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How long did you wait to be induced?


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So, I am officially 41 weeks today with no baby on the horizon. Well, actually I know you never know, but I am not having any noticeable signs that he is arriving any time soon. My doctors are not too pushy as of yet. I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday, which would be 41 weeks 4 days. The doctor just asked for my comfort would I like to set up a date for whenever I want. I just randomly selected Tuesday to not interfere with my oldest ds birthday. And to tell you the truth I never thought I would make it anyway.


I really do not want to be induced and I will say so if it comes down to it. Although, I am a little nervous to push it too far, so I am praying for this baby to come out on his own. I was induced at 37 weeks with my last one because the cord was thought to be around his neck and I do not want to go through that again. So, how long did you wait?

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I was set to be induced at 42 weeks for both my kids. My DD came at 41w+5d and DS came at 41w+3d. I also had no warning with either. Both babies stayed high and everything was "closed" up to the moment I suddenly started having contractions. My water broke with both just before I delivered as well.

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According to my midwife, the average mother, if left alone, gives birth 10 days after her due date.Think back to math class and remember how averages are done-some numbers are higher and some are lower. In some countries 40 weeks isn't considered full term, full term is considered 41 weeks + 1 day.  Unless you know your conception date based on sympto-thermal charting for months before conception, you don't have accurate information about your due date. The way due dates are measured is terribly inaccurate. It's as accurate as saying women menstruate every 28 days.  Maybe on average, but individually women can vary dramatically. When it comes to making medical decisions, people should make them as individuals, not based on averages.  Averages are for identifying general information about very large groups of people. 


I know several people who went 3 weeks after their estimated due dates and had 9-11 pound babies at home with no complications at all.  I know a couple of women who went in to be induced because they were over due to have babies covered in vernix (a sign of an early baby) and after additional evaluation after the fact and it turned out they weren't over due at all.  I know another who went in for being over due, had a short 30 minutes of a low pictocin drip and then they turned it off and she continued to labor naturally from there on out.

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I wouldn't go for induction until at least 42 weeks unless there was an indication of something going wrong. Four of mine have come on their own at 4, 5, 6, and 8 days after 40 weeks (the outlier is the one who decided that 38w3d was a good time to arrive), so it seems that my body just needs to cook them longer.


Your body could be all closed up with nothing happening, and your baby could come tonight! My first four were like that -- I went to bed all four times with nary a twinge, and four times, I woke up in active labor and had a baby between four and eleven hours later. (I think that probably would have happened with the fifth also, had he been in a better position; I think my body was trying to get him to adjust his position, because I had several days of intermittent contractions and then a few hours of harder contractions that went nowhere until I got up and moved around some -- and went from 1-2 cm. to holding my baby in 1 1/4 hours. So you really never know what might happen!)

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I absolutely did NOT want to go to 42wk with DD after DS was 8lb 15oz at 39w6d!


The doctor suggested an induction on Friday but I panicked and said no. I did everything I could to try to go into labor over the weekend. And she was induced (the next Wednesday 40w5d I believe) She was 9lbs 6oz.


(the reason I don't want to go to 42wk is that (1) family stories that I was 4 wks overdue. Due date Aug 3, Birth Sept 4. Though my mom will tell you there was a lot of uncertainty about the due date.. and (2) My sister refused to be induced. Went to 42w2d and had a 10lb 13oz C-section baby after laboring for 24 hours and the baby never -- engaged? (Not sure this is the correct word. Never descended into the right position to go through the birth canal.  Got stuck in some way)


The doctor did tell me since I had a successful induction with a vaginal birth for DS that DD had a good chance of going the same way. I had a "proven induction" body.


ETA: It also didn't help that between DS and DD I had a friend lose a baby over the weekend late in her 39th week. It was a cord accident best they can tell.  You can imagine the induction they did for the next (thankfully healthy) birth.


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With my first I was 12 days past my due date when I was induced. I had been having contractions on and off for like a month and was 5cm dilated when I went in to be induced. He was posterior and so not pressing down. I was induced early with all of the rest due to Cholestasis and Macrosomia. All of my babies were posterior and none of them dropped or engaged before labor.

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42 weeks.


FWIW, my 42 weeker was 8lb 10oz (boy), while my 41 weeker was 9lb 2oz (girl).

FWElseIW, I've had three 40 weekers (give or take 1 day) at 7lb 9oz (boy), 8lb 15oz (girl), and 8lb 5oz (boy).

I know it's only anecdotal, but I wouldn't worry much about size unless there was a known reason.


I was very closely monitored between 41 and 42 weeks, and my mws would have liked me to wait a few more days, but 42 was my personal limit!

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My midwife advises all her patients to assume they will go the full 42 weeks and to NEVER tell anyone  their estimated due dates.  They should always tell people the 42 week date, that way they're mentally prepared for a full length pregnancy-if it's earlier then they're pleasantly surprised. Nothing is more irritating and demoralizing than people suggesting you're "over due" because you've gone over your due date.  You're "over due"  when you've crossed to 42 week mark when you know your conception date. She also advises everyone assume they will have a very long labor-again, if it happens, then you're mentally prepared.  If it goes faster, yea! Icing on the cake.


Size isn't categorically problematic for women with no medical issues. If you aren't on your back with an epidural (which limits your ability to push and limits the ability of your pelvis to open completely) most women can deliver a baby well beyond 10 pounds.  My midwife has delivered dozens and dozens of babies in the 10-12 pound with no complications.  Including the 12 pound first baby of a tiny Asian woman under 5 feet tall who weighted at 90 pounds when she conceived.  Her husband was 6'5" tall and weighed around 300 pounds.  No tear, no episiotomy, no complications, no unusually long labor. 


Whatever size your baby is, but especially if your baby is big,  plan on trying lots of different positions to deliver it: standing up supported, on all fours, on your side, on a birthing stool, in a birthing tub, etc. 


24 hours isn't a magical number. My niece was up high and didn't drop until half an hour before my SIL started pushing.  There were no problems even though my SIL had been labor for more than a day. 


With my first, I was in early labor for 40 hours (not painful, just consistent and too much to sleep through) only dilated to 3.  Then active labor (intensely painful contractions) for 4 hours and I pushed her out in 15 minutes. No complications. The only intervention was the midwife breaking my water 5 minutes before my daughter was out.



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If your gut is telling you to wait and there's no indication to the contrary, I don't see a problem cancelling.  Has anyone NOT gone into labor on their own eventually?  I can understand doing a few checks to make sure everything is going along as it should, but if everything seems fine, wait until it feels right.

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I went into labor at 41w 5 days with the two youngest. No inductions. I would have waited until at least 42 weeks for an induction. I did have a biophysical profile both times, at 41 weeks. Remember, average is 41 weeks 1 day, so you aren't even to average yet :)


Babies come. No one has ever been pregnant forever. 


If you do agree to an induction find out your bishops score first. 

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 Has anyone NOT gone into labor on their own eventually?



Babies come. No one has ever been pregnant forever. 



While extremely rare, especially if the woman has a history of successful pregnancies, yes, some women cannot and do not go into labor on their own. If infection doesn't get her, a woman can, in fact, be pregnant "forever."

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Thanks everyone for chiming in! I just needed a little boost to help my confidence in my decision ;) When you search online you see things come up with studies about an increase in stillborn babies when you get past 41 weeks. Note to self do not search internet ;)

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According to my midwife, the average mother, if left alone, gives birth 10 days after her due date.Think back to math class and remember how averages are done-some numbers are higher and some are lower. In some countries 40 weeks isn't considered full term, full term is considered 41 weeks + 1 day.  Unless you know your conception date based on sympto-thermal charting for months before conception, you don't have accurate information about your due date. The way due dates are measured is terribly inaccurate. It's as accurate as saying women menstruate every 28 days.  Maybe on average, but individually women can vary dramatically. When it comes to making medical decisions, people should make them as individuals, not based on averages.  Averages are for identifying general information about very large groups of people. 


I know several people who went 3 weeks after their estimated due dates and had 9-11 pound babies at home with no complications at all.  I know a couple of women who went in to be induced because they were over due to have babies covered in vernix (a sign of an early baby) and after additional evaluation after the fact and it turned out they weren't over due at all.  I know another who went in for being over due, had a short 30 minutes of a low pictocin drip and then they turned it off and she continued to labor naturally from there on out.


You may have a valid point.


My due date was July 4th.  I had my first round of a low drip Pitocin a week after and no go.  Second round of Pitocin on July 14... and 5-6 hours later of natural labor, my sonny boy was born.  9 pounder.  No complications.  But he was "overbaked" as my Midwife pointed out he had meconium all over him.  But fortunately, he did not aspirate any of it.


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I highly recommend getting an adjustment done by a chiropractor trained to treat pregnant patients. I think when everything is all aligned well and loosened up it may allow the baby to drop or apply the right even pressure where it needs to. I had this done at 41 weeks (my blood pressure was climbing i had to be transfered from my midwives to an OB and he was pushing for full on induction w/i a couple days) as well as acupressure and it helped get things moving, then getting my membranes stripped that afternoon pushed me into full labor a few hours later. Ds was born naturally, nearly 9 lbs and very healthy. :) I went from 2cm to birth in 45 minutes, no tearing and was home in a few hours.

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I had planned a home birth. All the women in my family have naturally gone past due date - some well past. Due to the family history, my midwife and I agreed that I wouldn't even attempt natural methods of induction until a full 42 weeks.


I then had pre-e and was induced early, but I otherwise probably would have gone to 43 weeks or more before agreeing to medical induction.

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