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New Years traditions? New Year's Eve?


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New Years Eve is lots of snacking, playing games and maybe watch a movie


New Years Day we always eat hog jowl, black eyed peas & turnip greens

Oh I added turnips to my collards this year.....they did not have many collards here. I guess it is not a local tradition.


What is hog jowl?

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I can never remember whether we're supposed to eat Black Eyed Peas on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day, so I make a big enough pot to do both.


It's hard, but we try to save the last piece of my mother's incredible homemade fruitcake for New Year's Day.


the kids get to stay up until midnight if they can and the adults just have to deal with the fallout.

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I grew up with no traditional meals, so we adopt what's around where we are.  In this area of PA, that's pork & sauerkraut (LOVE IT!).  We also have a side of black-eyed peas due to hubby's southern upbringing.


When we were in FL our tradition was grilling something.  I miss that one, but grilling here in PA in the winter just isn't the same...


New Year's Eve we play board games until about 11:45pm, then turn on the TV to watch the NYC ball drop and enjoy toasts, then sit around our Christmas tree trying to recall every major (and some minor) events that happened within the past year.  This last year my oldest got married, so that's the biggie - coupled with this being his first year NOT here to share memories with us.  Life changes...

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We do Black Eyed Peas on New Year's Eve.  We sit at the table and try to remember the whole year, this year we did a big canning jar where we wrote things all year to remember and we'll go through it tonight.    The kids get sparkling cider in champagne flutes (dh and I get something stronger LOL).  I usually get poppers and hats and noise makers, just for fun.  We'll watch football too.


Tomorrow, we have heavy appetizers and watch football all day.  Some friends are going to come over, yay! Then we'll have brats and sauerkraut for dinner.  Yum.

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Last year we started what may be a new tradition: a movie marathon.  We watched the LotR trilogy, over the 2 days.  It was fun but also exhausting. 


This year the kids want to do the 3 original Star Wars movies.  Not sure if Dad and I will participate in all 3.  The kids are old enough that it's fun to do on their own, but they still might want us in on it.  We'll see how that plays out.  I only like the first movie! 


I think next year I'll plan for a few Hitchcock movies...


Anyway, we have a snacky dinner on NYE and then I like to do hoppin' john, etc., on NYD.   I am not sure anyone wants that so I may do some crockpot pulled pork instead.  Will still have collards and may do black-eyed peas on the side. 

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Lots of movies, board games, pizza, each child gets to pick out special junk food. Everyone who stays up watches the ball drop and we toast the new year. 


For a few years we had a kid-friendly board gaming party. Drop-in. Leave your kids. I think we're morphing that into a New Years Day brunch. Breakfast food. Board Games. Friends. We're paying our kids to watch the babies and preschoolers. I need to toddler-proof the living room today. You forget how much they can get into. 

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We hang out with friends and play games and watch movies on NYE, and then on New Year's Day I make a yummy breakfast casserole that we only have once a year and we (just our family) play the new game Santa brought on Christmas. This year it's Ticket to Ride, and I'm so excited to play! I usually make Hopping John, but this year we have SO much ham and cabbage left over from our family's visit this week that I think we're going to try to put a dent in that instead. The kids look forward to the game and breakfast casserole most anyway :D

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My mom eats pork and sauerkraut but I don't really like it.


NYE finds us watching the pathetic TV and eating crap that isn't good for us. Ds loves those lil smokies (gag).


No alcohol while ds is home. That's fine. Gingerale and sparkling cider works for us.


Honestly, I wish we had a great movie (we have plenty, but nothing I want to see) or a great TV show, or that ANYbody would play a game with me.


(Feeling negative.)

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We have chocolate fondue every NYE and play a game. Usually we have a movie later in the evening. We've done that for 6 years we'll probably be doing it again. We had a few personal fireworks last year and some firecrackers. I'm not sure if we'll repeat the performance again or not.

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don't really have any on my side of the family except that on New Year's Day we have to eat some type of greens and black eyed peas for prosperity/luck in the new year....But on DH's side of family they have this thing LOL that you can't do laundry on new year's day-that the person whose clothes are being washed or whatever will expire in the new year....????? LOL I thought they were kidding the first time I heard it but NOPE!!! LOL so today I'm finishing up our laundry......

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This is what we do. Each family member gets to pick one junk food snack from the store and we all share them. Also each of us gets to write down two activities(board games, video games, movie, toys, etc.) on a piece of paper. Throughout the evening we draw them from a hat and everyone has to participate. We always watch the ball drop and then do noise makers and then drink Sparkling apple cider. The kids then camp out in the living room under the Christmas tree. :)

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Thanks, it is fun to see what other families do. Hopping johns? I am thinking pancakes?


I love the idea of everyone making an activity suggestion and then all participating. What fun.


My family are all computer gamers but I grew up with board games. I put them all on notice last week that I respect their desire to game a lot over the holidays and will expect their respect to board game with me for New Years Day. They are getting excited about that. Compromise has made us all happy :)

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We're not big New Years people, but we watch Apollo 13 every year on New Year's Eve. This year, I'm setting out a hot chocolate bar for the children...I really wanted to find something fun for them since we never do anything. If that goes well, it will be a new tradition for us!


I always make a pork roast for New Year's Day. I just read this morning that it's supposed to be "good luck" to have pork on New Years or something, but I just do it because it's usually different from the other holiday meals we've been enjoying!

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Tonight we are getting dinner from Red Robin.  Then watching movies and have some champagne and toasting the New Year at midnight. 


Tomorrow we will have collard greens, black-eyed peas, homemade mac and cheese with thick sliced bacon and cornbread.  Yum!  We will also take down all our Christmas stuff and pack it away.  We will certainly miss our beautiful tree. 

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1.  Eat hors d'oeuvres for dinner -- anything that involves minimal cooking.

2. I'll watch the various channels while in bed, not recognizing any of the singers (as I am decidedly past the target demographic).  As the ball is dropping, I will nudge DW with a "Psst, the ball's dropping!"  Then it's "happy new year" *kiss* back to sleep.


It's an exciting, if reckless, life, I'll admit.

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We just returned from a weekend with family and friends and a 50th surprise party for dh. We pulled it off - he had no clue. We are somewhat exhausted. Tonight is snack food - the traditional hedgehog and games. Tomorrow, slow cooked chuck roast with veggies. Ds needs to be at the airport at 5 p.m, to fly home so we will eat rather early.

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