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Why ebooks don't work for me...

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The cheaper price and instant PDF download is great! Ability to use with multiple children justifies the purchase. I've figured out how to view and scribble on them with Dropbox and Notability, pretty awesome. BUT I dont ever get around to printing them and utilizing them. I don't have the time to look through and just print out what I need for that day. I've tried printing all and placing in a 3 ring binder but it is bulky to use and not as attractive. Yeah, I know that's silly. I have Math Mammoth and I recently purchased WWE 2 in PDF form and now I wish I had bought the hard bound copies. Anybody else?

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For Math Mammoth, take it to an office supply store and have it bound. I think it only costs a few dollars.


I use a Proclick for everything, basically making spiral workbooks. They are more likely to get used that way. I agree that binders are bulky. We're doing Lively Latin this year, and I printed the first 4 lessons (1/4 of the book) and bound them with the Proclick. It's a nice workbook, and it's definitely being used, since my son LOVES IT. :D

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Love ebooks...I keep them on my IPAD. Every Sunday I look through what I need for that week and print off the student sheets and then put them in my kids binders...behind tabs that say Day 1-Day 5. Then I just open to the right day and they are ready to use.

If we don't get to it I can just pull that sheet out and place it behind a different day.

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I agree. E-Books don't work for me. I think I might be the ONLY person who buys the printed Math Mammoth books, but I just can't see having to print and manage all the papers in whatever form. I buy e-books when it is the only available option, and even then I'm reluctant to do so!

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Ebooks work great for us, because shipping and customs fees are pretty expensive. BUT... I always have them printed out and bound at a copyshop, which costs a few dollars per book where we are. Once I found a copyshop that uses either metal spines or good-quality plastic ones, I was happy.



This is why we buy them as well - its way cheaper and faster to buy and print a pdf - and you know you'll get it.

I've just ordered textbooks we're going to use in January to make sure we have them in time!

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I have buyers remorse over WWE 3 in pdf format! Especially because they move the reading portions to the student pages in this level so I am having to navigate back and forth in the file. I'm seriously considering buying the hard copy, or maybe it would be cheaper to just print it all out. I don't mind ebooks for all those Scholastic dollar deals, or MM (but it is a supplement for us so I am just printing here and there). I bought the pdf version of the AAS homophone book and DS uses notability to do it on the ipad, that works well for us.


Love ebooks...I keep them on my IPAD. Every Sunday I look through what I need for that week and print off the student sheets and then put them in my kids binders...behind tabs that say Day 1-Day 5. Then I just open to the right day and they are ready to use.

If we don't get to it I can just pull that sheet out and place it behind a different day.


Do you print from ibooks? Because it drives me bonkers...printing just a few pages from a 200+ page ebook. Why can't they have a 'print current page' option???? Maybe I should try printing from another app. I am regularly printing WWE, SOTW activity pages, and a few other things. I'd love to hear more about how you plan...the binder sounds effective!

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Math Mammoth is the only one I actually use. I've purchased many others, but I forget they exist. I need a hard copy on my bookshelf or I just forget. :( My goal this summer is to go through the plethora of efiles that I have and print off everything that I think I might need and then put them on my shelf. Otherwise, they'll never get used--what a waste of money.

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I bought a large thumbdrive and made a folder for each subject, and sometimes put subfolders in the folders. I copy all my ebooks onto this drive and put them in the correct folders. When I need something for a subject, I scan the appropriate subject folder and discover things I forgot I have.


I'm having to make the extra effort with ebooks right now. Organization makes a world of difference in ease of use. And the correct technology to display them.


Sometimes instead of flipping back and forth in an ebook, I'll put a copy on my phone, and another on my computer. I hold the phone screen next to the computer screen, so my eyes can scan back and forth, between the 2 sections.

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I'm not a fan of ebooks for school. Guess old habits are hard to break. I need a hard copy, and I've found it's usually the same price if not cheaper to just buy the hard copy.


I just bought MM in hard copy because last year I used the pdf and didn't like it.

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Someone in the Scholastic thread mentioned an idea - print the TOC and put those in a binder. I haven't done all of them, but I did go thru and do them for the ones I am planning with, and it is enough for me to make notes to myself about checking them out further, or printing.


I have mine indexed in my DevonThink Pro app on my Mac, it scans them and literally indexes all the words. SO, i can go into th program, do a search on "lungs" and it will tell me which files use that word. I can then open it up right there, and print it if I want.


I would assume there are other apps that do this (I think SOHO Notes for the Mac will for them too - look for a type of "information manager" program). But it does up the ease of working with PDFs in the schooling area. Or when you need to find that report you scanned.... not that I had to do that recently or anything! :p


For the kids using them - right now they aren't beyond books to read (they have eInk Kindles). I envision a different workflow for them - but I can't afford that yet! :D

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