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Money is no object - What would your homeschool room look like?

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We are currently building a sizable house and I will finally have my dream school room!  The problem is I have no idea how to make it my dream room!  I'm not creative at all, but I know what I like when I see it.. So show me what you LOVE!


I will also have a separate room as my library connected to my school room... With small french doors leading into.. And custom bookcases on every wall.. Getting excited just thinking about it!   


But I really need help with my main school area.. Both with organization and design.. Please share pictures or other ideas of what you would put in your school room if money were no object..  I especially need help defining spaces.. computer area, science area, seat work area, mom's area, etc.  And what type of work spaces work best for your kids?  Individual desks or a big conference table?  Nooks against the wall?  Please share what has worked best for your family over the years.  What build-ins would you do?


My husband is wanting to mount a projector to the ceiling and have a pull-down screen at the other end of the room.. He plans to line this into a DVD player so I can project educational videos onto the screen..  Any other ideas?  


Oh, and I'm also going to have a separate craft room just off the school room!!  I can't wait!!  We're about halfway done with building.. The roof, windows, and doors are all on.. Electricity and plumbing is in.. Brick and stone is scheduled for next week.. We expect to be in within 3-4 months from now.  I gotta get this figured out!  Thanks ladies!

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I'd use the money to travel school too. :) I'm quite satisfied with what we have at home, but if traveling was out and money really was no object than I would love this room. I'd keep the shades up as much as possible though because I love huge windows and natural light. :)

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Cute rooms!  Thanks for the links.. Unfortunately, we can't do a lot of traveling until dh retires - 4 more years.. But we have already done quite a bit... He is career military.. We have lived in Japan and all over the states.


So we are doing the next best thing and starting a farm.. We have 200 acres.. Can't wait for all the learning opportunities!  


Thanks again and please keep the ideas coming!

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One corner would be a reading nook with cosy chairs, a table, lamp and book bin. One corner would be the art corner with easels, paper and paint storage as well as a big table. Then there would be a counter with a sink, the next corner (and/or the second half of this wall) would be the science area with storage for all the bits and bobs for experiments and possibly a gas hookup for a bunsen burner.


In the middle of the room there would be a big table with appropriate chairs and foot rests (as needed for little kids whose feet do not touch the floor) where everyone does their work. There would be some sort of storage under the table for workbooks and pencils. And the table top would be made of white board material so I could explain things right beside the kid who needed the help without writing on their work.

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You have a somewhat broad range of ages to work with in the space, so I think i'd lean more toward stuff that can be moved later rather than being locked into a computer area built in in this corner and such. Think forward. One area I would go ahead and build in is a science area with those awesome science lab counters. If you had a sink area that could be there, with a gas hook up that would be great (except you said electric and plumbing are done).


So rather than investing in a big conference style table, i'd look at tables in the 30x48 range on wheels (that locked). That way you can easily create a big table space, or move them apart. That size also has room for a computer AND work space. It is, I think, my favorite individual workspace size. Of course, table height is bigger, and I would not want anything over 26" high for sitting at. That is more of a "typing" height and works well for all ages sitting at normal chairs. So I guess I'd rather have adjustable height tables over the wheels, but for sure 4 tables that could be pushed together than taken apart.


Without seeing what your layout is with doors and windows, it is hard to suggest what type of storage and areas also. Did you have any thoughts when you designed the space from the get go?



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It would be a lot less crowded as it would not have to be a multitasking homeschool/crafting/sewing space, the family altar would have its own space, and there would be enough room that we wouldn't have to edge around/trip over toys/little table/easel all the time.

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Make sure one wall has a LARGE white board. Other than that look at the website Houzz for ideas.


:iagree: Houzz is as bad a time suck for me as Pinterest and WTM forums. :laugh: But there are wonderful wonderful ideas there. When we bought our dog crate and just couldn't figure out where on earth to fit it inside our home to best suit our needs and our dog's needs, I got the perfect arrangement idea from Houzz. Just imagine what it could do for your school room! :drool5:

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That would actually not be that expensive to create. (But what's with the bucket? lol!)


I thought the same thing when I saw it. For all the empty coffee mugs perhaps?

You do realize we could derail this thread (poor OP!) with a whole "what's with the bucket?" meme right? :D

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Oh, I love houzz too.. I've spent the past 5 months addicted to that website.. But I haven't seen too much in the way of homeschool set-ups.. Lots of fabulous home offices though.. I have collected a few beautiful ideas.


Okay, so some great ideas here.. I already have a conference table.. We are putting an outlet in the middle of the floor for laptops to plug in if we decide to put the conference table in the middle of the floor.  I'm also thinking now about a science countertop!  Hmmm... any pictures you can share?  It's not too late to run plumbing up there, but not sure if I want to do that.. maybe I can move my science area to my laundry room?  My laundry room is large and I was going to put a sewing area in there, but now thinking of science instead.. Art is going to be either in the laundry room or the sunroom/back patio (which will actually be a "catio" for the cats.. lol).. Can ya'll just come over and help me figure this out?  


Love the pictures and ideas.. keep them coming!

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SCience Cart/lab table catalog: http://www.longolabs.com/labscape-school-furniture-available-under-southern-westchester-boces/school-science-lab-furniture-2/


Huh, I shouldn't have looked at that.... :p I would try to do something like the instructors unit. Maybe. Again, it just depends on what you have room for - and I would definitely consider putting it in the laundry room. And it works for art too. But mainly, having a spot you can play with stuff that might normally ruin flooring and counters.


Here is just science tables: https://www.schooloutfitters.com/catalog/default/cPath/CAT530_CAT539


They have workstations too.


Oh, and this adjustable leg table for doing physics stuff is awesome.... LOL!! 




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--Porch out the back French doors of homeschooling room with a table to work on nice days and within sight of the junglegym so the littles can run outside to play while olders finish work.

--A big table for each child to work. When they are young, we share a table; when older, everyone will have their own space.

--A cabinet for school/art supplies.  A file cabinet for things that are kept best that way.  (Our construction paper is kept in a file drawer).

--Enough shelves to organize curriculum and support books.  Shelving for little kids' school toys (magnets, flannelboard, puzzles, games, etc)

--A minifridge for snacks; a second mini-fridge (in the garage) for dissection specimens

--an attached full bathroom (for big messy projects like tiedye, and so the house can be sold with "grandma or nanny apartment")

--couch and two comfy chairs; throw pillows and blankets to be cozy

--Large table near full size kitchen sink for science projects/experiments and messy art (painting).  Trust me: even if you put the full size kitchen sink in the bathroom, you won't regret it.  I've seen it and used it at a friend's house for messy projects.  I would also get a kids' easel so my littles can paint every day, and a rack for paintings to dry.

--Carpet on the floor, but around the science/art area, tile or linoleum.

--Rags for cleaning messes (art and science)

--Wall space for large maps of the U.S., World, and posters of what we are studying (tree of life, timeline, etc)

--Workboxes.  If we had the space, I'd like to try them!

--Extra outlets.  However many outlets you plan, you will need more.

--This area will have its own thermostat.  When we are in the homeschool room, we will probably not use the rest of the house.

--Printer and shredder.  Charging station for Nook and laptops to be recharged every evening.

--Really good light.  I don't care if it is natural or artificial.  I can't work without good light.

--A closet for a designated vacuum so I don't have to lug the vacuum from the far end of the house.  I hate doing that.



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Big patio doors with a screened porch. Porch would have a sturdy table - probably a picnic table. There would be a good fence around a play area for breaks, but I'd be able to see it easily through the doors. One solid wall and another nearly solid for bookshelves, maps and a whiteboard. Outlets would be (somehow) placed out of the way, and heat registers would be far enough from the wall to squeeze in a bookcase. I do like the fireplace idea. Oh, and I'd have hardwood floors.


I'm honestly not sure I would build in much, I like to rearrange things. I would have a reading nook by the window though. http://www.babble.com/crafts-activities/reading-nooks/


What a fun idea!

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Since we are spending your money..... I would not use a pull down screen and projector - you lose quite a bit of picture quality.  I would buy a lovely large flat-screen tv and wall mount it - hook up your projector and dvd player to that.  Make it a smart TV for streaming Netflix  and buy one of those lovely cases that mount over the flat screen TV so it can be hidden behind doors when not in use.


My kids are older, so I would want a comfy couch and pair of nice computer workstations (one for them, one for me), wireless printer that copies and scans, superior sound system for playing music.  Oh and wireless headphones for use with the tv or computer so the sound doesn't annoy others in the room.  A solid work table for experiments or working on projects that take up more room.

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