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If you own a pool. . . . ?


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For me it would depend on who it was. There aren't many people I'd say yes to. However, this summer my parents are going to be house sitting while we're in France for two weeks, and asked if we minded if they had some friends over to visit and swim. I didn't hesitate to tell them that they could.

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It would naturally depend on who's asking, but for the most part I'm inclined to allow it.


Re: liability, for all I know they'd have done it any how w/o even the courtesy or respect of asking first. That doesn't sway my opinion, it's just something that crossed my mind.

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We let a few select people come use our pool when we are not home but I prefer they not bring along people I don't know. These people come over frequently and swim so they know the rules and also what needs to be done to maintain the pool if we are not around. We also keep a phone out in the shed so it is available in case of emergency. We also have an extra liability insurance policy.

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I'd be inclined to say no also. There is a situation where one family is upset at another for saying no to a party at their pool while they(pool owners) are out of town. I'm never sure if I'm the odd man out for thinking it's maybe not a good idea or if I'm at least 'average' where the general public is concerned. I can see both sides while leaning towards thinking I'd say no if it were my pool. We'd have a problem though since my dh would probably lean towards saying yes =)

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We have told family that they can use our pool while we are away. But it is 2 aunts and uncles and my IL's, they are all my IL's age and none of them would throw a party. As far as I know only 1 aunt has used the pool because she was doing some rehab and the pool was a big help.

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Would you allow someone to have a party there while you were out of town? Why? Why not? (not wild party more of a get together)


absolutely not!! It was scary enough when we had a few parties at our home, I would not assume that someone else would be as diligent as we were.... ie. we always had either myself or my husband be the "life-guard" and watch the kids around the pool - no chit-chatting with friends and taking our eyes off the pool. drowning is a silent killer. People do not thrash about like in the movies. They just sink down and no one hears them. And if you have a pool full of rowdy kids playing and rough housing, it's very hard to see into the pool if someone is in danger. Scary, scary!!

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No. There are pools you can rent if you want to throw a pool party and don't have one. I's say no not simply for liability reasons, but do they know how to care for the pool? If you don't have one, I doubt it.


These people you know have some serious entitlement issues! :) I cannot think of a single person who would ask to use my home to throw a party when I'm not here.


Are we talking primary residence? If we had vacation property, that would be a different scenario, and I would invite friends to use it when we were not there or it wasn't rented. They'd cover cleaning/maintenance fees. There's a difference between asking and expecting vs accepting an extended offer as well.

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I assume that by allowing people to use your pool, you would allow them access to your house as well? I don't know about others, but we ALWAYS need access to a bathroom anytime the pool is in use. Are you THAT comfortable with them using not only the pool, but the entire house?

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I assume that by allowing people to use your pool, you would allow them access to your house as well? I don't know about others, but we ALWAYS need access to a bathroom anytime the pool is in use. Are you THAT comfortable with them using not only the pool, but the entire house?


That is one of the deciding points. . . not wanting there to be access to the rest of the house. Not that anyone would need to but that they could.

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