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In less than 24 hours I leave on a PAC750 airplane to travel to Bokondini, Indonesia.


I have been so excited for a few weeks but now that it is here I am having a series of anxiety attacks. For the past two days I have been swinging from being excited to waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare about the plane slamming into a mountain.


I have never been so nervous about something in my whole life. Not even when we moved here.


My little plane lands on this little dirt strip: http://www.panoramio.com/m/photo/3968851


Wanna freak out with me?


Or tell me it's all going to be ok?

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Wanna freak out with me?


Or tell me it's all going to be ok?


Don't freak--it's going to be OK. Dh used to fly bigger planes than that and land on airstrips about the size of the one you're going to. Seriously. It's going to be ok. Have fun!

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Heather, thanks for the reminder that it is tomorrow!  : )  I'm so excited for you. 


What if I offer to be your "freak buddy?"   If you can let me do the "freak out" for you, I promise I'll do a really good job  :scared:  :willy_nilly:  :eek:   .....


so you can 1) get down to enjoying the experience, because it will be something radically different and you might not ever get to do it again (although I hope you get to go again and again if needed), and 2) focus on accomplishing extraordinary things. You, and you alone, are the woman that God has pre-ordained for *this* job--He has prepared you and molded you for this time and place.  


(Pushing and shoving everyone else out of the way...)  I'm your #1 fan on this one, OK?  I got your back!  :grouphug:


Now that I'm in charge of the freak, YOU'LL BE FINE!







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Heather, thanks for the reminder that it is tomorrow! : ) I'm so excited for you.


What if I offer to be your "freak buddy?" If you can let me do the "freak out" for you, I promise I'll do a really good job :scared: :willy_nilly: :eek: .....


so you can 1) get down to enjoying the experience, because it will be something radically different and you might not ever get to do it again (although I hope you get to go again and again if needed), and 2) focus on accomplishing extraordinary things. You, and you alone, are the woman that God has pre-ordained for *this* job--He has prepared you and molded you for this time and place.


(Pushing and shoving everyone else out of the way...) I'm your #1 fan on this one, OK? I got your back! :grouphug:


Now that I'm in charge of the freak, YOU'LL BE FINE!


This made me cry. Thank you for these words. I really needed to "hear" that.


God is in control... God is in control... God is in control...

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Yes! Little planes are fun!


I think I typed this out once before and the board crashed before I could post - forgive me if I'm repeating myself. Big planes are like busses. Little planes are like cars. Understand that you will feel the ride - it's okay, expect it.


Look out the window! I bet you will end up so fascinated by the scenery that you forget to be terrified.


Have a wonderful adventure. Praying for peace to settle upon you.

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