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Tim Tebow is unemployed once again


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I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with you.  He played at least as well as Ryan Mallet in the pre-season.  He played very well when he was in Denver.  Of course they let him go for Peyton Manning.  Who wouldn't?  He hasn't even played one entire season yet.  I still think he could be a success if someone would just give him a REAL chance.  Playing him with the second and third string players is not giving him a true chance.

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So, what I don't get is... (and granted I don't follow football that closely) was he really a superstar in college and then just fizzled in the NFL? What made him so great to begin with?


Pundits say there are so many college star QBs who just can't cut it in the NFL. I think many pundits predicted this for Tebow. He won the Heisman, yet they said he couldn't cut in the pros. O_o 


Pat White is still a Redskin (well, he's probably on his way out, but should be picked up by some team) and the man can't throw the football! He can only run it. 


I don't get this sport. But, hail to the Redskins! RGIII! RGIII! RGIII!

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I think he would make a great tight end.


To KrissiK: the college game and NFL game are very different in many ways. Of course, one thing is the level of talent. Only a small percentage of college players make it to the NFL. The style of play is also very different. Here's an article that explains it pretty well, I think:



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I think he would make a great tight end.


To KrissiK: the college game and NFL game are very different in many ways. Of course, one thing is the level of talent. Only a small percentage of college players make it to the NFL. The style of play is also very different. Here's an article that explains it pretty well, I think:




Thank you for this, My Three Sons (and now the theme song of that ancient tv show is running through my brain!). My DH and ds have been trying to explain it to me. Maybe I'll get it one day. Off to read the article now.

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I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with you.  He played at least as well as Ryan Mallet in the pre-season.  He played very well when he was in Denver.  Of course they let him go for Peyton Manning.  Who wouldn't?  He hasn't even played one entire season yet.  I still think he could be a success if someone would just give him a REAL chance.  Playing him with the second and third string players is not giving him a true chance.


I really want to agree with you.


Tebow showed promise the year he played for Denver. Being cut for Manning, well, you can't blame Denver for that one. It was a smart move. The Jets (and perhaps more pointedly Rex Ryan) insisted on playing Sanchez all season and if that's not poor judgment then IDK what is. The Pats have Brady and a backup QB already. Do they really need another QB??


IDK. I have a soft spot for Tebow. I really want to see him succeed.


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I think he would make a great tight end.


To KrissiK: the college game and NFL game are very different in many ways. Of course, one thing is the level of talent. Only a small percentage of college players make it to the NFL. The style of play is also very different. Here's an article that explains it pretty well, I think:




Thanks for the article. It makes sense to me now.

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I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with you. He played at least as well as Ryan Mallet in the pre-season. He played very well when he was in Denver. Of course they let him go for Peyton Manning. Who wouldn't? He hasn't even played one entire season yet. I still think he could be a success if someone would just give him a REAL chance. Playing him with the second and third string players is not giving him a true chance.

Yeah. Personally, I don't know why you would give a guy a 2-year contract, and then turn around and get rid of him after only a few months. It would seem to make more sense to take the time to work with him and see if he can be a viable part of the team, rather than to give up on him right away.


I don't think he's a great player, but if the Patriots had enough confidence in him to offer him a contract, they should have at least given him a chance to prove himself -- unless he was truly abysmal in practice.


I know people who watched him practice with the Jets and they said he was nowhere near as good as they had expected him to be, so perhaps the same thing happened when he started working with the Pats. It wouldn't be the first time that a professional athlete burned out early.


He seems to have other football skills, though, so I think he should consider trying to play a different position (if anyone is still willing to hire him.)


He seems like a sweet guy, so I hope he finds success, whether or not it's in football.

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I do know they say he doesn't practice well.  I also know he typically has been made to practice with the second string team.  Kyle Orton was Denver's starter when Tebow came there and he practiced very well (meaning Orton), but it never translated into his ability to play in games. 

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I was rooting for Tebow to make it through the cuts this week, he had made it through the last round of cuts before this week. All teams had to cut back to 53 members and the Patriots don't typically carry 3 QB's on their roster. So between Mallet and Tebow - Mallet has been around for a few years now and knows the Patriots offense well by now. He's been groomed to take over if Brady gets injured. I think that the Pats were hoping to be able to use Tebow as a fullback, tight end or on special teams, but he's stated repeatedly that he wants to be a QB. 



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So, what I don't get is... (and granted I don't follow football that closely) was he really a superstar in college and then just fizzled in the NFL? What made him so great to begin with?


The Gators offense was designed around Tebow during the years he played there. Instead of him learning how to be a good quarterback, the rest of the offense had to learn how to play to Tebow's strengths and never let his weaknesses show. He never had a chance to improve his weak areas. This is more Urban Meyer's fault than Tebow's but that doesn't matter now. What matters is he hit the pros without the skills to be a pro quarterback.

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The Gators offense was designed around Tebow during the years he played there. Instead of him learning how to be a good quarterback, the rest of the offense had to learn how to play to Tebow's strengths and never let his weaknesses show. He never had a chance to improve his weak areas. This is more Urban Meyer's fault than Tebow's but that doesn't matter now. What matters is he hit the pros without the skills to be a pro quarterback.

I wouldn't say Urban Meyer was at fault. Meyer's job was to win games at Florida, not to develop players for the NFL.

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There are semi-pro football teams but there is no minor league system ala baseball and hockey.


In baseball and hockey the players in the minor league are under contract to the organization.


I was saying, the alternative is for the NFL to have its own minor league, not that they already have one.


We should stop exploiting unpaid student athletes and pretending they're getting educations by decoupling the NFL and college football.

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Here we go again.


Tebow can't hack it as a pro QB because he can't pass.  He came from U of FL.  They run a running game.  He is a running QB, i.e. completely worthless in the NFL.  His isn't a new story.  This happens to nearly every QB from a college that runs a running game.  There are exceptions to that rule, but those exceptions are... well... exceptional.  Tebow isn't. 


Maybe he can find work as a model for a Rodin knock-off artist.   ;)

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Here we go again.


Tebow can't hack it as a pro QB because he can't pass.  He came from U of FL.  They run a running game.  He is a running QB, i.e. completely worthless in the NFL.  His isn't a new story.  This happens to nearly every QB from a college that runs a running game.  There are exceptions to that rule, but those exceptions are... well... exceptional.  Tebow isn't. 


Maybe he can find work as a model for a Rodin knock-off artist.   ;)


There are a lot of running QBs in the game.  John Elway was one of the first.  I guess you think he was worthless as well.  Why the need to bash him so much?  He hasn't even played one entire season yet.  Name at least one other QB with that little playing time that you would bash.  I don't understand your hatred of the player.

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There are a lot of running QBs in the game.  John Elway was one of the first.  I guess you think he was worthless as well.  Why the need to bash him so much?  He hasn't even played one entire season yet.  Name at least one other QB with that little playing time that you would bash.  I don't understand your hatred of the player.


I don't hate him, Luanne.   I just think he's a joke as an NFL QB -- a pretty funny one, too, mostly because of his own antics on the field.   And, Elway?  Please.  I know you love your CO teams, and that's fine, but Elway was another QB who looked good because everyone else around him actually did know what they were doing.


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I don't hate him, Luanne.   I just think he's a joke as an NFL QB -- a pretty funny one, too, mostly because of his own antics on the field.   And, Elway?  Please.  I know you love your CO teams, and that's fine, but Elway was another QB who looked good because everyone else around him actually did know what they were doing.


I think it is safe to assume you can't stand the Denver Broncos.  That is fine.  I also think your comments prove if you don't hate him, you at least despise him and it is totally unnecessary.   He never did anything to you so you don't need to have such a problem with him.

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I don't hate him, Luanne. I just think he's a joke as an NFL QB -- a pretty funny one, too, mostly because of his own antics on the field. And, Elway? Please. I know you love your CO teams, and that's fine, but Elway was another QB who looked good because everyone else around him actually did know what they were doing.

I disagree on Elway. He was a talented passer.

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I'm still an Elway fan. He did some amazing passing in addition to being a talented scrambler. He wasn't always consistent, but he always made the games exciting. I was a little girl back in the day and about passed out getting his autograph once in Greeley. 

And I, for one, was thrilled to see Manning come in! :) Broncos forever! 

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OK, now I'm wishing I never started this thread because it's starting to turn kind of nasty.


Personally, I don't think Tim Tebow is a great quarterback, but I do think he seems like a very nice young man, and I hope he finds success at whatever else he decides to do. I thought he made a big mistake by insisting on only being a QB and not considering a different position, because it sounds like he has a good running game and he might be a valuable asset to an NFL team if he could only compromise his ego a bit and not restrict himself to only being the QB.


I had never heard the rumor that the Pats hired Tebow to try to help Hernandez. That would seem like a stupid move on their part, because even if Tebow was the nicest guy on the planet, he couldn't be expected to try to rehabilitate or strongly influence a guy with Hernandez's issues. I mean, Tebow might be a trained football player, but he's not exactly a trained psychologist or counselor.

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Very few players can successfully make a radical position switch at that level. While Tebow was a talented runner as a QB in college, he would not be an exceptional, or even a average, running back in the pros based on his speed. TE (the position our oldest plays in college) is an entirely different skill set than Tebow has practiced for the past 15 years, and there is little chance he could edge out a decent NFL TE for a roster spot.

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Very few players can successfully make a radical position switch at that level. While Tebow was a talented runner as a QB in college, he would not be an exceptional, or even a average, running back in the pros based on his speed. TE (the position our oldest plays in college) is an entirely different skill set than Tebow has practiced for the past 15 years, and there is little chance he could edge out a decent NFL TE for a roster spot.

That may very well be the case. I'm only basing my comments on things I have heard sportscasters say on TV, not from any personal experience with pro football.

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The season he played in Colorado was fun! He turned the season around, and the fans were happy. Unfortunately, Elway wasn't. 


Tebow seems like a very nice man, and if someone hates him, I suspect that it's because they hate Christians. Their bigotry can't help but spew out, for lack of a better term.


The NFL seems like a rough business for all of the players.


I wish him well.

Where has anyone in this thread expressed hate for him, or even mentioned his faith? They've pointed out flaws in his football skills, which seems reasonable. I think your comment about hatred and bigotry speaks more to your own bias than to anything actually written in this thread.


I know next to nothing about football, but find it amusing to watch how involved people in this country get about it.

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Where has anyone in this thread expressed hate for him, or even mentioned his faith? They've pointed out flaws in his football skills, which seems reasonable. I think your comment about hatred and bigotry speaks more to your own bias than to anything actually written in this thread.


I know next to nothing about football, but find it amusing to watch how involved people in this country get about it.


Someone in this thread called him worthless and a joke.  That isn't exactly loving on the guy.  That can easily be translated into hatred.

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I think it is safe to assume you can't stand the Denver Broncos.  That is fine.  I also think your comments prove if you don't hate him, you at least despise him and it is totally unnecessary.   He never did anything to you so you don't need to have such a problem with him.



Actually Luanne, as with so many, many things, you couldn't possibly be more wrong.  The Broncos have long been one of my favourite pro teams. 

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Someone in this thread called him worthless and a joke.  That isn't exactly loving on the guy.  That can easily be translated into hatred.



Oh! That was me!  I said I think he is worthless AS AN NFL QB and a joke AS AN NFL QB.   I stand by that estimation of him AS AN NFL QB.  I have no opinion on him as anything else other than AS AN NFL QB. Whatever else you extrapolate from that otherwise is just blah de blah de typical for you blah.

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I had never heard the rumor that the Pats hired Tebow to try to help Hernandez. That would seem like a stupid move on their part, because even if Tebow was the nicest guy on the planet, he couldn't be expected to try to rehabilitate or strongly influence a guy with Hernandez's issues. I mean, Tebow might be a trained football player, but he's not exactly a trained psychologist or counselor.


Zaclty. And, again, just a rumor. ;) Likely not true. 

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