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are you taking care of yourself this fall?


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Do you have any "self-care" rituals that you're doing this fall?


I've gotten out of my healthy habits over the last month. Here's what I need to do:


- drink enough water

- not drink any caffeine after lunch

- do aerobic exercise 5 days per week

- spend an hour outside everyday 

- not retreat after dinner but "lean in" to my family


These are the things that really help keep me healthy and happy.


What about you? What habits help you keep healthy and sane?



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In the past few weeks I've been making an effort to get back into a consistent exercise routine.  I'd let what was a regular routine become sporadic this year due to the general craziness of life.  For the last three weeks I've walked 10 to 12 miles each week, and I hope to increase that to closer to 15 miles per week next month and work in some weight lifting.  I can't say that I enjoy it or that it really makes me feel better.  But I am proud of myself for doing something positive and healthy!

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Sorta' - I've finally signed up for the Pilates classes I've always wanted to take, and I'm intentionally making time for my own education, but I'm not staying hydrated or sleeping enough. Always a work in progress.

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Well I'm finally back on my diet - down 5lbs. already!  I've also been taking a rowing class, and am going to take intermediate next, which is twice a week. I really enjoy it - I love being on the water.  I haven't been getting to Pilates as often as I'd like, but I'm planning on walking either daily or on the non-rowing days as soon as the school year starts (later this week!).  I still need to work on staying hydrated and sleeping enough...

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I started a good exercise routine this summer that I stopped because of this sinus infection, but now I'm feeling better and will do it again. I'm working at de-stressing, but paring down my schedule and saying "no". And I'm starting a new hobby. Just for me.

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Do you have any "self-care" rituals that you're doing this fall?


I've gotten out of my healthy habits over the last month. Here's what I need to do:


- drink enough water

- not drink any caffeine after lunch

- do aerobic exercise 5 days per week

- spend an hour outside everyday 

- not retreat after dinner but "lean in" to my family


These are the things that really help keep me healthy and happy.


What about you? What habits help you keep healthy and sane?




Re bolded:  I love how this is phrased!


I've been trying to start some new habits but it's difficult!!

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I need to start off by losing almost 20 lbs.  I'm going to cut out dairy, and go on some sort of detox diet or something before Fall starts.  Lots of smoothies, soup, etc.  I'm going to have to designate only one cheat day for sweets after that and cut out the massive amount of Café Mocha in my diet.  :glare:


I finally have a working bike, so I'm going to bike every chance I get, walk at least 1-3 miles a day (not unusual for us), and do an exercise dvd at least 3 times a week.  I will keep doing my stretches, too, every day.  I think I'll have to switch to more cardio type exercise dvds since I will get out less in the winter, too.  I can't do my bellydance anymore because my hip has a pinched nerve.  IDK what to do about that. 


I have a new fall wardrobe, so I just need to clear out some older stuff I have so I resist wearing bed clothes all the time. 


I need to go back to drinking more water and less junk food drinks like my fancy coffee and lemonade addiction. More vegetables, less sugar.  More fresh air and less computer-even in winter. 


Oh, and no computer in the mornings.  It makes me a lump all day long. 

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I wake up an hour earlier than the kids to have my coffee in peace.  


I take a bath every Friday morning before school.


I've been trying to remember to drink more water.


I've been trying to remember to exercise a little every day.


Learning to play the fiddle.


Working on my Spanish using Duolingo and was taking a class, but it was recently canceled. :(


Started a regular afternoon quiet time.

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This is a good thread.


Last spring I lost 18 pounds via a 10-week program through our health insurance.  After the 10 weeks were up, I lost my motivation and stay on the program even though I have more weight to lose.  For a few months I maintained my  new weight, but now I am creeping back up a bit.  So I do need to get back to walking, drinking my 10 glasses of water per day, doing some crunches, weights, etc, and going back to the eating principles that helped me lose the weight in the first place.   (Eating only when hungry, not snacking, eating slowly to enjoy the food and get satisfaction from it, determining emotional eating triggers and avoidance techniques, among other things.)


Also I need to read more. I just feel cheated at the end of the day if I have had no time to read something just for myself.

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What a great thread!  :)


I have 8 more pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight. I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing: exercise daily, lots of water, good food choices, portion control

Make the kids prepare breakfast for themselves so I don't have to rush through my workout and shower to feed them.

Early to bed, early to rise, and all that...

Figure out how and how much to limit my screen time. Dc don't watch TV or play videogames during the week. I need to refrain from surfing online, which I tend to do in the summer.

Delete Candy Crush from my iPad.  :blushing:


I just got a cute new haircut which is making me feel SASSY! That helps me fight the ragged homeschool-mom look, which I will fight til my last dying breath!

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Workout at the gym 4x a week, some exercise every day even if it is yard work.  I had four months of physical therapy early this year, and I want to keep the ground I regained.  I am so much more mobile.


If I do that plus work and homeschool, I'll be quite pleased.



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What a good thread!


Continue to gain health and strength by walking some every day. I'd love to work back up to the 2.5 miles I was doing daily before chemo. Sigh...that's a ways off yet.

Continue yoga classes at least once a week.

Eat better--more water, less Dr Pepper. More veggies, more high quality foods--more thought going into what goes into my mouth.


Have one morning a week to relax.

One day a month to do something hands on and creative.


Read more in the evenings instead of mindlessly watching TV.

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Yes! I love summer because I always get plenty of exercise but once school starts we don't get to the gym in the mornings so it's harder to keep up with. I'm really excited that my kids are old enough now to let me work out at home for an hour and not be interrupted.


I always prioritize my sleep. I learned that lesson the hard way the first few years of my first ds life and now I make sure I get 9 hours of sleep every single night.


I'm also outsourcing math for my oldest this year and I'm super excited about that.


Now if I could just get someone to deliver my groceries, we'd be all set! :)

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This thread is so timely. I've had several changes in life the last few months and have had to do lots of letting go. I've decided I needed to replace some of the things that are gone with new positive things.


I started running again! I took a few months off because I was dealing with extreme fatigue. I was in half marathon shape and had to start all over with running only one mile. i'm up to four now and it is not work, but feels totally natural. I'm going to start increasing my mileage and have a half in my sights. Oh, and I did my first hill run in months yesterday. Hard, but wonderful!


I'm trying new recipes. I have so many cookbooks and I like to cook, but I got in a slump of just making things I could do on auto pilot. Currently, I'm working through this book:



I'm also working through a couple college math texts, which my oldest failed to resell when he was done with them. I plan on taking a chemistry course at the local cc next summer. I've never taken chem, either in high school or college. But as I was reading through my dd's bio text this summer, there was a chapter on basic chemistry. I always thought chem was hard and boring, but I finished the chapter wanting to know more.


I've started reading Scientific American, which I get from the library. Nobody I know really talks about sciency topics, except for my sons who no longer live here, so I thought I would start reading about them. Who knows? Maybe I'll eventually read a whole book on some science-related topic. :) Besides the bio text, of course. The older I get the more I love science.


Warning CC alert! And last, but not least, I am spending time in God's Word daily, as I feel it is the most importanst thing I can do for myself. As my outer self ages and goes downhill, I'm hoping my inner self will become more beautiful, gracious, loving, and kind.

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This thread is so timely. I've had several changes in life the last few months and have had to do lots of letting go. I've decided I needed to replace some of the things that are gone with new positive things.


I started running again! I took a few months off because I was dealing with extreme fatigue. I was in half marathon shape and had to start all over with running only one mile. i'm up to four now and it is not work, but feels totally natural. I'm going to start increasing my mileage and have a half in my sights. Oh, and I did my first hill run in months yesterday. Hard, but wonderful!


I'm trying new recipes. I have so many cookbooks and I like to cook, but I got in a slump of just making things I could do on auto pilot. Currently, I'm working through this book:



I'm also working through a couple college math texts, which my oldest failed to resell when he was done with them. I plan on taking a chemistry course at the local cc next summer. I've never taken chem, either in high school or college. But as I was reading through my dd's bio text this summer, there was a chapter on basic chemistry. I always thought chem was hard and boring, but I finished the chapter wanting to know more.


I've started reading Scientific American, which I get from the library. Nobody I know really talks about sciency topics, except for my sons who no longer live here, so I thought I would start reading about them. Who knows? Maybe I'll eventually read a whole book on some science-related topic. :) Besides the bio text, of course. The older I get the more I love science.


Warning CC alert! And last, but not least, I am spending time in God's Word daily, as I feel it is the most importanst thing I can do for myself. As my outer self ages and goes downhill, I'm hoping my inner self will become more beautiful, gracious, loving, and kind.

I love your post! I'm just getting back into running too. I ran a half in 2009, injured my it band, and then got pg with twins. So needless to say I have not been regularly running since then. I just started 2 weeks ago, and could only run a mile. It was infuriating! :lol: I'm up to week 5 in couch to 5 k and feeling good. Running is my therapy, I can't believe I stopped for so long.


Also, your last paragraph really spoke to me. I'm not religious and don't really indentify as a Christian anymore, although I do believe in god and Jesus to some extent....anyways, I am also trying to be "beautiful on the inside," and finding life much more rewarding so far. And I agree it's the most important way to take care of ourselves, whatever your angle. :)

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