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Rec. really great kid-appropriate documentaries? Any topic!

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Hi Everyone,

I'd love to get a list of really good documentaries that will hold a child's interest.


Any documentary about history, science, candy factories, any subject would be great. The only caveat: my sons are sensitive to animals getting hurt. That's why they love Wildkratts -- animals never actually are shown being eaten or taken down by predators.


And they haven't really loved seeing anyone abused, whipped, tortured in some way which has left out pretty much all of the Civil War documentaries. But, of course, they loved Liberty Kids about the Rev. War.


Also, if you know of any fantastic TED Talks that are kid-appropriate -- that would be awesome too.


Any suggestions would be great!


Thank you!



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We've liked everything David Attenborough.


There's a great documentary that was on Netflix (maybe it still is?) called Between the Folds about origami, that we found fascinating.


There's a TED kids channel, so I think they've done that job for you already. ;)

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There's a TED kids channel, so I think they've done that job for you already. ;)


I'm actually hoping to get peoples' favorites vs. me trolling through the many, many TED Talks. I do actually watch the TED Talks trying to find the best, but it's super time consuming.


So I thought it would be cool if we could all share our favorite documentaries, TED Talks etc.



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My boys both loved David Attenborough, but he definitely shows the whole of the life cycle.  The Orca episode in Blue Planet is particularly hard to take.




What I remember from Blue Planet is seeing it in Costco where the polar bear is circling the sea lions who are mounded around their babies. The polar bear is trying to find a way into a nook or cranny to grab a baby. It went on and on.


A little too much for my boys.


That's why I love Wildkratts. It really explains a lot about the animals without the nightmare-factor.



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"I Am"  from Netflix, I hadn't even heard of it, but it showed up,  and we watched it and liked it.   It shows cooperation between animals more than violence since that is its point, though it is mostly about people.  My son is 11, but I think 9 might not be too young for it.  It too might be good to split up for attention span, we had to anyway for bedtime.

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My kids love the Joan of Arc movie with Leelee Sobieski. The opening and closing scenes show her tied to a stake, fire leaping around her, and some eerie music, but it didn't faze my kids. My youngest would have been younger than 9.  At that age, they were pretty sheltered from violence in the media, but I felt it was important to the story, and it WAS a really great movie.  They weren't traumatized, and in fact, it is one of our favorite all time movies.



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