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I'm curious as to y'alls opinions of them- love them? hate them? want them? are you scared of people who have them? do you think they are nasty?


I have a dreading kit, and I have wanted to have dreadlocks for a long time. :D I will (hopefully) be dreading my own hair soon (if I can get dd and dh to divide it into sections for me- I just AIN'T that coordinated LOL).

I wonder how many hsing moms will freak when they meet me, LOL. I wonder how my extended family will react when they see me with them this summer. :D :eek:

Anyhoo- what do you think?

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Truthfully, they don't look clean to me. I'm sure it's completely possible to have nice, clean dreadlocks, but they remind me of hair on a person who has been homeless and unable to care for themself.


Sorry, you were asking for an opinion, so I'm being honest! Of course, I had bright pink stripes dyed in my hair for awhile, so maybe my taste in hair style is questionable anyway!


But I say do what makes you happy! If you think they would look good, try it out. But how do you get rid of dreadlocks if you change your mind? Do they have to be cut off?

Michelle T

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People who have them don't freak me out. I was an honorary member of the Jamaican Student Union in college. I've hung out with Stephen Marley and his road crew...long story. ;)


However, I have an adverse suspicion of the uber cool youth who dreadlock for the sake of fashion.


And, yes, I admit I sometimes find them nasty. But only when the dreadlocks are accompanied by a general unkept/uncleaned person underneath. I find this is the case more often than not.


I have seen people who manage to make them look distinguished (what is that poet's name?), and I've seen women who just "look right" in dread locks. Only you can know if you are one of those.


Sorry for the ambiguity. :rolleyes:



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at DreadHeadHQ.com they have a concoction you can put on them to help release them, so you "can" comb them back out. BUT, I think that'd be a huge PITA so I'd probably get my hair cut short if I decided to ditch them.

I have thinner hair, and no matter WHAT I do it just sticks to my scalp. I LOVE that dreads are pretty low maintenance AND they'll help give me *some* volume LOL.

And I'm not offended by opposing opinions, :)

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Here's a blog post for you:




And if you search back on her blog you should be able to find her post when she first got her dreads.


My thoughts - they aren't for me. But I'm not necessarily scared of them or those that have them.


Let us know and post some before and after pictures when you do it!!

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If you want dreadlocks, by all means, get them. It's not irreversible and doesn't hurt anyone.


I used to be scared of dreadlocked people. Then one day I was in a long line at the drugstore, and a man with dreads was in line in front of me. We ended up having a long conversation (unusual here in the Frozen North) and I thought he was a lovely person. Boy was I surprised!


After that, I figured that just maybe people with dreads, piercings, tats etc., were regular people who happened to have decorations that were outside my realm of experience. So I experimented and they were all nice. (Didn't go to any biker bars, though.)


One of my fav people is our dog's groomer. He has a Mohawk and his hair is not of a naturally occurring color (blue, green, pink). He has piercings all over his face. He is a huge, taller than tall dude.


So I knew my DH didn't like people who look different and I didn't warn him when I asked him to drop the dog off one day. Within 10 minutes DH was back at home (minus the dog -- he didn't want to offend the groomer) freaking out because the groomer was decorated differently. How could you leave the dog with such a person?!!


After I stopped laughing (because I knew that would happen), I pointed out to DH that just because someone looks different than DH expects them to, doesn't mean they aren't fine people. I also told DH the story of how I learned that lesson. I didn't ask DH why he left without the dog when he thought the groomer was Dangerous.


I wouldn't have dreads because I don't like them. I don't care one way or the other whether other people have them. Dreads alone do not make the person.




I'm curious as to y'alls opinions of them- love them? hate them? want them? are you scared of people who have them? do you think they are nasty?
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I don't find them scary. We live near a number of college towns, and I see a fair number of kids with them. There are also a couple of families in the local homeschooling community with dreads.


I have to admit that I do a bit wonder about white people with dreads. I associate dreads very strongly with Rastafarians, and while I guess it's possible that some white Americans identify themselves as Rastas, I'd assume most white people with dreads don't. I understand that for some people it's just a fashion statement, and that there are other lifestyles/subcultures (hippies, ferals, etc.) that support the white dread phenomenon. But it does give me pause. YMMV!

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Dreads do require regular maintenence and from what I know, going to a professional on a regular basis really makes a difference. Of course, you also have to take care of it in between your appointments. So not only will you have to consider the time factor and you also have to consider the financial aspect. Also they can get heavy, so depending on the length will also determine the weight and how much it will pull on your head and possible increase problems to hair.

Plus, if you do decide to change your style, then yes, you have to get them cut out and go short. Will you be okay with that?

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I really love how dreads look on African Americans. They do have to be maintained or the new growth by the scalp looks puffy/unkempt. But well-maintained dreads look great.


I tend to think they just don't look good on Caucasians, simply because the hair texture is totally different. I tend to think that Caucasians look unkempt with dreads.

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I really love how dreads look on African Americans. They do have to be maintained or the new growth by the scalp looks puffy/unkempt. But well-maintained dreads look great.


I tend to think they just don't look good on Caucasians, simply because the hair texture is totally different. I tend to think that Caucasians look unkempt with dreads.



I seem to be on a roll this morning, so I'll just go ahead and say it. I think dreads are s*xy. I just had a conversation with a black man at the Holocaust Museum whose dreads were ponytailed and at least halfway down his back. They looked amazing, and I told him so. I also told him that I've always kind of wanted dreads. I have the hair for it, I think -- thick and curly - but, as I told this gentleman, somehow I just don't think dreads would have the right effect on gray haired white woman! :D He was most polite and said, "Well, somebody's got to start the trend...might as well be you."


Anyway, I tend to prefer them on African Americans myself, but as is so often the case, I think that's probably more of a cultural bias on my part. I certainly wouldn't discourage the OP from giving it a whirl if she wanted to try. I'm betting it would look great.


Didn't Anne Lamott have dreads for awhile...or still?



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My son was starting to get them naturally when he let his hair grow for 5 years without a haircut. I don't mind them as long as they're neat and clean. His were not and finally, a cute young filly convinced him to get a hair cut, so that ended the long hair. (The things a young man will do for a girl. :rolleyes: )


Anyway, I don't find them scary and I don't have any pre-conceived ideas about people who wear them. If you want them, go for it!

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I really love how dreads look on African Americans. They do have to be maintained or the new growth by the scalp looks puffy/unkempt. But well-maintained dreads look great.


I tend to think they just don't look good on Caucasians, simply because the hair texture is totally different. I tend to think that Caucasians look unkempt with dreads.


Right. Same here.

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hair and scalp? How do you avoid scalp problems? What happens when you sweat? Smell?


You wash your hair with non-residue soap, and kinda squeeze the soap into the dreads like you would a sponge- then you rinse in the same manner. You do have to make sure to dry them completely or they can smell damp and musty- it's possible for them to even get mildewed if they aren't properly maintained :eek: So I will be great friends with my hair dryer :D


If you get sweaty you just wash your hair like any other normal person, if you keep them clean and dry they shouldn't smell.

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There is no need for any professional involvement. I guess it depends on the "type" of dreads you get. I *am* considering calling my hairstylist and asking her to section my hair for me, since dd just doesn't *get* the concept and dh is working a LOT. <sigh>

I'll be okay with short hair if I decide to get them cut.

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I've got 5 tattoos with plans for more, I've got 6 piercings, I dye my hair freaky colors and even *I* don't like dreads. :)


On black people, when done properly (like that dude on the Bucs with them), they are hawt. But on white people, they just look nasty. I've not ever seen one white person whose dreads didn't end up looking nasty. And I do know one person who had to have her "past her rear end" length hair shaved OFF in order to get rid of the dreads.


Not for me. You want them, cool. I just don't like them.

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While I think they look cool (on the right person) I cannot even think about the germs without getting a sick feeling in my stomach. This comes from having watched an episode of What Not To Wear where they cut the hair of a girl with dreads... she had pretty much not washed or cut her hair for 9 years and the things they were saying that were living in there.... vomit.gif

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Besides living 45 minutes away from a famous ski resort, we live in one of the major climbing areas in the US. There are lots of young short timers who come here on vacation or seasonally to live and climb. There are also lots of counter cultural types. We have a teeny tiny college that is provided by the state but it is nothing to draw those who want advanced education. It is not even classified as jr college. It's the climbing the draws the youth. Most are white folks and many of them have dreads. I've gotten used to them and do not find them offensive. I often notice how hair frames a face and since they add a thickness to hair, I think it even sometimes adds to a persons looks. We often get Europeans on vacation on their way to Yosemite who stop and stay a few days and lots of them have dreads too. So there you have it. I mostly see whites with dreads. Go for it. If you don't like it on yourself, hair grows. Change yourself.....frequently.. It's fun. I get bored of the same look all the time.

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But I will admit to being prejudiced against those that have those "testicle" doodads hanging from their truck bumper.



In our little community of 4000, we have all sorts of people, but originally it was the Rednecks. Many carry the "testicle" doodads and I hate it. My dds keep asking about it and I won't tell them. I also hate the bumber stickers of the little onery boy "pissing".

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In our little community of 4000, we have all sorts of people, but originally it was the Rednecks. Many carry the "testicle" doodads and I hate it. My dds keep asking about it and I won't tell them. I also hate the bumber stickers of the little onery boy "pissing".

That "little ornery boy" is Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes fame. :) And yes, I like him. :)


But I DO hate those testicleseslyess things. blech.

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In our little community of 4000, we have all sorts of people, but originally it was the Rednecks. Many carry the "testicle" doodads and I hate it. My dds keep asking about it and I won't tell them. I also hate the bumber stickers of the little onery boy "pissing".


You know they used to bug me until I heard an entire radio talk show about them. They aren't intended to represent human testes, but animal.


And as the host mentioned you see just as much walking behind a great dane. And I can explain that to my child.


Just relaying their opinion...........They still creap me out when I see them on the backs of trucks, but maybe I can convince myself they aren't intending quite what it looks like. Although what the heck does a city boy have them on the back of their trucks??......


So far my kids have not asked.......

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That "little ornery boy" is Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes fame. :) And yes, I like him. :)


I love Calvin and Hobbes. But any images of him peeing or otherwise on cars, those are pirated. Bill Watterson never approved any use of Calvin outside his books. No peeing bumperstickers for sure!


Man, I miss Calvin and Hobbes! That was my favorite comic strip ever. DH got me a huge, heavy, wooden-cover set of every Calvin and Hobbes strip ever printed for Christmas. Very cool!

Michelle T

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Oh my gosh! I googled and I am shocked anyone would put this on his or her truck or anywhere else.




Click at your own risk!





How has my little redneck city missed out on this trend? I am sure it is only a matter of time.


We do have lots of vehicles with the nasty peeing boy stickers on them. I try not to judge people by their window stickers, but it is not always easy.

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That "little ornery boy" is Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes fame. :) And yes, I like him. :)


I love Calvin and Hobbes. But any images of him peeing or otherwise on cars, those are pirated. Bill Watterson never approved any use of Calvin outside his books. No peeing bumperstickers for sure!


Man, I miss Calvin and Hobbes! That was my favorite comic strip ever. DH got me a huge, heavy, wooden-cover set of every Calvin and Hobbes strip ever printed for Christmas. Very cool!

Michelle T

Oh I know he never approved them, that's why the boy's hair isn't spiked up as much.


And Robin Hood--yes, it's supposed to be Calvin...

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I tried dreds for about a week once. I had a very, kinky, curly perm, which was grown out and ready to be cut off anyhow. And it naturally formed dreads if I didn't comb it everyday, so I let it. I liked them, and had no problems keeping it clean, but then again, it was only for two weeks. And for Doran, I am a chunky, gray-haired thing, and they looked fine, imo.


I have to admit, I cut my hair because I was worried about what my more conservative hs-ing friends would think (many of whom will probably read this and then my secret will be out!). I am not proud that I let that stop me, but it is the truth. Who knows, I may have dreads again some day- though for me that means a really tight curly perm first!

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You know they used to bug me until I heard an entire radio talk show about them. They aren't intended to represent human testes, but animal.


And as the host mentioned you see just as much walking behind a great dane. And I can explain that to my child.


Just relaying their opinion...........They still creap me out when I see them on the backs of trucks, but maybe I can convince myself they aren't intending quite what it looks like. Although what the heck does a city boy have them on the back of their trucks??......


So far my kids have not asked.......


LOL, I'm not buying the "animal" explanation. The caption for the black pair (on that trucknutz website) is "Hang 'em if you got a pair!" Since great danes don't drive trucks, I'm thinking they're supposed to represent human testes. I don't care what the radio host claims. LOL


I've seen them on a few trucks around here. I always want to point and laugh, but I'm scare to do so. The man in the big truck with his big, well, you know, may also have a big gun. LOL

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All raised up on big tires, music booming out, I always think "Poor guy, who does he think he's fooling? And he can't take the truck into bed with him, anyway!"


:D I had a good friend back in California, a female motorcyclist. Whenever she saw trucks like that, she would wiggle her pinky and say "teeny w**ny." I just had to laugh!

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I would NEVER be scared of someone with dreads, nor would I think they're freaky or anything like that. I just don't think they're particularly attractive, especially the longer ones. I also tend to view them as unhygienic; whether or not that's accurate I don't know, but it's my reaction to them. But lots of people think my hair is boring and plain jane, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes... :)

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That "little ornery boy" is Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes fame. :) And yes, I like him. :)




It's supposed to be Calvin, but like you said it's not really, because of what you said about the author. But I'd like to add, those stickers bother me because they misrepresent Calvin...he is a mischievious boy of six, he wouldn't go around nastily peeing on things. I've read every one of the Calvin and Hobbes books many times and Calvin would never do a thing like that. Although, there is a strip that alludes to Calvin peeing out his window at night because he is afraid of the monsters under his bed, but he's not shown peeing in the strip, and he wouldn't pee on things out of spite.

Sorry to ramble, but as a fan of Calvin and Hobbes those stickers really irritate me!

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All raised up on big tires, music booming out, I always think "Poor guy, who does he think he's fooling? And he can't take the truck into bed with him, anyway!"


Michelle T



I didn't know about the testicle things until this thread. Eww! I'm sorry I looked at that link. :eek:


Anyway, I have a firm theory on those big trucks - the bigger the truck, the smaller the "package."


Methinks they doth overcompensate too much. ;)

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We got behind one and dh and I we trying to figure out what it was, my 6 dd piped up from the backseat and said "daddy it's a man bag".


We had just gone to the ren fest and she saw the guys sporting those change purse things. My mother called them man bags so my wonderful little daughter picked up on that one. Anyhow, we had never laughed so hard.

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Dreadlocks have potential, with the right attitude and care dreadlocks.gif




But, the bumper-dangling anatomicalware. Serious ick! scared.gif






p.s. I had to laugh at the placement of some of the posts in this thread, when the two topics started to merge it looked like this (no offense to nancypants here...) "While I think they look cool (on the right person) I cannot even think about the germs without getting a sick feeling in my stomach." Hee.

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I have several friends who have locks, but they are all African American. They look great. Some are children, some grown men and women. Two of the women have lady locks - one a former model and actres the other a gray-haired woman in her 60's. They are very neat and clean. They are thinner than other locks. I sometimes twist my dd's hair so it resembles locks. It can look great if done right. That said, I have not liked it on caucasians. maybe I just haven't seen it done right, but I haven't liked what I have seen.

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