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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing this week? week 4


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Are you a crafter or artist?  Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture?   All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome!


This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric.  Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint?  Show any of those (if  you have a photo - that's even extra great).   Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that.  Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!!


Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us.  Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby.  ;)


Let's inspire each other!




Hi all.  I'm actually starting on my 2nd bamboo shawl in a pretty sage green.  I'll post pictures as soon as I find my camera :closedeyes:

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I realized that a friend is expecting a baby in 2 weeks and I might should work on a gift. :lol:  I have a cute navy and teal simple striped beanie stashed in my baby gift pile, so I'm going to give that along with a pair of these in teal:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/crochet-baby-converse 


I'll post a pic when I'm done.  Should be mid-week?

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Well, I run my own small business sewing children's clothes here in my home. Today I am finishing nine tops and tomorrow I will finish three dresses. After that I'm taking the rest of the week off but will still plan a few new pieces and order fabric, I'm sure.


What are YOU working on, OP?



Well, I usually put it in the bottom of my opening post..   I'm beginning a bamboo shawl similar to the one I worked on 2 weeks ago, but this time in sage green.  I still can't find my camera :confused1:


Erin - those are sweet shoes!  My sister is a crocheter, I'll have to share them with her.  She has 2 grandbabies due this fall.

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I need to work on my second sock.  I finally got the CO right and the first inch of ribbing down.  Now I have to get back into the swing of the pattern and make a lot of progress.  I promised Rebecca she'd get socks next!


**This is not the sock with the bad pooling I discussed last week.  I'm going to reverse wind the ball to rip it out and wait until I get my Knitting Socks With  Handpainted Yarn book.  I should put a sign on it - DO NOT KNIT - bad pooling!

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I need to work on my second sock.  I finally got the CO right and the first inch of ribbing down.  Now I have to get back into the swing of the pattern and make a lot of progress.  I promised Rebecca she'd get socks next!


**This is not the sock with the bad pooling I discussed last week.  I'm going to reverse wind the ball to rip it out and wait until I get my Knitting Socks With  Handpainted Yarn book.  I should put a sign on it - DO NOT KNIT - bad pooling!

Pooling is the world's MOST maddening thing. 

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I've had an idea in my head for years to make something related to the quote in "You've Got Mail" in which Tom Hank's character

states, "Don't you just love New York in the fall? Makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly

sharpened pencils, if only I knew your name and address."


Well, a few weeks back I started said project and last night I completed it and the card to go with it! I'm so excited. Trying to

figure out when to give it to him. 

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Well, I want to play along but I don't have a project selected so I'll do this:


I started an outfit a couple of months ago.  I finished the skirt but made a couple of errors on the top and put the whole thing aside.  So, my project for this week will be to take out the seam, finish the top, and wear it THIS weekend b/c the skirt is a white background and I won't be wearing it after.  grr.  


Seam Ripper, where are youuuuuuuu?

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Maybe I will knit more when the weather cools down?  I finished a sock for my son that I started in June, cast on the second and have only done a couple rows of ribbing.


At least I am started to think a bit about homemade holidays...I made peach jam for gifts last week.

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AMDG is an acronym for Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam which means "for the greater glory of God."  Besides being (a slight abbreviation of) the motto of the Jesuits, many Catholics will type or write it first in a letter or document.  People do it for all kinds of reasons including reminding themselves to only say those things which are for the greater glory -- and not mean, snarky, sarcastic, et c.


Of course, I'm not saying that *I* need reminding . . .!  ;)


AAAAaaaaaaannnnd . . . my sleeves are set. They are my best sleeves yet so I'm very happy with them.  That isn't to say that they are perfect or anything like that but they're pretty good.


So now I need to hem the bottom and sleeves and around the neck (that's the hardest one for me) and I'll have a new outfit!  

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I just returned from my first trip to the ocean. I found the only yarn shop in all of Ocean City, right on the boardwalk, and bought a few skeins of this to commemorate the occasion:



I am not sure what I will make--maybe a Citron shawl? It is about 900 yards of laceweight. Any suggestions? I want something easy--I already have three lace projects going and I am getting nowhere, since I have to concentrate so hard on each one.

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I just returned from my first trip to the ocean. I found the only yarn shop in all of Ocean City, right on the boardwalk, and bought a few skeins of this to commemorate the occasion:



I am not sure what I will make--maybe a Citron shawl? It is about 900 yards of laceweight. Any suggestions? I want something easy--I already have three lace projects going and I am getting nowhere, since I have to concentrate so hard on each one.


Alpaca?? :001_tt1:


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Debbi, I'd love to see your shawls!  I made prayer shawls a few years ago using a crochet book that was around at the time.  Right now we're canning and I'm fiddling with some stuff for photography, neither of which are crafty.  Thanks for an inspiring thread!  :)

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I'm so glad to hear what everyone is doing.


MomofOneFunOne  - what does AMDG mean?  Still scratching my head over that one.


urpedonmommy - what beautiful yarn.  Love the color.  OC New Jersey or MD?


OhElizabeth - I *still* can't find my camera.  I'm starting to wonder if it sprouted legs.  I'm a little concerned.   You can see the beginning of the first one here:  Ravelry Link

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Debbi, your woven shawl is BEAUTIFUL!!!  Totally in awe.  But no camera?  Oh dear.  Phone?  Quick $100 to B&H?  They have new ones now (that I don't have) that can shizam your images to your computer, flickr, blah blah right from the camera.  How convenient would that be!  :)

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Debbi, your woven shawl is BEAUTIFUL!!!  Totally in awe.  But no camera?  Oh dear.  Phone?  Quick $100 to B&H?  They have new ones now (that I don't have) that can shizam your images to your computer, flickr, blah blah right from the camera.  How convenient would that be!   :)


LOL... my phone is a dinosaur and I can't do email on it, even if it took good pictures.    I have noticed that the camera has been getting wonky lately.  Probably time to just throw in the towel and buy another one.


Thanks for the complements.  It's actually the first woven project in which all 3 of my girls were asking me to give it to them! LOL.  I think there will be more in my future.

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I'm so glad to hear what everyone is doing.


MomofOneFunOne - what does AMDG mean? Still scratching my head over that one.


urpedonmommy - what beautiful yarn. Love the color. OC New Jersey or MD?


OhElizabeth - I *still* can't find my camera. I'm starting to wonder if it sprouted legs. I'm a little concerned. You can see the beginning of the first one here: Ravelry Link


We were in OC MD. I was utterly shocked to find a really, truly, lovely, yarn/stitching store there, amidst all the fast food and cheap sunglasses.

I wanted to choose yarn that matched the color of the ocean. Then I really looked and thought about it and realized that the ocean was an awful grey/sickly green color that no yarn should ever be. So I chose what I thought the ocean *should* look like! LOL!

I spent all night last night searching ravelry for a shawl pattern that wouldn't make me crazy. I am thinking this:


I think I can reverse engineer it with a little help from a knitting help site. I'd sure love to find the original book, but the prices are sky high! I just can't justify it.

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We were in OC MD. I was utterly shocked to find a really, truly, lovely, yarn/stitching store there, amidst all the fast food and cheap sunglasses.

I wanted to choose yarn that matched the color of the ocean. Then I really looked and thought about it and realized that the ocean was an awful grey/sickly green color that no yarn should ever be. So I chose what I thought the ocean *should* look like! LOL!

I spent all night last night searching ravelry for a shawl pattern that wouldn't make me crazy. I am thinking this:


I think I can reverse engineer it with a little help from a knitting help site. I'd sure love to find the original book, but the prices are sky high! I just can't justify it.


That shawl is gorgeous!! and your description of the ocean=  :lol:

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I spent all night last night searching ravelry for a shawl pattern that wouldn't make me crazy. I am thinking this:


I think I can reverse engineer it with a little help from a knitting help site. I'd sure love to find the original book, but the prices are sky high! I just can't justify it.


Yikes, I just looked up the book and I can't believe those prices! And to think it sold new for . . .  what? . . . 14.95?


That is a lovely shawl. Looks like a chevron pattern with some dropped stitches in between. Good luck! Ok, now I want one too.

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I love hearing about everyone's projects!


My first attempt at the shorts didn't turn out too well.  Attempt number two will happen tomorrow. :)



So many knitters, we sewers have to stick together (or do you prefer sewist?)!  


I don't know what you did wrongly and surely, as a beginner myself, I couldn't help you anyway but the folks at http://sewing.patternreview.com/sewingdiscussions probably can.  You'll have to go to the main page and sign up but then if you have any questions you can ask there and get good responses from seasoned vets.


I hope today goes better!

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I just confirmed for a table at a local craft fair in Nov! It will be my first one and I am nervous. I have been making wreaths and garland for gifts for years, and somebody suggest I sell them. I know I won't make a ton at this craft show, it is in an out of the way place and only one day, but the experience will be fun, and I can make my table money back. I make something like these: (Don't have photos of my own, this isn't my store)




But I honestly couldn't charge as much as these go for, our area wouldn't support a price like that. It would be nice though.


Wish me luck!

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Wow. That sampler is gorgeous! I have always wanted to do a sampler.

Maybe after the shawl, the shawl, the gloves, the cardigan, the scarf, the nightgown, the nightgown....

(Yes, I actually have that many things going at once. I am a firm believer in Making All The Things, and cast on, cut patterns, and start hexie quilts as the urge strikes me. I'm a grown up now and can start things whenever I want! Yippee!)

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I love seeing everyone's projects too.  


urpedon - love your description of the ocean - so true for the mid-atlantic shoreline.   I haven't been to OC MD in years!  Too much like a bad version of Vegas.  We go to Rehoboth or Dewey.   I love, love, love the shawl you chose... so pretty.   I looked it up and the book is available in my library system.  Perhaps it will be at your local library too.


Saraha -   How gutsy of you!  That wreath is so pretty... can't wait to see your own creations.


craftymom - I don't know what Schuletuten is.  off to google


slr - love the sampler.  How nice to be done so early too.

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Yesterday I managed to not only sneak in time for the other strap, but also got the lining sewed together so I can work on it in the camper.  I have decided that I will not take any new projects with me (well maybe 1 ball of cotton...) but rather bring all the things I have in progress.  I have a bag that has been done since February that is literally waiting for its straps to be sewn on.  I just lost motivation for it.  I'm not even going to line it.  I also have a blanket that is mindless work that I keep walking away from and the finishing touches on the ladybug lovey.  I have most of the components for the ladybug, but they all need to be put together.  I like to keep my hands busy while we are camping and the kids are all out playing, so hopefully I will get a lot accomplished.

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I finished my Navy Aidez (I have a habit of knitting Aidez) and finished a sweater for my son and now am working the yoke of "Driven" in Madeline Tosh Vintage - Moorland colorway.


I really need to sew up clothes for my dd but I haven't felt like sewing. I lost the love after having a sewing business. I still crank out clothes for dd, but don't want to

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I finally found time this week to work on my shawl.  I wove about 8 inches and didn't like the treadling pattern, pulled it all out, and did a different one.  Here's how it looks now:




It's the same pattern for the previous shawl and I rather like it best.



Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous and so delicate looking. I crocheted a shawl this past winter and it seems so clunky now after seeing your work. I'd take yours any day!

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So far I have finished off the bag that was just missing its handles. I even figured out how to upload to Ravelry from my iPhone. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/jennmomto4/rust-goes-green-market-bag


I also finished weaving in the ends of my heavy blanket. I didn't upload the cleaned up version as it didn't really change much. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/jennmomto4/little-v-stitch-blanket-70119a-2

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