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Read the book or watch the movie first?


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Read the book and then be (90% of the time) disappointed by the movie.


If you watch the movie first you will, in many cases, not read the book and thereby miss out.


I grant that the Lord of the Rings Trilogy may be the exception that proves the rule.

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Book, definitely. Having said that, like many others, I saw LOTR and haven't read the books. I'm reading The Hobbit now. It's...slow going.


Agreed that the book is nearly always much, much better than the movie. The exception for me is, strangely, Sense and Sensibility. Love Austen, really don't care for that book. But the Ang Lee/Emma Thompson movie and the latest BBC adaptation were really great!

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Book, definitely. Having said that, like many others, I saw LOTR and haven't read the books. I'm reading The Hobbit now. It's...slow going.



Just an encouragement.... I tried to like the Hobbit- 4 times I tried to like it - but could NEVER get through it.


Picked up LOTR and read all 3 books in one weekend. Granted I was sick as a dog and couldn't get out of bed - but I would have read something and was glad to have read them. :)

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If you read the book first, be ready to be disappointed in the movie. Very few come close to the magic of the bk. Can I ask which movie/bk?


None in particular! I watched the Other Boleyn Girl and now don't really want to read the book. I am reading Memoirs of a Geisha and would consider watching the movie. I figured probably book first is better, but wanted to get some other opinions. I like whoever said that it was a house rule.

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I usually like to read the book first. Take for instance, "Dances with Wolves". The Book covered so much in the beginning that the movies left out and if you hadn't read the book you would be lost at what was going on.


But, in the case of National Velvet, I would have to say that is the only book that I could not finish. I loved the movie with Elizabeth Taylor, it seemed to make sense, where the book just left we wondering - what in the heck is going on. I couldn't get into it at all.

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Book, definitely. Having said that, like many others, I saw LOTR and haven't read the books. I'm reading The Hobbit now. It's...slow going.


When I was 14 I read LOTR then the Hobbit. If I had read Hobbit first I doubt I would have continued on with Rings.



You have my permission to drop Hobbit (which is a kid's book) and jump into Fellowship. I think you will notice a big difference and enjoy it more.

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Book. Then you can form the characters in your mind yourself, before being forced to view them as some producer dictates. Then, you can either keep your vision in your head, or, if the actors, etc., did a good job in their portrayal, you can envision them that way. (I found this with the Harry Potter movies...I thought they did such a good job in casting that I had no problem shifting my vision to encompass theirs -- does that make any sense?? lol)

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sometimes I've seen the movie (or TV production) first and then read the book. That can work almost as well for me. I saw A&E's version of Pride and Prejudice and then read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. The same was true with Sense and Sensibility; I saw the movie with Emma Thompson first before reading the book.


Definitely read LOTR, if you can! Even though the movies were very, very well done, there is so much in the books that didn't make it to the movies (otherwise the movies would have been 20 hours long! :D ).


Now, in the case of The Wizard of Oz, I recommend just watching the classic movie and avoiding the book. My girls and I never really enjoyed the book; it's a bit odd, IMO.

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I prefer to read the book first in theory. Almost every time I see a movie (BBC, Masterpiece Theater and more) based on a book, I read it afterwards. I tend to love the book even more - but I wouldn't have read it without seeing the movie first.

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Book, definitely. Having said that, like many others, I saw LOTR and haven't read the books. I'm reading The Hobbit now. It's...slow going.


Agreed that the book is nearly always much, much better than the movie. The exception for me is, strangely, Sense and Sensibility. Love Austen, really don't care for that book. But the Ang Lee/Emma Thompson movie and the latest BBC adaptation were really great!


Totally agree.


Sometimes watching the movie version helps me slog through a book. (Oops, did I really say slog?)


Most of the time, I love reading the book first. Then, especially, then you can give asides to your loved ones during the movie. They *love* that. :D

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Family rule here too. I find that when I watch the movie first, I substitute the voices and faces from the movie. When I read a book first, I have my own voices/faces from inside my head and I prefer that!



I know what you mean. I like to do my own visualization of the characters and setting, rather than have it done for me by the movie and permanently affixed in my mind as I am reading. I am almost always disappointed by the movie, but that's okay.


I did see Sense and Sensibility before reading the book, but that's because I had never been introduced to Jane Austen before seeing the movie. My senior year of high school my literature teacher suggested that I would really like the movie. I went to see it, and then bought the complete works of Jane Austen and began reading my way through several of her novels. I still loved the book when I read it.

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Definitely book first! Only once have I actually liked a movie better than the book (Atonement). As far as The Other Boleyn Girl and Memoirs of a Geisha-- both of the books are miles and miles better than the movies. When I went to the theater to see TOBG I found it so comical. And it is not intended to be comical. It just paled in comparison to the book. I think if you hadn't read Memoirs...before you saw the movie, the movie could be kind of confusing. The details in the book are just so much richer than the movie.

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Read the book and then be (90% of the time) disappointed by the movie.


If you watch the movie first you will, in many cases, not read the book and thereby miss out.


I grant that the Lord of the Rings Trilogy may be the exception that proves the rule.


Not for me. I can't bear to watch the movies. And that makes me sad, because I *wanted* to like the movies. But no...too many major plot changes, character issues (my poor Faramir!), just too many things wrong.


Of course, I have read the series close to 20 times:D

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If you read the book first, be ready to be disappointed in the movie. Very few come close to the magic of the bk.
I can think of exactly one movie which was better than the book... Being There with Peter Sellers. I always read the book first unless it's a book I will never, ever read -- and then I'm not very likely to see the movie anyway.
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