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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing this week? week 5


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Whoops!!  I just realized it's Tuesday.  The holiday threw me off and I had my grandson today.  I'm way behind.



Let's inspire each other with our crafting and hobby stuff.




I've just been working away at my bamboo scarf I shared in last week's thread.   Hopefully, I'll finish it this week and move onto the next idea.  My sister has two new grandbabies coming this fall, so I need to get to work on some blankets.


I haven't even started thinking about Christmas. :scared:

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Working on more wreaths.  Tonight making a small wreath that could also double as a decoration to go around a candle.  Can't really think what that would be called, a candle ring?  This one is made with an orange plaid and black fabric, kind of a Halloween feel.  Bought a heart shaped wreath form to try to experiment with that.  Looking forward to the craft fair, gives me an excuse to make more wreaths!


As far as Christmas goes, the women in my life are getting any wreaths I can't sell at the fair or maybe some other way!

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I haven't even started thinking about Christmas. :scared:


I've started thinking about Christmas. That's about as far as I've gotten. Actually I do have a tentative list: 2 pairs knitted socks, 1 knitted hat, 1 fleece blanket (I don't do the whole tying knots for fringe--I just sew the 2 pieces together, that's it, super easy and I already bought the fabric!--and 1 fleece hat/scarf combo.


I made myself a cowl out of bulky yarn--it went really fast!

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I should be finishing my second sock this week.


I promised Rebecca I'd make her socks next and she picked some striping yarn.  Is there any pattern more complicated than stockinette or rib that would work with a striping yarn without looking weird?  I think my problem with socks is that they're boring unless there's a more complex stitch pattern.  That's why my second sock is going so quickly (for me).

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I've finished and dyed (Kool Aid--so fun! Cinder, it's not my fault...) my felted bag and finished a pair of socks. This evening I'll be working on a washcloth (gotta use up some cotton--I forgot how much I dislike knitting with it.)


Last year I made the kids each a knitted monster for Christmas. This year I've been looking at hat patterns( fun ones, like a monster hat, a fish hat, a horse-ears hat...)

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Working on more wreaths.  Tonight making a small wreath that could also double as a decoration to go around a candle.  Can't really think what that would be called, a candle ring?  This one is made with an orange plaid and black fabric, kind of a Halloween feel.  Bought a heart shaped wreath form to try to experiment with that.  Looking forward to the craft fair, gives me an excuse to make more wreaths!


As far as Christmas goes, the women in my life are getting any wreaths I can't sell at the fair or maybe some other way!



Do we get to see pics??

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Babies are the center of my universe these days.  Loving it.


 I have stocked up on more flannel and have some more baby blankets to sew up and then crochet around the edge.  I plan to get the serging done tomorrow and work on the crochet later on in the week.


Last night and today I cut out and sewed up 3 dozen nursing pads.  4 layers of flannel and t shirt knit.  My daughter is loving having cloth ones.  There are  three nursing babies/Mommies now, so there are more cut out and ready to sew up..


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I am crocheting dd an ear flap hat. Does any one have a free crochet pattern for flap mittens for children? I've checked ravelry but have not found the size I need (I've seen adult size ones). I have no idea how to reduce the size and don't have the brain energy to do the math either :)


Not free but here's one and here's another. Looks like something you might be able to figure out with a free, basic pattern. Work the mitten so that you complete the thumb and partway up the hand. Then do the top of the hand as a separate cast on and make it just a bit longer, maybe with some ribbing, and stitch it to the main mitten across the backs of the fingers.


Or maybe make the mitt partway up the hand, continue the pattern across the back of the fingers then cast on new stitches for the front of the fingers and finish the mitt. Then go back to the opening at the front of the fingers and add another row or two for extra coverage on the inside of the hand.


One of those ideas might be worth a try?

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I want to crochet my mil either a scarf or shawl. Which do you think a woman in her 70's would like?



I have made both for my Mom.  I crocheted her a lap size lightweight afghan that she keeps on her sofa and I have made her several scarves.  Does she wear scarves?  If not I would go with a shawl/lap size afghan.

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Thought we weren't doing any crafts this week. Told my kids I used to make tissue paper flowers (soft tissue that you fan fold, and clip with a metal hair pin) in elementary school in-between classes and kids decided to make their own to decorate their study desk. They use Starbucks paper napkins and scrap wool.


Next week we will try to make cellophane lanterns for Mooncake Festival (Chinese) and re-use for St Martins Day (German).

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had to FROG my fingerless mitts twice...3rd time's the charm, right?


Your perseverance will pay off.


I am on the final stages of my ladybug lovey.  I need to finish it off today so I can give it to my sister tomorrow.  The little girl's birthday party is in a week, but I don't see my sister often enough to do a hand off before then.  Assuming I don't ruin it by using the sewing machine to attach the back at least.  After that I will be whipping up a Chemo Cap for a coworker of DH's that is battling breast cancer.  I will probably do a second hat for her as well, but haven't decided on the pattern yet.

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Um . . . I need Keeping-Up-with-This-Thread Lessons!


If you tell me when the week begins, I'll look for the thread and post my goal for the week.  Personally, I'm a Sunday - Saturday person but I don't care when the thread starts, I just want to know b/c I want to play along!


sniffle . . . this is the first time I saw it this week and the week is already over.


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had to FROG my fingerless mitts twice...3rd time's the charm, right?


I hope so! The last pair of fingerless mitts I made was for mil. It turned out to be a bad match between yarn and pattern. And on top of that I was trying to knit while traveling on very little sleep and in dim light. I started over several times and finally ended up frogging it and trying a more straightforward pattern. Those came out great.

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Um . . . I need Keeping-Up-with-This-Thread Lessons!


If you tell me when the week begins, I'll look for the thread and post my goal for the week.  Personally, I'm a Sunday - Saturday person but I don't care when the thread starts, I just want to know b/c I want to play along!


sniffle . . . this is the first time I saw it this week and the week is already over.


Sorry you missed it this week. 

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