. I'm just a conspiracy theorist, I know.

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I was wondering what that was all about. When they played that clip when they announced the team and that lady kept having to defend their choice..... I kept thinking, if she's that controversial, why are they taking her? Are there some politics or money involved? There's gotta be other skaters just as good. I'm just a conspiracy theorist, I know.



I wondered that as well. Anyone know?

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But, putting all that aside, her attitude of entitlement (even her poor attitude about her score despite the replays showing the flaws and her coaches should have been able to tell her that) really put me off.  She was given a gift in getting that Olympic bid.  She is treating it like she deserved it. 



I quite like Ashley, but I do agree with you that she could have been more sportsmanlike about that score. Hard not to contrast that with Gracie; when she heard some criticism of the Russian girl's skate, she essentially said, "Are you kidding? Julia is amazing! Did you see that final spin?"

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I wondered that as well. Anyone know?


A lot of politics.


The one who came in 3rd retired for a while, and just came back to the sport.  She also doesn't have a coach, which is unheard of.  The people in charge don't like that sort of convention flouting, and are punishing her for that.


Ashley already had a lot of endorsements lined up, and not letting her go to the Olympics would have made a lot of advertisers angry.  As always, money talks.


My friend who works with the national figure skating organization swears up and down that it has nothing to do with racism/sending the "pretty white girl," but IMO that is definitely part of it, too.

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I want to know how the young lady who finished third at the US Nationals (and who rightfully earned her place on the Olympic team) felt about being ousted from her team spot by Ashley Wagner, who finished fourth.


This whole debacle shows how much the Olympic Games have changed over the years.


There is something totally wrong about a committee subjectively choosing a fourth place finisher over a third place finisher because it was "her turn." What????


While we are at it, why don't we strip the Russian pairs figure skaters' gold medal away from them and give it to the Chinese couple who are about to retire after four Olympic tries...isn't it "their turn" to have the gold?


And why don't we give the high school class ranking of #1 to the student who "tried hardest," not to the student whose GPA was highest.


Yes, this one really irks me - a selective, relatively quiet poster, but long-time WTM-er.


Frankly, it is a microcosm of one of the huge problems in our country today.



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A lot of politics.


The one who came in 3rd retired for a while, and just came back to the sport.  She also doesn't have a coach, which is unheard of.  The people in charge don't like that sort of convention flouting, and are punishing her for that.


Ashley already had a lot of endorsements lined up, and not letting her go to the Olympics would have made a lot of advertisers angry.  As always, money talks.


My friend who works with the national figure skating organization swears up and down that it has nothing to do with racism/sending the "pretty white girl," but IMO that is definitely part of it, too.


Well, their decision does look good in hindsight. They sent Nagasu to 4C and she came in last (or nearly last) and that's a 2nd-string competition. Maybe she was just still hurting about the Olympics, but she didn't do herself any favors.

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I still think the Wagner choice made sense, looking at her track record, plus the fact that she has a coach.


The decision that is puzzling me a bit is the men bringing Jeremy Abbott. I like him; I really do. I wanted to see him do well. But he has a history of choking, especially at the Olympics. If they were going to make an unorthodox decision, it seems like it should have been regarding him.

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I can't quote on my phone, but it has been this way at least since the 1992 Olympics. They used the same rule to put Kerrigan on the Olympic team after she missed the US trials from getting her knee knocked with a crow bar.


Yes, the used the rule before, but previously, it was to place an expected top finisher who didn't get to compete due to injury,  In AW's case, they selected her in spite of a poor performance.  I think that was unprecedented.  If that was the case, why didn't they just name the team before the US championships?  I do think it was due to the amount of $$ already spent promoting her. 


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Yes, the used the rule before, but previously, it was to place an expected top finisher who didn't get to compete due to injury,  In AW's case, they selected her in spite of a poor performance.  I think that was unprecedented.  If that was the case, why didn't they just name the team before the US championships?  I do think it was due to the amount of $$ already spent promoting her. 



Yes.  You are right.  Excellent point.


The men's short program tonight was definitely exciting.

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