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Christmas request for the 3rd year in a row....what to do??


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I forgot to mention that they are 9 and 11...does that change anybody's mind...if not, then I will get them a pillow pet.

If anything, this just makes me feel more strongly that they should get the pillow pets. I am happy when my children indicate that they are willing to express childhood and not be in such a hurry to act "mature." 


I'm big on practicality, but all of my kids have stuffed animals and my youngest has both a pillow pet and a "dream light," which is in pretty much the same category. Honestly, I love the Dream Light turtle. It's sweet! I have told ds several times that I can see the appeal of falling asleep with a ceiling full of stars from the Dream Light! He tells me he'll share his!  :001_wub:


P.S. I just read that you got them, so YAY! I'm happy for your kids! :)

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If possible get the real pillow pets and not the cheaper knock offs.   The real one have much softer fur.  


My daughter loves her pillowpets.  


These are new to me, but I am thinking my 13 year old would love them. How do you tell the real pillow pets -- are they the one that Amazon call 'My Pillow Pets?'


ETA Never mind. Dc looked at these and their faces got all sentimental. Ordered a penguin and a cat. So adorable!

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My kids love their pillow pets!  They all took them when we went on a month long road trip this past summer and they sleep with them every night.   DS1 has the kitty, DD1 the penguin, DD2 the ladybug, and DS2 the turtle.  We'll get one for DS3 this Christmas or for his birthday. 


I've been focusing on getting my kids what they ask for (within reason and budget, of course) myself.  DD1 (7) asked for a stuffed shark two Christmases in a row.  Sometime earlier this year I read an article about children's favorite gifts being the ones they've asked for, even if it was something seemingly small, and that really hit home with me.  DD1 got her stuffed shark for her birthday this year (along with a requested stuffed whale) and she loves it!  

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I've seen "cool"-looking teen boys sleep with them on airplane trips!


Be thankful they want normal-sized ones, LOL. My sister sent my DS a 3-ft-wide dog pillow when he was 18 mo. and he insists on using it in bed instead of a regular pillow. Fortunately he has a double bed because "Giantdog" takes up a lot of space.

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My daughter around 4 or 5 Got one for Christmas. The older boys fell in love with it. Finally last year for the 16!!!!! Year old's birthday, I bought him a pillow pet. He was excited and the other bummed because he still doesn't have one. LOL! I have one In the closet for his birthday next month. They just absolutely adore the things.

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Well I'll be the lone dissenter and tell you I bought all my kids a pillow pet because they really wanted one and they sit in the corner of the room ignored. My kids are good at really wanting something and then when I get it...never playing with it. So yeah...I often skip their wishes if I really think it is just a whim....but in your case I would get the pillow pets. It's not like they are hugely expensive.


I remember the year I wanted a cabbage patch kid so badly and we were quite poor but my mum still bought me one. It was my only gift but I didn't care as it was the only thing I wanted. I kept it till I was into my teens and then passed it to my baby sister. I still remember so fondly how my mum went to so much trouble to get it....(they were impossible to find when the craze hit).

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I forgot to mention that they are 9 and 11...does that change anybody's mind...if not, then I will get them a pillow pet.


Nope.  Get them the pillow pets.  It's obvious they really want one if they still ask for it and don't think themselves too old for it.   My DS was 11 or 12 when he got his panda pillow pet. He's 15 and still sleeps with it on his bed.

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It sounds like the perfect gift to me, even if they don't love-love them forever.  Getting a much wished for gift at their ages will be something to remember for a life time.


I still remember a few of mine, and how wonderful opening them felt.  Baby-alive and an Easy-bake oven, I was in gift heaven :hurray: .   Confession, I've purchased a number of things for my kids and even nieces and nephews that left me scratching my head or knowing they would end up in the donation box; but they made them happy and that was worth the money to me.

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