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Any other Star Wars geek households?

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Today is the day my 11yo ds has been talking about for MONTHS: opening day of "The Clone Wars". Dh took him, along with two friends, to the movie. They were all "geeked out": one in a Jedi cloak, one with a light saber, and one with a clone trooper mask. Mercy.


I elected to stay home and let this be a "boys' night out". I went to Borders to browse a bit; now I'm home goofing off. (Well, I did do some lesson preparation for next week.)



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Our house - especially DH. We're toying with the idea of dressing up like Star Wars characters for Halloween - as a family. I've been growing my hair out, so I'll be Leah - no, not the Leah with "the outfit" - the one with the REALLY COOL honey buns hair do. (To be read with extreme sarcasm.)


(We did the Wizard of Oz last year.)

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Star Wars is all my sons ever talk about, play act, sing about, hum about, watch on tv, etc. Even my 3 yo dd knows all the characters by sight and can hum the theme. It's NUTS! I must admit...I really do enjoy it, too. As for the Clone Wars movie...dh is taking the boys when it hits our dollar movies.

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Today is the day my 11yo ds has been talking about for MONTHS: opening day of "The Clone Wars". Dh took him, along with two friends, to the movie. They were all "geeked out": one in a Jedi cloak, one with a light saber, and one with a clone trooper mask. Mercy.


I elected to stay home and let this be a "boys' night out". I went to Borders to browse a bit; now I'm home goofing off. (Well, I did do some lesson preparation for next week.)




At this very moment, dh is wearing ds's Jedi cloak, hood pulled over his eyes. DS just came running upstairs telling me there is a Sith lord in our playroom and do I know where the blue light saber is?




I'd rather browse the bookstore too! I hope you enjoy your evening!

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Ds has an awesome Obi-Wan Kenobi outfit, but I can't get him to wear it outside the house. We pieced it together.


DS wants to continue the Star Wars saga and make episodes 7,8, and 9. He has spent hours watching behind the scences of all the movies and makes his own storyboards.


We also have a friend who owns a real Darth Vader helmet and very cool looking outfit. He was the guest at ds birthday party a few years ago. You should have seen 8 little boys jumping all over Darth Vader with lightsabers. What fun.


Clone Wars is a given, but we'll push it back until next week.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
We have the entire dvd collection. Enough said.;)



Us too. And 2 light sabers, 2 dozen action figures, 4 space craft, 2 darth vader masks, a few books, a Luke Skywalker t-shirt, and a homemade Han Solo vest.

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We have the entire dvd collection. Enough said.;)


Not only do we have the entire dvd collection, but ds also has a book collection that at last count was over 100! And the Lego stuff, including the huge Yoda. Yup, we're Star Wars fans here.


Funny thing, though, none of us are all that interested in this new movie. Impressions from those who've gone to see it?????

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Daily lightsaber fights are our main PE here. And my 6 year old does really mean impersonations of Rodinians, Jawas, and Jabba.


We are not doing movies in the theater right now, though. They'll have to wait for it. Let us know how it is!!


I wish I could find a dollar theater in this area!

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Dh just took the kids to see Clone Wars. I stayed at home and had a nice chat with a new friend. ;) Dh is the Star Wars nerd, I'm sure ds4 will become one too. I listened to dh for an hour about the breakdown of the movie and the differences between the books and movie...yeah. That man better know that I love him!


Dh has collector items, Trivial Pursuit games still in plastic, you know...stuff that can't be touched or played just moved everywhere we go.

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Not going, because we are totally broke, but yeah, big fans here. DH is almost as big a Star Wars fan as his is a Tolkien fan. We do have the Clone Wars on DVD, and I remember watching them online with DH...who for one of the prequel movies was in line for WEEKS. Literally. I was, fortunately, in another state at the time.

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All of my kids were OBSESSED with Star Wars a couple of years ago. We couldn't do anything without them relating it to Star Wars. We had to make a rule that Star Wars could not be discussed at the dinner table. They drove me crazy. Thank goodness it passed!

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We went last night - it was my little guys birthday and that's what he's been wanting to do. I thought it wouldn't be that good because of the animation, but it was fine... the voices were good, the story was not too cheesy like a cartoon - but very Star Warsy. Of course theres some unrealistid parts.


Every time I saw the ships, I saw legos! We have lots and lots of lego Star Wars ships.



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Nope, not interested in Star Wars at all here.


The fact that our cat's nickname is Darth Bootsie is sheer coincidence -- she isn't really a Sith lord who plans to use The Force to annihilate the neighbor's cats from the comfort of her window perch.


And further proof that we don't spend that much time thinking about it: if the kids go as Star Wars characters for Halloween, they need 3 female characters -- Queen Padme Amidala, Princess Leah, and ... who? Can't think of any other cool female characters that the neighbors would recognize, so obviously we haven't watched the series enough.


Stop looking at that pile of Legos. They are meaningless -- the fact that they're all Star Wars related is sheer coincidence. If you persist in this behavior I'm going to report you to Darth Bootsie.

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Nope, not interested in Star Wars at all here.


The fact that our cat's nickname is Darth Bootsie is sheer coincidence -- she isn't really a Sith lord who plans to use The Force to annihilate the neighbor's cats from the comfort of her window perch.


And further proof that we don't spend that much time thinking about it: if the kids go as Star Wars characters for Halloween, they need 3 female characters -- Queen Padme Amidala, Princess Leah, and ... who? Can't think of any other cool female characters that the neighbors would recognize, so obviously we haven't watched the series enough.


Stop looking at that pile of Legos. They are meaningless -- the fact that they're all Star Wars related is sheer coincidence. If you persist in this behavior I'm going to report you to Darth Bootsie.


:lol: Darth Bootsie:lol:


Ahsoka Tano is one dd is thinking of this year. Not a good choice if you like modest clothing, though.


This site is a good one for "girls strong with the force"



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Our house - especially DH. We're toying with the idea of dressing up like Star Wars characters for Halloween - as a family. I've been growing my hair out, so I'll be Leah - no, not the Leah with "the outfit" - the one with the REALLY COOL honey buns hair do. (To be read with extreme sarcasm.)


(We did the Wizard of Oz last year.)


Don't bother with growing your hair out - just glue honey buns onto your head. :D

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:lol: Darth Bootsie:lol:


Ahsoka Tano is one dd is thinking of this year. Not a good choice if you like modest clothing, though.


This site is a good one for "girls strong with the force"




Aha, if we were interested in Star Wars that would be way cool and the kids would be really excited.


You know, if we cared.


Right now, though, the whole family has erupted into chaos over how I spelled "bootsie", which rhymes with the "tootsie" in Tootsie Rolls. Watch out, I think the light sabers are being drawn -- I've got a bad feeling about this....

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:lol: Darth Bootsie:lol:


Ahsoka Tano is one dd is thinking of this year. Not a good choice if you like modest clothing, though.


This site is a good one for "girls strong with the force"





Thanks for bringing something in for the girls! My dd is a little "obsessed" right now. She has been reading the Star Wars Apprentice and Jedi Quest series this summer. She loves the movies, dresses like a jedi around the house, and has written out her own jedi training schedules. We have 4 light sabers here at our house that get plenty of use throughout the day.

I found the original trilogy on video cassette for $3 (local thrift store).


I will say that reading the books has been good for her. She is realizing how anger and rebellion can lead you down a path of destruction. She's actually changed her attitude quite a bit toward some things since reading them.


As far as the movie, we're going to read reviews of it on Screen It and Focus on the Family before we go see it. We always do that, especially with the age difference of the kids. I'm sure we will see it soon.


May the force be with you!

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Sure... I go on vacation and you all put up a Star Wars themed thread.


Star Wars is, perhaps, a minor interest in our home. Maybe. Could be. Let's see: Dad Windu went as Obi-Wan Kenobi for Halloween (even grew a beard) while Padawan Learner went as Anakin Skywalker (just as he was going over to the dark side). I went as the frazzled seamstress. I completely nailed my role, by the way.


Star Wars "stuff" litters Padawan Learner's room, the Lego area, the toy box, the "it doesn't belong here" boxes, and has spilled over into all my neighbors' houses as well. I'm sure they thank me. I'm sure of it. And yet...we still haven't seen Clone Wars, but we will soon!

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