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I just feel like crying

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What was John Edwards thinking?


I'm so so so sad for his wife and children. How can he look his children in the eye now? I feel like every husband on earth is just going to go get his jolly's somewhere else when his wife gets cancer. I'm seriously considering starting a huge fight with my own DH, with whom I almost never argue. I *used* to think he was practically perfect, but now he is guilty by association.


I'm just really surprised, and to be honest, it seems like it's sort of a "thing" that wives get breast cancer and their husband's get lovers. I just honestly could cry for EE.

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What was John Edwards thinking?


I'm so so so sad for his wife and children. How can he look his children in the eye now? I feel like every husband on earth is just going to go get his jolly's somewhere else when his wife gets cancer. I'm seriously considering starting a huge fight with my own DH, with whom I almost never argue. I *used* to think he was practically perfect, but now he is guilty by association.


I'm just really surprised, and to be honest, it seems like it's sort of a "thing" that wives get breast cancer and their husband's get lovers. I just honestly could cry for EE.


I don't watch the news or read it online so I had no idea where this was going when I started reading your post. Needless to say, I get the gist of it. How disgusting. Horrible. Smarmy. Sad. I can totally understand why it brings you to tears.

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It really is a terrible thing. I cannot imagine. If you can't keep it in your pants at least stay out of the public eye.


eta: I have to say the merest *hint* of dishonestly from my dh drives me insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane (I'm not kidding, *insane*!) due to an extra-marital affair in my family. It never affects just the couple involved.

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, quipped Edwards' campaign manager, David Bonior. Strange, that a campaign manager would think there are politicians that don't lie. When you look up "lie" in a thesaurus, "politician" really should be one of the synonyms you see. It doesn't hurt their chances at being powerful. The more powerful, the more dishonest.


Edwards was a politician in NC. It was pretty sad to watch him move from campaigning for NC senator to campaigning for president without even stopping to actually serve NC or the country. I have never respected him OR his hair. He's a politician to the nth degree. The lie comes as no great surprise.


And lest anyone think I'm bashing him because he's a democrat, I will not vote for McCain either because of the same type of sleazeball antics he pulled with his first wife. I believe politicians have a place reserved in the lowest circle of hell, no matter where Dante might have thought to place them.

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, quipped Edwards' campaign manager, David Bonior. Strange, that a campaign manager would think there are politicians that don't lie. When you look up "lie" in a thesaurus, "politician" really should be one of the synonyms you see. It doesn't hurt their chances at being powerful. The more powerful, the more dishonest.


I can only speak for myself but I *hate it* when I see politicans say something that I *know* is a lie (and it happens often). I HATE it with the fire of a thousand suns! I know it's naive but I can't help it!


Also, I think not sleeping with someone is pretty easy compared to some of the other moral pressures the powerful face. If you can't handle the pressure of one, you can't handle the other, imo.


Oh and I'm a Democrat, I hate it even *worse* when it's one of "my own" in the wrong.

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What's most interesting is it was the National Enquirer who broke the story. :blink: Edwards dashing into hotel bathrooms to avoid the reporters? We have long since passed the time when public figures can have "gentlemen's" affairs and not get busted for it.


Slate actually had it (eta: "it" being the fact that the NE was printing the story) listed on July 24th, we talked about it on another board. I can't believe it took this long for it to come out in the rest of the media.

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I'm just really surprised, and to be honest, it seems like it's sort of a "thing" that wives get breast cancer and their husband's get lovers. I just honestly could cry for EE.


I call this my, "It's all about me...and when it is not all about me, I panic." theory. I'm going to preface this with the fact that I love my dh VERY much...and I am the mom of two precious little boys whom I also lover VERY much. I am NOT a man hater by any stretch of the imagination.... but I am also not one to ignore definite patterns of behavior...regardless of how much I may like/love men. ;) I will also preface this with the obligatory disclaimer that when generalizing we all know that there are exceptions to the generalization....so please, don't think I am not aware of that.:D NOW...on to my theory. Men have this tendency to be a bit self-centered....ok, VERY self-centered...this does NOT make them bad people...it is just the way it is. So, when their beloved wife gets very ill....and the focus begins to shift to only being on her...they panic. And they seek attention elsewhere. Often this means they have an affair. This should not be a reflection of their feelings for their wife....or even on their moral values, for the most part....just on their own character....and the weakness of said character when the chips are down. So that is my basic theory....:tongue_smilie:


All that said....I thought Edwards was smarter than that....I mean, he is a man and beyond that a politician so I didn't really consider him ABOVE such things....however, I thought he was an intelligent guy...and intelligent guys should know better than to have affairs when they are running for freaking president in this day and age! I am soooo glad he at least had the sense to pull out of the race early on....I would be livid if he were our nominee when this came out....:glare:

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Slate actually had it (eta: "it" being the fact that the NE was printing the story) listed on July 24th, we talked about it on another board. I can't believe it took this long for it to come out in the rest of the media.


Looks like a bunch are claiming first rights... LOL



But Eq had articles from last year... here is one I found. http://www.nationalenquirer.com/john_edwards_love_child/celebrity/64426

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Slate actually had it (eta: "it" being the fact that the NE was printing the story) listed on July 24th, we talked about it on another board. I can't believe it took this long for it to come out in the rest of the media.


Well, it's been in the media for days. It's not new news except that TODAY he's admitting it was true.


Honestly, I totally believed him when he said it was a lie. I just did. Partly because I liked him (or his image, anyway) and partly because I know people close to the family who just think the world of him, and I just didn't believe that a decent man could cheat on a wife fighting cancer.


But you know what? I know of a number of wives who have fought cancer and then fought infidelity from seemingly "good guys." I think that's what's bothering me. People who never liked JE anyway are loving this and are going to enjoy the show and use it as a forum for attacking him. But for people who aren't focussed on politics, it's about a deep betrayal of a very vulnerable woman, and of children who have already suffered a lot in the public eye, who are going to probably lose mother to cancer, and who need their father to be good.

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It really is a terrible thing. I cannot imagine. If you can't keep it in your pants at least stay out of the public eye.


It never affects just the couple involved.





I so totally agree. I don't think it matters whether you're a democrat or a republican, or whatever else you want to be.


He's a sorry you-know-what.



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When you look up "lie" in a thesaurus, "politician" really should be one of the synonyms you see....I believe politicians have a place reserved in the lowest circle of hell


Diana in OR recently ran for elected office and will be serving as a City Councilor soon. Is she guilty by association, an assumed liar who, as thanks for her willingness to serve her community, deserves such condemnation? Clearly not.


I dislike lying, and I dislike lying politicians. I also dislike the kind of mean-spiritedness and broadbrushing displayed in your post.

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...Honestly, I totally believed him when he said it was a lie. I just did. Partly because...


Also because we just *want* to believe that someone -- whether we agree with them politically or not -- is good, is faithful, is honest. Not just selling something. sigh...

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In addition to feeling really sorry for his wife and children, I am also floored by the arrogance he has displayed... to know now that he had all this *stuff* going on in his personal life, and that he would still think he had it together enough to run for President of the United States in the midst of it all... he obviously really thought he was something really special, that he would simply glide on to becoming President and no one would ever know.


Not that that sort of arrogance is new to politicians of either party, especially when it comes to compartmentalizing private lives versus public life :confused:, but still, Edwards did seem more morally upright than most. I'm surprised.



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Thomas Jefferson





.... all of them had affairs.


There is no comparison in this day and age of tabloid journalism. The press isn't going to keep it quiet for you anymore. Hotel workers get paid by the tabloids to report this stuff. People should know better than to run for president while carrying on affair in this day and age. I have to agree that it's arrogant. If you're going to run for president in this day and age you had better be beyond reproach. Of course, I don't know how the Republicans can use it against the Democrats' bid for the white house given that he's guilty of the same thing.

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What's most interesting is it was the National Enquirer who broke the story. :blink: Edwards dashing into hotel bathrooms to avoid the reporters? We have long since passed the time when public figures can have "gentlemen's" affairs and not get busted for it.


I didn't believe it. I thought that fuzzy pic was proof that this was all a stunt by the NE. So sad.

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maybe you should stop reading my posts. I think it's been a long time since you've approved of any of them.


I wasn't talking about local politicians. Local public servants have no power. There is no power involved. Local government is about service. I didn't say that, though. Sorry.

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Call me callous, but I am so much more concerned about what is going in Georgia and Russia. Soviet tanks rolling make me hyperventilate far above yet another infidelity in someone with a strong "personal power" streak. I would gamble good money politicians are among the most flagrant of cheaters. As far as "judging a politician's worthiness", I'd take their dealings with money as much more important.

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There is no comparison in this day and age of tabloid journalism. The press isn't going to keep it quiet for you anymore. Hotel workers get paid by the tabloids to report this stuff. People should know better than to run for president while carrying on affair in this day and age. I have to agree that it's arrogant. If you're going to run for president in this day and age you had better be beyond reproach. Of course, I don't know how the Republicans can use it against the Democrats' bid for the white house given that he's guilty of the same thing.


So, someone was able to carry out a job in government independent of what was going on in their personal life before tabloid journalism, but not now?


Can it be considered arrogant? I'm sure a lot of people see it that way, as do I. That still doesn't have a bearing on someone's ability to do their job. John Edwards hasn't done a good job for years- now, all of a sudden people want his head on a platter -not because of his ineptitude, but because he took a dip in the wrong pool.


It's okay for politicians to steal, use their influence for profit, etc. etc. etc. but all of a sudden sex enters the picture and the masses are ready to hang someone.

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So, someone was able to carry out a job in government independent of what was going on in their personal life before tabloid journalism, but not now?


Can it be considered arrogant?


That's not what I was saying. The arrogance lies in the fact that he *knew* this issue was out there while he was running for President and did it anyway. As a Democrat I am *extremely* thankful that he didn't win the nomination or we'd be screwed. THAT is what I find arrogant.


It's okay for politicians to steal, use their influence for profit, etc. etc. etc. but all of a sudden sex enters the picture and the masses are ready to hang someone.


No, none of that is OK. I said in my other post how much I hate politicians to lie, I HATE it, I don't care what it's about.

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I'm sorry but JE lost all favor with me when he continued his campaign even with EE's cancer battle. That in itself I felt showed what was most important to him, sure she got the health care she needed but I'm sure she didn't get all that she truly needed. Today is the first time I've heard ANY of this and I can't say I'm surprised. I am sorry for those who put so much trust and faith into him.

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Call me callous, but I am so much more concerned about what is going in Georgia and Russia. Soviet tanks rolling make me hyperventilate far above yet another infidelity in someone with a strong "personal power" streak. I would gamble good money politicians are among the most flagrant of cheaters. As far as "judging a politician's worthiness", I'd take their dealings with money as much more important.


But that's scary stuff. Folks don't want to think about that while eating their chicken nuggets and pizza on a Friday night. S*X is much more interesting (not sure why) but we seem endlessly fascinated by the bedroom habits of others. I think the real interest here is that his wife is battling cancer. It has more of an eww factor than even the airport antics of Larry Craig.

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But that's scary stuff. Folks don't want to think about that while eating their chicken nuggets and pizza on a Friday night. S*X is much more interesting (not sure why) but we seem endlessly fascinated by the bedroom habits of others. I think the real interest here is that his wife is battling cancer. It has more of an eww factor than even the airport antics of Larry Craig.



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But that's scary stuff. Folks don't want to think about that while eating their chicken nuggets and pizza on a Friday night. S*X is much more interesting (not sure why) but we seem endlessly fascinated by the bedroom habits of others. I think the real interest here is that his wife is battling cancer. It has more of an eww factor than even the airport antics of Larry Craig.


I think it fascinated people more exactly for the reasons stated in the OP. It's something that could happen to us.


Plus, what's happening with Georgia and Russia has been on the horizon for a long time for anyone who follows world events. Putin has scared me since he showed up on the scene, never mind the elections and all of that.

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I'm sorry but JE lost all favor with me when he continued his campaign even with EE's cancer battle. That in itself I felt showed what was most important to him, sure she got the health care she needed but I'm sure she didn't get all that she truly needed. Today is the first time I've heard ANY of this and I can't say I'm surprised. I am sorry for those who put so much trust and faith into him.


Me, too.

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I'm sorry but JE lost all favor with me when he continued his campaign even with EE's cancer battle. That in itself I felt showed what was most important to him, sure she got the health care she needed but I'm sure she didn't get all that she truly needed. Today is the first time I've heard ANY of this and I can't say I'm surprised. I am sorry for those who put so much trust and faith into him.


I questioned his staying in the race, too. I would have quit. But I realized people that really make a difference in our country have to choose at times to neglect their family for the greater good. Throughout history people have paved the way for civil and human rights at the expense of their families and being good spouses and parents.


I don't know if that was the case for John Edwards but I gave him the benefit of the doubt in that regard. I'm an Independent btw.

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Call me callous, but I am so much more concerned about what is going in Georgia and Russia. Soviet tanks rolling make me hyperventilate far above yet another infidelity in someone with a strong "personal power" streak.


I imagine that's on Dana's radar, too, but the personal aspect of this particular story struck her. That's understandable, I think, and doesn't imply it's more significant than other negative happenings in the world this day.

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I questioned his staying in the race, too. I would have quit. But I realized people that really make a difference in our country have to choose at times to neglect their family for the greater good. Throughout history people have paved the way for civil and human rights at the expense of their families and being good spouses and parents.


This isn't a decision I questioned. I've known military families who continued to serve in spite of health issues at home. Granted, the financial aspect of the two issues is very different but I've seen how hard those decisions can be and how critical people can be.

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maybe you should stop reading my posts. I think it's been a long time since you've approved of any of them.


I don't stop listening to people simply because I don't always agree with them. I have over the years both agreed and disagreed with you on various points and in this case I disagree with your sentiment that a politicians are by job-association worthless individuals.

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This isn't a decision I questioned. I've known military families who continued to serve in spite of health issues at home. Granted, the financial aspect of the two issues is very different but I've seen how hard those decisions can be and how critical people can be.


You're right. If anyone would know it is definitely a military spouse/family. Thank you.

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I think it fascinated people more exactly for the reasons stated in the OP. It's something that could happen to us.


Plus, what's happening with Georgia and Russia has been on the horizon for a long time for anyone who follows world events. Putin has scared me since he showed up on the scene, never mind the elections and all of that.



Aw, his just a big Russian bear. :001_huh:


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Edwards was a politician in NC. It was pretty sad to watch him move from campaigning for NC senator to campaigning for president without even stopping to actually serve NC or the country.


Total thread hijack, but this is how many of us from IL think about Obama. We elected him to be our junior senator, but he has done nothing since he got there but run for president. Why should he get paid a senator's salary when he hasn't earned it?


I think the Edwards thing is disgusting! Maybe it doesn't matter much on the world stage, but it is precisely why I really don't believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a politician. I can't understand why anyone would consider an affair "gentlemanlly" but to have one while one's spouse is suffering from cancer, a cancer that my make many women doubt their femininity - a low blow!!! And that he had to have known that it would become public at some point - the tremendous disrespect. This is not a subject that I can be dispassionate about. I don't care how many famous politicians have done it - it is still WRONG!!!


Okay - rant over.

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