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He threw his diaper at me and peed on the floor


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I woke up around 3 or 4 am to Marco Monster throwing his pants and diaper on me. I have no clue how long he'd been awake. I get up to go grab him another diaper and notice a puddle of pee and a poop "nugget" on the floor (tmi, I know, lol). In my half-asleep state, I was annoyed because I thought the little dog did it - but then I woke up enough to realize the bedroom door was closed and the dog couldn't get it. Guess who the culprit was? The 19 month old. *le sigh*


I can giggle now; it wasn't quite as amusing at 3 am.

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When my youngest was a year to about 18 months, he went through a stage where as soon as he was naked for a bath, he'd run to the same place in the playroom and poop on the floor. happened a couple times a week for months, then he finally stopped. It was so bizarre- like he was a naughty puppy, lol. Funny now, not so funny then...

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My oldest wasn't much older than that when he potty trained himself. He hated wearing a diaper and I told him if he didn't want a diaper then he had to put his pee in the potty. That was it for him and diapers. Now, I did have to bring potty everywhere. He couldn't hold it very long when he had to go. He would even move it from room to room so he could get there in time.  But, he was out of diapers around 20 months. It was totally his idea, not mine.


And I am sorry. That is just such a toddler thing to do, lol

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You guys don't think he's too young? My first potty trained around 3, my middle is still potty training. I'm down if he isn't too young.


No.  If he isn't ready, then it will be more of a battle.  I have had a few that trained before two, a few at two, and one that was 3 1/2.  Just like reading, or anything really, introduce it with a goal in mind.  If they are not ready then back off for a while. 

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You guys don't think he's too young? My first potty trained around 3, my middle is still potty training. I'm down if he isn't too young.

I've had them train that young (and not).


I say it is (almost) never too young to TRY. Just don't let yourself get terribly vested (easier said than done) so that if you have to back off you can.

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You guys don't think he's too young? My first potty trained around 3, my middle is still potty training. I'm down if he isn't too young.


No, not really. It used to be much more common for kids to be potty trained at that age (esp. before comfortable disposables--the kids could feel the wet). That's what age my mother trained my brother and I, and it took her one week. And we didn't initiate anything--she just gave it a whirl. My older one was ready very early (15 months), but he was too stubborn to accept help with his pants and things, wouldn't use a baby potty or allow help on the big one, etc., so it didn't go (he has since been diagnosed with Asperger's, so he's not at all flexible). He quit in anger over needing help. My littler one started training about that age, successfully. Both started by peeing down the tub drain before every bath. As soon as they started noticing that they peed in the tub when they got wet, I told them what was happening and showed them their urine stream (9 months old, maybe). The next bath, I would encourage them to try to make it happen again before I put the water in the tub. They LOVED peeing down the drain. My littler guy would use the potty successfully whenever he "thought" about it, so we put a baby potty in the kitchen to remind him it was available. He started using it all the time. We gave him one M&M each time he went. He regressed slightly when I hurt my back and had my MIL here helping, but otherwise, he started using the potty about that age and was totally trained by 2.


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My oldest was potty trained at 14months and did it fine. My youngest didn't until he was 3 1/2. It really depends on the kid. My Grandma had all three of her kids potty trained before 1 1/2 years. My mom had all 7 of her kids potty trained before they were 2.


He's not too young. So long as he seems to want to be diaper free, I'd grab the opportunity to potty train. If he doesn't cooperate, duct tape the diaper on and tell him that he either has to use a potty or wear a diaper.

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