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Poll Time! What do you use for Writing?


What do you use for Writing?  

  1. 1. What do you use for Writing?

    • Writing Strands
    • Jump In
    • Classical Writing
    • Wordsmith
    • IEW
    • Classical Writing/Writing Tales
    • Put that in Writing
    • Bob Jones
    • Just Write
    • Other (please post)

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We did PACE (processing and cognitive enhancement) to 'repair' an auditory analysis skill problem, followed by the companion spelling and reading program (Master the Code), Now that spelling and reading are down pat, we are branching out.


We did Handwriting Without Tears for penmanship and are now periodically working with the Stack the Deck program for sentence, paragraph and general composition creation.


I really like stack the deck as it reinforces basic grammar (and covers it well enough if you don't have a grammar program). The best part is it teaches the concept of 'sloppy copy'. In essence the student is introduced from day one to the concept that the first attempt is a draft and that all good writer will accomplish many drafts. It really takes away the fear some students have of needing to get it right the first time or feeling less that competent. It helps them do their own editing which works toward creating more independent writing.


Great, yet simple techniques are introduced to help with sentence flow, avoidance of repetitive word usage and so on. The curriculum is offered for all ages/grades. Finally, the cost is reasonable and regular English is used (as opposed to technical grammar words) with a quick mention of the formal terms.

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My 14yodd is in a co-op and they are using WriteShop. I'm undecided about how I feel about this program. I think she's learning some bad habits, but hopefully I can counter those. She is learning how to be more descriptive in her writing, though.


At home I am using the writing assignments in Lightning Literature. I supplement with Format Writing if I need to.

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We have used a variety of things! We use the writing in Rod and Staff Grammar, and also supplement with Writing Strands. I just bought Format Writing which has been a big help too! I am also going to begin IEW SWI B soon too. I really feel like a variety of resources are good. Writing is my weakness.... so I rely on lots of materials!!


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Other than Writing Strands and Put That In Writing, I've used Format Writing, Warriner's English Composition and Grammar, R&S, Sentence Composing for Middle/High School, Write Shop, Classical Composition, Composition in the Classical Tradition, The Curious Researcher, The Art of Styling Sentences, Write Source/Writers Inc/Write for College, LLATL....I'm sure I've forgotten some. LOL! Some of these I've dipped into; others, I've used all the way through.

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I took detailed notes on this book and have been writing my own curriculum for my dds. I also read and took detailed notes on Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition.


Right now my oldest is in 2nd and we are doing narrative using aesop's fables. On Monday's we read the fable for the week. On Tuesday she dictates to me a shortened version that is just the facts. On Wednesday and Thursday she illustrates and copies what she has composed.


Later on as the year progresses and her pencil phobia gets better, we hope to start with a short fable and have her expand the description and/or dialogue.

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using natural methods and Ruth Beechicks suggestions. I looked at WS but it just was not for us. My oldest is such a natural born writer that she just does not need much work on this subject. We do use the A Beka writing method when she has a report to do and that has aided us very well. I am not sure yet what I will use w/8 year old next year. We will probably just continue as we are.

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Which has been your favorite over the years. Is there one that you think more successful than the rest?




I would never give away my copy of Format Writing. It is just too basic and effective! I suppose this is the one I'd choose to answer your Q.


For the elementary years, I've really liked what R&S teaches--but it is not enough, imo.


Each of the others have given us something we've needed--and I've gleamed form them what we could and have moved on.

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Maxine in WA--

We're using WriteShop too. Can i ask what bad habits you feel she's getting from WS?


also: does anyone know if there's a difference in abbreviations for Writing Strands and WriteShop?


Peek a Boo:

My dd has always written well. She had good sentence structure and variety. Since she's been doing Write Shop, all of her sentences look and sound the same. She's gotten in this bad habit of starting nearly every sentence with an adverb. Where her sentences were crisp and concise before, they are now long and "flowery". On the plus side, she was never very good at writing descriptive sentences and now she does. I just have to keep on top of her to make sure she keeps the descriptiveness in her writing without becoming too full of adjectives/adverbs (flowery). Over all, it's a good program; not one I would have chosen; but good enough that I could work with it.


By the way, she signed up for a different writing class at co-op, but it was full. The co-op decided to add two more classes due to a long waiting list. They added the Write Shop class and an IEW class. I would have preferred IEW, but we didn't have a choice.

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Since she's been doing Write Shop, all of her sentences look and sound the same. She's gotten in this bad habit of starting nearly every sentence with an adverb. Where her sentences were crisp and concise before, they are now long and "flowery".


hee hee --my ds is very much a 'to the point' kinda kid. He's benefitted from inserting a bit more descriptions in his writing. He still doesn't insert as much as the samples do, lol. And I do like that he hasn't gone overboard :-)


I didn't like the IEW co-op we did a few years ago -just not my style I guess.



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We're using Rod and Staff this year (6th grade) and did it in 3rd and 4th. In 5th grade we did IEW at a co-op and it was a GREAT break from Rod and Staff, and gave her more practice and tools than Rod and Staff. We've also tried (name a writing program) and I'm now selling (name a writing program. :) ) Oh, I love curriculum....:)

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I'm starting Imitations in Writing, Aesop this week with dd6. She LOVES to write stories, often copying fairy tales and fables, so I figured I'd start her out on some relativeily simple instruction, before it becomes a chore.


I also have writing strands, I'll be looking through that too. The first level turned me off, but I'm going to review level 2 & 3 to see if I like it any better.

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We just finished Aesop and I am now knee deep in Homer...trying to get a good feel for it. We will begin CW Poetry for Beginners later this week, as my kids love poetry, and I needed time to get into Homer.


I am really happy with CW. My kids' writing has really improved over the last 18 months of using Aesop.

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a hodge podge of things. My 7th grade reluctant writer is using the All About Me journal from Love to learn and also a few pieces from the Queen's L.A. program that he's working on.


I plan to start Writing For 100 days within the next couple of weeks.



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My oldest did Wordsmith apprentice and is doing a book about SAT writing now. He struggles with writing. He is in 7th now so we are working steadily, but consistently. Any advice for a struggling writer would be appreciated.


Hey!! That's my ds :-)

He hated writing anything more than TWO sentences, lol. His penmanship was very nice, his oral language was fine, he was a strong reader and natural speller, the kid just HATED putting pencil to paper --even to keep a list of books he read for library reading programs. Needless to say we did NOT do many written reports *at all* here.


I started by slowly increasing copywork from a few sentences to a solid paragraph. I usually let him select the copywork. We also did WA --I had to split up THOSE lessons into smaller increments sometimes.


Right after I started WriteShop [in 7th grade], he and a friend sat down at the computer and started writing a BOOK. Where the heck did that come from?? Within a month they had TWENTY PAGES in a microsoft Document typed up. I backed off on WS and encouraged the book. I looked over it every once in a while and offered *one* suggestion at a time--and he would go back through and look for more corrections, lol. i very relieved that while his story could use more structure, his sentences were indeed Just Fine --the kid could compose a WONDERFUL sentence and had a pretty good grasp of variations in sentence structure and use of dialogue, etc.


Anyway, his book has already been revised numerous times, and we have gone back to WS for 8th grade this year. I would encourage you to try WS with him after he has built up his "writing stamina" w/ copywork. It is very incremental, and you can even spread THAT out too. You can see samples online at WriteShop.com. Give it time, and Good luck!!

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Rod & Staff (included in our grammar)




Sometimes I modify the R&S to fit into our TOG work. Sometimes I skip TOG because we have thouroughly covered the assignment in R&S. At levels 4 & 6 it isn't hard to do both. Maybe one day I'll need to make a choice.

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