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I am sending my child to school tomorrow for the first time


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I've always homeschooled my high schooler and middle schooler, but I'm sending the youngest to kindergarten tomorrow.  I'm comfortable that it's the right thing to do, but it feels so strange to even think about it, much less actually take him to school tomorrow. 


And can I say that I feel the pain of all the parents who've dealt with crazy school supply lists?  I think we found most everything, except the potted plant!

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Potted plant?  Haven't come across that one yet.   :p   


My biggest challenge was finding black dry erase markers.  It would appear that every single store in town sold out of those around mid-August. 


My DD started Kindergarten at our local public school two months ago.  It's been a great experience for her so far, and she looks forward to school every day.  She's learning and having fun.  Having her in school while I homeschool DS is the right choice for our family right now.  


Hope your DS has a great first day tomorrow!   :)

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I understand, my 7yo goes to the local PS and it was pretty weird feeling taking her but its the best choice for her right now. I think its a major PITA though having to get up that early, if I put her on the bus it comes at 6:58am and school doesn't start until 8:10! I'm lazy, I NEED that extra hour of sleep and take her the 9 min drive myself:) That said, she enjoys it and is learning but its kinda hard to screw them up in 1st grade:) I hope to bring her home about 3rd grade when I start pushing academics and the schools really start sucking.

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if I put her on the bus it comes at 6:58am and school doesn't start until 8:10!.

Our bus comes at 6:30. Earlier if the weather is bad. If the weather is "too" bad, we were told they would not come at all. This was the tipping point for us in our decision to homeschool years ago.

I'm so glad to hear you are taking your kiddo to school! Sleep is important for both of you. glad everything is going well for you!

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As a former schoolteacher, most of the donated class supplies tend to go to the (classroom) closet and not to the individual student.  And keep in mind many students do not send in supplies due to parents being underemployed or such... thus, your donation like the dry erase markers or journals goes to those who did not send in items. No need to kill yourself over every single item on the list.  But it does help the teacher save $$ as I used to spend $200 a month on items in my classroom and the donations go a long way to save the teacher $$. 


P.S.  I also sent my son to public school for grades K-3.  He loved it!  We began homeschooling him in 4th grade.  I was Room Mom for many years and active with PTA and dearly miss those early school years.  They grow up quick!  My son is a 12th grader as a homeschooler... wow!

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As a former schoolteacher, most of the donated class supplies tend to go to the (classroom) closet and not to the individual student. And keep in mind many students do not send in supplies due to parents being underemployed or such... thus, your donation like the dry erase markers or journals goes to those who did not send in items. No need to kill yourself over every single item on the list. But it does help the teacher save $$ as I used to spend $200 a month on items in my classroom and the donations go a long way to save the teacher $$.



I was a little surprised at the length of the list since this is an international school where we are paying tuition. I'd expect to help restock the classroom closet in a public school, but not so much in a private school. Live and learn. And it's a good thing Office Max is in Mexico, because it made it a lot easier to find everything!

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I was a little surprised at the length of the list since this is an international school where we are paying tuition. I'd expect to help restock the classroom closet in a public school, but not so much in a private school. Live and learn. And it's a good thing Office Max is in Mexico, because it made it a lot easier to find everything!


Well, when I used to teach at a private school in a wealthy area of Southern CA... it was even more important for the supply list to help supplement a teacher's $$ pocketbook.  Private school doesn't mean your $ goes directly into your child's classroom. 

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I am sending dd to a private school this year which is our first real school experience. It is different, but it helps that this school is awesome to deal with, and the staff is amazing. We have no silly rules about anything really, which is nice. I love the potted plant idea though! Our school supply list is much longer than the public school list. Yikes! Lol!

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As a former schoolteacher, most of the donated class supplies tend to go to the (classroom) closet and not to the individual student. And keep in mind many students do not send in supplies due to parents being underemployed or such... thus, your donation like the dry erase markers or journals goes to those who did not send in items. No need to kill yourself over every single item on the list. But it does help the teacher save $$ as I used to spend $200 a month on items in my classroom and the donations go a long way to save the teacher $$.


P.S. I also sent my son to public school for grades K-3. He loved it! We began homeschooling him in 4th grade. I was Room Mom for many years and active with PTA and dearly miss those early school years. They grow up quick! My son is a 12th grader as a homeschooler... wow!

At the public school we tried back when eldest DD was entering 1st grade they blatantly lied to us. We were given a school supply list, and told the items were required at the start of the year. We also were told our own kids would be using the supplies they brought in, with a note to choose well for our kids.


Instead they pooled our supplies. Our DD never got a single pencil from the boxes we provided (good quality with very smooth leads). Instead those were given to other students and she was given cheap pencils that had crooked or broken leads. They gave her thinner, cheaper paper (don't even know where they got it, as we supplied the standard stuff everyone was buying). We received a demand for more crayons less than 2 months into the school year, as the "year's supply" (2 boxes of 24) we supplied were "used up". When we asked DD about that she said the kids were given a handful if crayons each, and no one got to keep their boxes (not even the kids whose parents labeled everything).


I understand not everyone turns in the required supplies. And I think it's flat-out wrong that the teachers should have to spend their own money on consumables for the classroom. Whenever we were told (including at the start if the year) that the classroom needed something (Kleenex, snacks, easel pads, craft supplies, etc.) we pitched in right along with most of the parents. But school supplies should be a normal expense that the SCHOOL supplies for the kids whose families can't afford them. And if they need assistance from parents then they should be honest and say that's what they need, and not take away supplies they had already said our kids would keep.


We left that school at Winter Break that year. The situation simply got intolerable.



Edited to add: I realize that not all schools are like this, not even all public schools. There are many good ones. I'm just dismayed at how much this one school lied to us, and how common it seems to be that teachers have to shell out their own money to supply their classrooms. This should not be. Period.

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Ours share but the type of crayon/pencil/glue stick etc is specified and usually a moderate price and reasonable quality. I somehow missed they would be shared and had a very disappointed little boy when his new crayons and pencils were taken away. I hope your kid has a good time. Putting my kid on the bus before seven though? It would be dark half the year.

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