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I think I may have shingles


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I have a horrible rash that started yesterday on my right shoulder.  It has now gone all the way down my chest.


it is like a really bad sunburn.  It burns, is hot, and hurts!  It doesn't have any blisters or bumps but it is oozing anyway.  


I didn't have a clue what it was until I had my husband take a look about 30 min. ago.  


The only Urgent Care that is open is over a 2 hour wait.


I can wait until morning, right?





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I'm not sure that it is shingles. I'm pretty sure that shingles goes more horizontally than vertically. We used to have to ask (on the triage line) if very light touching of the rash caused a horrible nervy burning pain, and if it did this was indicative of shingles. It might be something else, but if it is shingles, the earlier you can get the antiviral the better. Sorry. Hope you're better soon.

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I'm not sure that it is shingles. I'm pretty sure that shingles goes more horizontally than vertically. We used to have to ask (on the triage line) if very light touching of the rash caused a horrible nervy burning pain, and if it did this was indicative of shingles. It might be something else, but if it is shingles, the earlier you can get the antiviral the better. Sorry. Hope you're better soon.


I had shingles on my face. It was the nerve group that goes diagonally from the bridge of the nose across the forehead up into the hair.

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I decided to wait until morning.   I wasn't even sure I could find a pharmacy open anywhere close to get the meds this late.  This town shuts down early…..grrrr…..


I am hearing that shingles CAN present differently in different people and just because the rash isn't horizontal or on my torso, it doesn't mean it is not shingles.


I will be calling the doctor AT 8am when they open and if they can't see me, I will go to Urgent Care closer to me.



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Well, I slept most of the night.  I woke up a few times, but overall got adequate sleep.


I will call at 8am.  


Honestly, it feel better this am.  Maybe it is something other than shingles……hopefully I will find out soon.



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Maybe you could try a chiropractor. I've never had shingles, but my chiro told me he has great success in treating shingles, even people who struggled with it for months. Not sure if just any chiro could help as they're all different, but maybe (if you're lucky) you could find one who deals w/shingles.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Ok…..back from the doctor…..NOT SHINGLES!  Whew!


It is a chemical burn and as we talked the only thing I could come up with was that I had set my bra down in the bathroom or laundry room on some chemicals of some sort.  It may very well have been the new/strong Kaboom cleaner I bought to clean that nasty old shower we have.  I had a bad reaction.


So, he prescribed antibiotics and ointment.  It is infected.  


Glad I didn't venture out at midnight last night.

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I hope it is not shingles, my FIL had problems for months because of it and was miserable.  It aged him a fair amount in that time.


I realize the OP has an answer now, but just a little PSA...age is a huge factor for what kind of damage shingles will do (barring immune problems). I believe it's age 60 (but might be lower) where people start to have long-term bad stuff (like nerve damage) and significantly increased pain as a result (it's potentially painful for all, but apparently terrible as you age--I had shingles in HS, so I know it's not fun).


Secondly, you can get an immunization for shingles. Ask your doctor if it's recommended for you. I am not sure if you need the shot if you've already had shingles.

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