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Kids love to argue in the car - Car schooling or other CD suggestions please!


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For some reason, my kids love to argue with each other when we are in the car. Or at least when I am in the car when them, not so much Dad, and this is really starting to get to me. :cursing:


I'm in the market for some car schooling CD's, but have never really looked at anything like this.

We have listened to a few books on CD, but that's about it.


I'd love to have them learn multiplication tables or something useful. What are your favorites for 1st-3rd grade and beyond??


Suggestions please???? Before I get out the duct tape :hurray: !  (They can't arrest you for that can they LOL!)



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The Story of the World audiobooks would be great. They are one of my best homeschooling investments ever. Also, there are lots of great book suggestions in Jim Trelease's Read Aloud Handbook. Maybe your library carries some of them in audiobook format. Ours does. I always had an audiobook playing in the car when my kids were little to keep them quiet and entertained. I liked listening too.

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My children don't like Jim Weiss's voice very much, so the SOTW audiobooks were not hits, unfortunately. But other audiobooks we have enjoyed have included the Little House books read by Cherry Jones, various things from Librivox read by Kara Shallenberg, the Ralph S. Mouse series read by B. D. Wong, the Henry Huggins series read by Neil Patrick Harris, The Cricket in Times Square, a couple of the Little Britches books, and several of Rick Riordan's books.


My children also very much like the Classics for Children productions -- Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Mr. Bach Comes to Call, etc. -- and the (very silly but effective) Beethoven's Wig CDs.

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You need Bill Harley!  He even has a story/song about his kids fighting in the car. ("Hey kids, lets get in the car and fight! Great idea dad!)


I would listen to "Weezie and the Moonpies" even if the kids were not around. And the double album "Yes to Running" is a family favorite. "Yes to Running and NO to YOU"  and everyone should hear the classic "Teacher's Lounge"

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I've seen CDs at the library that are like chanting of the times tables.  It was hypnotic and strangely effective!


But we like to play games in the car - license plate game, alphabet game, I Spy, etc.  It lets the kids still get loud and be competitive, but in a more productive way. LOL

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Classical Kids CDs have great stories, great classical music and high interest--we love them. We also have CDs of Peter and the Wolf (the David Bowie version is great), The Carnival of the Animals with poems, and the Nutcracker.

Also, if you have the ability to burn CDs or stream audio in the car, you could go to Story Nory and have access to tons of quality stories and fairy tales, free. The reader is excellent, the stories are classics (original fairy tales, Greek myths, legends, and kid friendly classics like Alice in Wonderland and A Christmas Carol). They also produce some original stories, but I have not listened to them, so I can't comment on the quality.


These have seriously saved my sanity, since my kids like to bicker in the car too. :)

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My kids loved Adventures in Odyssey and learned a lot of history that way (I was always surprised when they already knew about someone & I'd ask where, and they'd say from Odyssey!)  Also liked Our Story Hour, Classical Kids CD's (I love the Beethoven one especially, dd loved Mozart's Magic Flute)...


I made them sit with a hand on their mouths if they started arguing, starting with 30 seconds and working up as needed. Or sit on hands if they were touching or doing other hand-infractions. We first practiced both of these at home when needed, when it was easier for me to enforce, but I enforced on the road by either stopping a CD they were listening to, or pulling over. I only had to pull over once or twice. They didn't want mom to pull over! (It helps if they want to go where you are going too!).

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School House Rock and Lyrical Life Science were two of our favorites at those ages.



I love Lyrical Life Science, but my kids do not.  I can still remember the songs, and we haven't listened to it in years (at least 5!).  For some reason my kids just hated those, I think they're an excellent way to get some facts down.


My kids did enjoy SOTW, but we all of love Jim Weiss. :)  


School House Rock is fun.  I have it on an old VHS (which I can't play anymore), but I have found some fun versions on YouTube.  The Interjection one with Star Wars is funny. 

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Threads like this make me wonder what on earth is wrong with my kids. I've tried audiobooks. Invariably one child doesn't want to listen, so he/she punishes the others by talking loud or making noises. Then the others get upset and start yelling at the offender to shush. So we're right back where we started.


Hopefully the OP has better luck than I did.

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Threads like this make me wonder what on earth is wrong with my kids. I've tried audiobooks. Invariably one child doesn't want to listen, so he/she punishes the others by talking loud or making noises. Then the others get upset and start yelling at the offender to shush. So we're right back where we started.


Hopefully the OP has better luck than I did.



We had a little over a year when my ds (now 8, but then around 2) would not let us listen to anything but pop music, and even that had to be more rock than pop.  He was very picky. :D  He would actually just keep screaming, "That's not music!" over and over until we put on what he liked. It was a drain on us all.  :tongue_smilie:  He grew out of it. 

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Threads like this make me wonder what on earth is wrong with my kids. I've tried audiobooks. Invariably one child doesn't want to listen, so he/she punishes the others by talking loud or making noises. Then the others get upset and start yelling at the offender to shush. So we're right back where we started.


Hopefully the OP has better luck than I did.


Here's my trick..


"We're going to listen to a cd I got from the library"


"Oh great, which one.."

"Paddington Bear, & you could act excited."

"But I'm not, & I don't want to listen to it."

"That's fine you don't have to, you can watch things out the window instead & after 1 chapter if you're still convinced it's horrible we'll talk about it then."


Inevitably one car ride in & he's sulky because he has to get out now. We've never had a true issue with it, but if I'm worried someone might be "naughty" I simply ask for x amount of time so we can all see if the book is good. If that person has TRUE reasons why they didn't like it then we swap up. For instance, we recently tried to listen to Charlotte's Web from the library. It was so poorly done the man reading it made it sound like it was a horrible chore to him. We turned it off & decided we'd try again with a new narrator. ;)

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Audiobooks are gold for us!!! We've done myths and legends, Story of the World, and lots of great literature.  We've also done Spanish.  Don't underestimate the content area learning that goes on with listening to literature.  My kids learned a lot of geography when we listened to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (it was an excellent reading, by the way). We recently listened to Cosmic, and although it wasn't amazing literature it was good and my kids learned a bit about rocketry and space flight. Just the other day my son was playing on the iPad with a NASA app I got for free a few years ago that they never play with and was giddy with excitement when calling his sisters to say "Hey! I'm looking at the dark side of the moon!"  We use the iPad a lot car schooling.  They watch Brain Pop, do Duolingo, can do ALEKS math, play educational games, even write in Pages.  

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My kids argue in the car, too.  And if I bring books/toys, the argue over them.  But books on tape have been our LIFE-SAVER for long car trips -- much more so than music (they'll talk loudly over music, but they're absolutely quiet for a book on tape).  We are pretty limited to the (few) cds that our library offers, so we've listened to Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle about a zillion times. :p


Thanks for all the suggestions in this thread!

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