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It's Nice Out! No School Until Winter

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well goodness, yes, we are taking a Fall Break!  Until I read your post, though, I thought we were just Slacking Off.  :leaving:


We don't ever go truly without school around here, 'cause A requires formal work regularly to thrive -- but it is crisp and gorgeous, the boys are having a grand time playing, and I'm using the time to catch up on cleaning & post here & triage/adjust our fall schedule ...


thanks for making us legit!  Now I just need an end date so we don't Fall Break right through to Easter ...

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I went to Mt. Holyoke College and today was apparently Mountain Day there - the official, unannounced fall day when classes are unexpectedly canceled on a day with good weather.  :D


This is why we try to take September off!  The weather is so nice.  The problem is...  we took all of September off!  We really have to do *some* school.  But we're going to the beach tomorrow so...

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Next week- our fall light week/ semi-break is next week. We will continue with reading, and ds will continue with math and composition as they are online, so no break there. :( Anything else we do next week will just be catch-up work, but I am trying hard not to have any. :D


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Not here. It's 85, and horribly humid. A jaunt outside frequently requires boots (to avoid seed ticks and chiggers) and a bug net (to fend off a recent hatch of horse-flies). My comment to the boys today when they were all set to complain about school going over time was "Well, what else would you do? Anybody want to go outside?" History and Science were done with a minimum of complaining.

Envious of everyone who has "Fall." Here we go from summer to winter without a whole lot of autumn, but I always hope.

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Not here. It's 85, and horribly humid. A jaunt outside frequently requires boots (to avoid seed ticks and chiggers) and a bug net (to fend off a recent hatch of horse-flies). My comment to the boys today when they were all set to complain about school going over time was "Well, what else would you do? Anybody want to go outside?" History and Science were done with a minimum of complaining.

Envious of everyone who has "Fall." Here we go from summer to winter without a whole lot of autumn, but I always hope.

In Florida by any chance, lol?

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We do something similar.  We're in the south, so it's HOT here most of the year!!!  The only months we get a little reprieve is November and December.  January and February are the only 2 cold months we have here, then it gets warm again in March. 


It works out quite well --- we school from January - October and take off November and December.  Perfect timing for the holidays :)


Plus we take our family vacation in early November, so it's off season and VERY relaxing anywhere we decide to go.


Have a great Fall Break :)



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We're really behind this year. We had a few months of break at the beginning of the year. But next year I had planned to take at least a month in the fall off, aside from the basics. Or maybe focus on nature studies.


We live across from a park, so now that it's not so hot out I'm trying to get in the habit of taking them across every morning, since we usually school after lunch while DD naps. Once winter hits, we'll be able to skate all morning while everyone else is in school and I'm really looking forward to that.

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Woohoo! Another skater! I am easily excitable. ;)  We do not have outdoor rinks so DS is limited to an indoor rink over an hour away. He speed skates.


Well, technically, mine have never skated before. They've put up an outdoor rink in our park for the past 2 winters so I'm hoping they do that again. It seems a pity not to take advantage of it while it's there and the weather permits. If they like it, maybe we can continue throughout the year at the indoor rink. :)


Speed skating sounds interesting. I'd never really thought about that as a possible branch off of learning to skate. DS wants to play hockey, but that'd be a while from now.

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It's Spring here.  Yesterday was lovely.  I'm also about as pregnant as a woman can be.  The kids played games yesterday morning, then we packed a picnic and spent the afternoon at the park.  We saw a snake.  They got sun, exercise & socialisation.  I refuse to feel guilty.  :)

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The temperature here is wonderful. The skies are beautiful. The wind is so strong I have to hold my little one for fear of him blowing away. It would be better if we lived in town with the protection of trees and other houses. As it is, while we would love to be outside fit school it will have to wait until the wind does down in a couple weeks.

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