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Does Anyone Else...

Guest 4boys

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Guest 4boys

...get way too excited about curriculum and end up buying way too much stuff?


There are so many things I am interested in and I keep buying more books and finding more things that I think we would love. How do you ever decide on what to use when there are so many good things out there? How do you stop buying stuff??? :lol:


This homeschooling stuff is just way too much fun. I might have to have a few more kids so I can try everything I want to!

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I keep a list of books, etc. that I'm interested in. Then I consider the items a week or two later, and then another week later. Sometimes I'm not as excited about the books later and I'm thankful that I didn't order them.

As I'm reading other posts I realize as the dc get older it seems to cost more money...so I want to make sure I have enough $ to buy what they'll need then!

It is fun though!

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Hello, my name is Michelle, and I am a curriculum junkie. I admit my weakness, and ask for a higher power to help me stop this endless buying the latest, greatest "perfect curriculum", which I will use for approximately a month before dropping in favor of whatever I just purchased to take its place.

Michelle T :001_unsure:

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Hello, my name is Michelle, and I am a curriculum junkie. I admit my weakness, and ask for a higher power to help me stop this endless buying the latest, greatest "perfect curriculum", which I will use for approximately a month before dropping in favor of whatever I just purchased to take its place.

Michelle T :001_unsure:

:lol:It is so hard to say no when it is for their education. What if I miss something that they need to know?:lol:

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Guest 4boys

LOL....oh dear. I guess I'm in for it! :D That brings me to my next question...what do you do with the stuff you bought that you thought would be awesome but turns out to be less than great? The for sale board?

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I would be the all-time curriculum junkie, a term my dh lovingly imposed on me years ago. I see it, I want it. It is that simple. I feel that if I don't get it, than we are missing out. Eventually, I weed out what doesn't work or we don't like and sell it just so I can start all over again with something else.


Right now I am looking at Latin programs for oldest two dc and will probably be buying IEW SWI A sometime in September. I also want to look at some fun stuff and whose to say you won't stumble on a gold mine of sorts.


If you can resell what you buy, especially if you buy it used than you won't be out that much money.


Happy Shopping:001_smile:

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A lot.


After 16 years, though, I've finally gotten it under control. I now only buy two or three times more than I need as opposed to ten times more than I need.


As for what to do with the extra. I'm very savvy about that. I sell it and then buy it again a few years later thinking that I might not have given it a really good try the first time and then I sell it again. :D

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A lot.


As for what to do with the extra. I'm very savvy about that. I sell it and then buy it again a few years later thinking that I might not have given it a really good try the first time and then I sell it again. :D


I blush to admit the many times I've done the same thing.

Michelle T

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LOL, too funny! :) I can identify.



A lot.


After 16 years, though, I've finally gotten it under control. I now only buy two or three times more than I need as opposed to ten times more than I need.


As for what to do with the extra. I'm very savvy about that. I sell it and then buy it again a few years later thinking that I might not have given it a really good try the first time and then I sell it again. :D

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If I actually bought everything I wanted to, my answer would be yes:tongue_smilie:, and I have only just begun my HS journey!


I am making myself buy once a year...except for the handwriting curriculum I just bought - but Abeka was in town, and I got free shipping:tongue_smilie:....and the draw, write, now book I just got - but ds needs to develop his fm skill so he can excell in the hw curric:lol:


OK - Hi, my name is Paula...............:lol::lol::lol:

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Of course! You can never have too many bks or ways to learn all there is to know. Gosh, I would much rather be accused of buying to many textbk, bk, resources, and such than shoes. :lol:


But I have gotten better. Thanks to these boards I can read awesome reviews by those who have gone before me. Thank you ladies & Gents! :D

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I have this issue too. BTW Erin, don't I know you from JM? :) I thought I recognized those kidoes in your siggy! :)


I have went WAY overboard with my buying. Not only two complete Calvert curriculums, but also half the enrichments (both Science kits, Come Read with Me, Writing fun), and a various assortment of other things - Horizons K math, Horizons 3 math, BJU Science 1, Writing Strands 3, MUS that I sent back, Zaner-Bloser handwriting, A Reason for Handwriting, Winston Grammar, 3 different Bible Lesson curriculums, 100EL, Calvert 4 math that I sold and then re-bought from Calvert because ds9 wanted the Aha Math, Spelling Power, Bob Books, Explode the Code 1, 1.5, and 2 (sold 1.5), preschool table top boards (sold one, selling the other). I am sure there is more I can't think of right now. :( It is an addiction. I, like you, feel like if I don't buy it, we will be missing something. My credit card is NOT HAPPY right now (my credit card COMPANY, however, is thrilled)!

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A lot.


After 16 years, though, I've finally gotten it under control. I now only buy two or three times more than I need as opposed to ten times more than I need.


As for what to do with the extra. I'm very savvy about that. I sell it and then buy it again a few years later thinking that I might not have given it a really good try the first time and then I sell it again. :D


I'm bad about this too! I buy something, think I'm done with it or it won't work, sell it or give it away, and then I find out I do need it and have to buy it again. I'm on my third set of SOTW.:confused:

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I'm so happy that I'm not the only curriculum junkie out there. (If I admit to needing the 12 step program do I have to stop collecting?) I help organize a huge curriculum sale every year and I get first choice!


My friends tease me about the number of books I own, but they borrow and look at them all the time!


My main issue is history books. There are so many wonderful ones out there. I now have 21 shelves of history books and that does not include literature. (Original sources have their own bookcases!)

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There was a time I was guilty of this. However, this year I've forced myself to only order what we really need because even though there is great stuff out there that I don't own, I don't need to own it all. :lol:


But I do own a lot of books...but books are different than curricula. We NEED more books. At least that's what I keep telling myself. ;)

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I am a hopeless curriculum junkie. But I am noticing this year (we are entering our 5th year,) though, that I am not pouring over the catalogues like I used to. The excitiement is waning.


One thing about being a junkie, though, is that when your kids want to learn about something impromptu, you have all the information at your fingertips. Over the summer, we had a wasp's nest outside our window. The kids were very interested in these bees. So we went down to the school room and read all the books that we had on bees. I didn't have to go on the curriculum or go to the library. So being a curriculum-aholic does have it's good point.

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Hello, my name is Michelle, and I am a curriculum junkie. I admit my weakness, and ask for a higher power to help me stop this endless buying the latest, greatest "perfect curriculum", which I will use for approximately a month before dropping in favor of whatever I just purchased to take its place.

Michelle T :001_unsure:


My name is Michelle and I could have written the above. *sigh*


I only have 3 math programs, 4 English programs, 2 science and 2 history programs. That's all. :leaving:

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...get way too excited about curriculum and end up buying way too much stuff?


There are so many things I am interested in and I keep buying more books and finding more things that I think we would love. How do you ever decide on what to use when there are so many good things out there? How do you stop buying stuff??? :lol:


This homeschooling stuff is just way too much fun. I might have to have a few more kids so I can try everything I want to!


Hum -- I dunno. But it occurs to me if I bought less stuff, I wouldn't need another bookcase. ;)

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A lot.


After 16 years, though, I've finally gotten it under control. I now only buy two or three times more than I need as opposed to ten times more than I need.


As for what to do with the extra. I'm very savvy about that. I sell it and then buy it again a few years later thinking that I might not have given it a really good try the first time and then I sell it again. :D

:lol: This sounds just TOO familiar! I do this too, only I've been homeschooling for only 10 years. I've got it down from 10 times too much to only 4 or 5 times too much. So I still have a ways to go to catch up to you on that one! :lol:
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I started reading and knew, before I looked at the age of your kids, you had to be knew, or you wouldn't be asking. This is, for many of us, what we do year, after year... after year! This is my 6th year homeschooling and, partly through much struggle and forbearance, and, mostly because of lack of money, I think, THINK, I have finally gotten it down to what we will use this year. But, man, is it hard! I thought it through so carefully, bought what I thought we needed, then realized I'd left out half! OOOOHHHH, the excitement!! So, I bought some more! Then decided we'd better get down to serious work to use it all! And it is going about like I thought. Some days I feel like pushing so we can buy, I mean, um, do a bit more, but I don't.


I don't look at the sale board anymore, or read about new curricula, or go to sales or stores or conventions or anything else. And I do say it in my mind every so often. I am a hs curriculum junkee. I am a hs curriculum junkee. I am a ....


Welcome to the club.

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