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Can't stand the heat. Literally.


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It's *warm* here at 102* but only 9% humidity. Thursday and into the weekend is being forecasted to be 116*! :svengo:


Normally, I can handle it, because we don't have that crazy humidity, but this is day #4 of our a/c being out, so we're a bit hot and cranky.


Love the winter.

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It's *warm* here at 102* but only 9% humidity. Thursday and into the weekend is being forecasted to be 116*! :svengo:


Normally, I can handle it, because we don't have that crazy humidity, but this is day #4 of our a/c being out, so we're a bit hot and cranky.


Love the winter.



I, quite literally, can't imagine what 116F feels like. I don't think I've ever experienced any temperature over 42C (108F) and that was the humidex ("feels like") temperature.


I've often wondered if it can possibly be good for me to be living in a place where the temperature swings from -40C (-40F) in winter to 40C (104F) in summer. I'd really love to find a place to live where it got down to around -5C (23F) in winter with snow for Christmas and a high of 15C (59F) in summer with really long springs and falls. And no biting flies or mosquitoes.


Such a place exists, right?????





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See - I think I could do the rain. Although I've never lived where it was very overcast all the time so maybe I'm just wishfully-thinking I can...


I've also never experience heat without humidity so I don't know if I could do 116F without humidity. It still sounds dang hot.


I've heard New Zealand is similar to what I'm wishing for. Maybe once the folks there are up (and we're all in bed) they can tell me if I'm right.


Or they can tell me I'm mistaken and then I'll just be sad.


(Can you tell that the humid heat and 8 gazillion fly/mosquito bites I have are making me melodramatic and cranky? ;))

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Come to my house. DH, dd, and Ds LOVE a cold house. I'm wearing a hoodie now. Sometimes I sit outside to thaw off.


Ya know . . . A little window AC unit is fairly cheap and can change your life.


OK. Here's where I have a little confession to make...


I actually have central air. And I keep it pretty frigid in here.


"So what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is she complaining about??????", I hear being shouted.


Wellllll... I still have to go outside and do horse chores. And other outside stuff.


Ya - I know. I'm being really whiny. I think a mosquito bit me on top of a blackfly bite. It's really itchy and swollen.


I'm just cranky. :D


I'd still like to know if New Zealand is everything I've imagined it to be. Maybe Lewelma would like some company...



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I've lived in Florida and now I'm in the Phoenix metro area. I've also spent a summer near Chicago, and I grew up in West Texas, where it's not quite as hot and and dry as here, and summers in Virginia and Japan on the coast.


I'll take a coastal summer over all the rest. I much prefer triple digits in the desert over the Southeastern OR Midwestern humidity, though.


And Chicago manages to have nasty winters that in no way make up for the heat of the summers. Plus, unlike the South, they don't have ubiquitous A/C.

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It is only 98 here (feels cool to me). By Sunday we should have 118. I always get asked how I put up with the temps. in the summer and I tell people: 1)A.C., 2)Misters on the patio (DH is really good at home improvement stuff), 3)I have a very slow metabolism. We will often have the A.C. set at 78 and I am in a sweater while everyone else is complaining about it being too hot in the house.


By the way, you have my sympathy. I used to live in Illinois and the humidity was so high that it looked like there was fog outside!

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I hear you. I grew up in Nebraska where the summers are hot, but the rest of the year is bearable. I am really starting to not like FL,because we never get a break from the heat. I ended up with heat exhaustion....again....this past Saturday. I am so over 90+ degree temps.

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It's now 9:30pm. It's 25C (77F) and 30C (87F) with the humidity, which is now 65%. Bleh.


On the bright side, it's still light out. We'll have some daylight until just after 10pm. And the sun comes up tomorrow just after 5am. I've always wanted to visit someplace with midnight sun...

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I've traveled through Arizona and spent the night there a few times during the summer. The temps were over 100 degrees and it was hot! I've lived in humid climates most of my life and have heard that dry heat is better, but I don't see a difference. Hot is hot. :) I did live in San Diego for a few years and didn't really care for the weather there either. Really, I guess I just like FL weather, where it is mostly warm year round with plenty of rain. I would like to check out the PNW too.

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It's now 9:30pm. It's 25C (77F) and 30C (87F) with the humidity, which is now 65%. Bleh.



We're now (10:30 P.M.) at 82.7 degrees F w/74% humidity, which makes the heat index 89 degrees. It was actually pleasant sitting at ds's baseball game from 8:00-10:00.


Tomorrow's forecast high is 97 with 50% chance of rain, so we'll be sweating like crazy.


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The "Fool" emoticon added a special touch, don't you think? :lol:

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It was similarly warm here in TN yesterday. I had to be outside for a swim meet. I was sweating so much it looked like I was crying. I sympathize. DH and I honeymooned in Montreal, though, and remember having a good laugh at the weatherman warning everyone to be very careful of the extreme heat, a predicted high of 85*F. Around here we don't get those warnings until around 100*F.

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It was similarly warm here in TN yesterday. I had to be outside for a swim meet. I was sweating so much it looked like I was crying. I sympathize. DH and I honeymooned in Montreal, though, and remember having a good laugh at the weatherman warning everyone to be very careful of the extreme heat, a predicted high of 85*F. Around here we don't get those warnings until around 100*F.


I never pay attention to the temp. until it is above 108. For some reason 108 is my breaking point!

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I've traveled through Arizona and spent the night there a few times during the summer. The temps were over 100 degrees and it was hot! I've lived in humid climates most of my life and have heard that dry heat is better, but I don't see a difference. Hot is hot.



It was similarly warm here in TN yesterday. I had to be outside for a swim meet. I was sweating so much it looked like I was crying. I sympathize. DH and I honeymooned in Montreal, though, and remember having a good laugh at the weatherman warning everyone to be very careful of the extreme heat, a predicted high of 85*F. Around here we don't get those warnings until around 100*F.



I've lived my whole life in NC. So used to plenty of heat and humidity. Years ago DH and I were in Colorado in August. One day the natives were going on and on about how miserably hot it was. I thought they were nuts. I was wearing jeans (in August! unheard of back home) and a t-shirt and was very comfortable. I didn't come anywhere close to breaking a sweat that day, although we were doing a lot of walking. Even DH, who is very hot natured, thought it was nice. We saw the weather on TV that night and it turns out the high was 92. But with so little humidity it felt very nice to us. Not anywhere near what we would call hot.

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See - I think I could do the rain. Although I've never lived where it was very overcast all the time so maybe I'm just wishfully-thinking I can...


I've also never experience heat without humidity so I don't know if I could do 116F without humidity. It still sounds dang hot.


I've heard New Zealand is similar to what I'm wishing for. Maybe once the folks there are up (and we're all in bed) they can tell me if I'm right.


Or they can tell me I'm mistaken and then I'll just be sad.


(Can you tell that the humid heat and 8 gazillion fly/mosquito bites I have are making me melodramatic and cranky? ;))


Heat without humidity is HOT. We have heat without humidity here. When the thermometer is anything over 40 oC it is hot. When it is 45 oC with no humidity your body just shuts down.It is really hard to keep up enough fluids, I just doze off. I live coastal so it only rarely gets that hot (maybe 2 weeks over 40 per year). Last summer was one of the hottest summers on record. Many areas were over 40 OC for extended periods of time, parts of inland Australia had over 40 oC for over 100 days.


The only way I can describe the heat is imagine you a have an oven going very hot, you open the door and get that blast of hot air. That is what the summer is like here. My Dh was in Canada last year during the Canadian summer. He told me how they sort of “adjust†the temp to factor in the humidity over there. He said that the 40 oC justified heat was nowhere near as hot as a day in Australia that is actually 40 oC.


When it is that hot you also become extremely terrified of bushfire. The power lines stretch and start bushfire. The eucalyptus oil in the trees evaporates into the air and you can smell it at quite a distance from the trees. A small spark and it can ignite it into huge fireballs….

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Blech, heat. I hate heat! We were in AZ for a few months while James Bond was in some military school or other and I thought I was going to DIE. Lat week here, we had 2 days in the 90's and it was miserable (nothing has a/c). One day it was 95, then 98 and the next day it was 68. Whew! Today I have a light jacket on. I much prefer cooler weather.

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Today is cooler. My bug bites are less itchy. I've dialed my crankiness back. :D


I think complaining about the weather, no matter what it is, is a Canadian past-time.


I'd still like to know if the location I described above actually exists. I may have to give up on the snow for Christmas. I'm still hoping for New Zealand. :) England, maybe? PNW?

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